Washington Teacher
 News Alert
October 16, 2014
DCPS Officials Present PARCC Assessment Updates at Tuesday's Membership Meeting 
During this week's Joint General Membership and Delegate Assembly meeting on Tuesday, October 14 at McKinley SH, DCPS officials from the Office of Data and Strategy, Peter Weber and Morgan Hall led a highly informative presentation on the implementation plan for the new PARCC Assessment. WTUs PARCC Assessment survey showed that 70% of the survey participants, mostly elementary school teachers still need further and/or basic understanding on the new PARCC Assessment. Weber and Hall stated additional PARCC PD is forthcoming during the monthly Teacher PD days.   Click here to view the Power Point presentation provided on Tuesday.  Send your thoughts, comments and questions on the PARCC Assessment to: info@wtulocal6.net
Invitation to WTU Share My Lesson PD & Networking Event, October 29 at the AFT
Learn how to align lessons to the Common Core State Standards and discover strategies to help students stand up to bullying and intolerance on Wednesday, October 29, 4:30 - 7 pm at the WTU Share My Lesson partnership event with our national organization, the American Federation of Teachers. Share My Lesson is a free online teaching resource website with over 290,000 lesson plans.  
This exciting, free professional development and networking event scheduled for October 29 is an exclusive event for full-dues paying members only and will be held at the AFT headquarters, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW.  Space is limited to the first 100 full-dues paying members. Enjoy and receive dinner, fun giveaways, gift cards and PLUs while viewing webinars on the big screen from Share My Lesson's Ideas and Innovations 2014 Virtual Learning conference.  To attend, participants must register in advance to: share@aft.org. Don't miss this! Click here to learn more.
Meet and Greet WTU Endorsed Candidates @WTU-COPE Happy Hour Event, October 23, 5-7pm, Tap & Parlour
WTU-COPE (Committee on Political Education) invites all full-dues paying members to join us for an evening with WTU endorsed candidates seeking elected office in DC. This "Happy Hour" event is an opportunity to develop relationships with our soon-to-be elected officials as well as an opportunity for members to meet and network. 
Come out for great conversation, free food and free drinks, October 23, 5-7 pm at Tap & Parlour. Tap & Parlour is located at: 2011 11 Street, NW, two blocks from the 9th Street exit of the Green and Yellow lines U Street Metro stop.  This is a ticketed event. Click here to print your admission ticket. 
WTU and DCPS to Meet this Monday on IMPACT Changes
President Davis and the WTU Field team will meet with DCPS officials this Monday to discuss the rationale for changes to the IMPACT Teacher Assessment system.  Additionally, WTU has requested information on IMPACT PD for all teachers and support systems in place for developing new teachers.  We would like your input and ideas for the meeting agenda.  Email the questions you would like addressed and any challenges to implementing this year's IMPACT changes to: info@wtulocal6.net.
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