Download the August HOPE Guide
We are very excited to present to you our August HOPE Guide that assists the First Priority HOPE Strategy! You will be provided with a detailed guide each month to help you plan your club meetings. This HOPE Guide is a comprehensive, informational packet of resources that leads, guides and directs teacher sponsors, campus coaches and students in carrying out the HOPE Strategy. It is simple to follow and easy to implement. It will be very beneficial for students when planning club meetings each month. You will be trained on how to use the monthly HOPE Guide at one of the many trainings we are offering in August. In the meantime, we invite you to go ahead and download the August HOPE Guide, review and share it with your leadership team, and begin implementing it. Click here to retrieve the August HOPE Guide. Simply fill in your e-mail address and school, and then you can download the Guide. This is how you will access the monthly guides each month. Don't hesitate to contact us at 205.871.8886 if you have any problems or questions. Don't wait; download the August Guide now!