We would like to invite you to our SCORE (Students Count On Real Examples) Benefit Lunch on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, at 11:30 a.m. at The Club, One Robert S. Smith Drive, Birmingham, Ala. 35209. Our special guest speaker is America's Historian David Barton.


If you would like to help reach students with the Hope of Christ on more than 250 campuses by supporting First Priority's campus ministry efforts across Central Alabama, then please consider sponsoring a table at our Benefit Lunch. For more information and to reserve and pay for tables online, please visit firstpriorityal.com/score, send an e-mail to info@gofirstpriority.com or call 205.871.8886. With your help, we can reach this generation. We invite you to take part and encourage your support of this vital outreach.


Thank you for your consideration. We hope you will mark your calendars now and plan to join us on Tuesday, April 7, at 11:30 a.m. for our Benefit Lunch. We look forward to hearing from you. We hope you will continue your support and invest in the precious lives of our students.


CLICK HERE for sponsorship information

Matthew Wilson

It will take all of us working together as the Body of Christ to reach this generation!