For Immediate Release
April 5, 2016
Call for Abstracts for 2016 Annual Meeting
September 20-23
New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, Louisiana 
Submission Portal will Open: Monday, April 4, 2016
Submission Portal will Close: Monday, June 6, 2016 at 5:00 PM (PT)

he AATB Scientific and Technical Affairs Committee invites the submission of Scientific and Non-Scientific Abstracts for peer review. Accepted abstracts will be scheduled for oral presentation and/or poster display at the 2016 AATB Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA. By submitting an abstract, the author(s) acknowledges that the abstract has not been previously published in another copyrighted journal and agrees that, if selected as an award winner, it will be presented in a Plenary session at the 2016 Annual Meeting. 
Awards will be made for the following categories: 
  • Scientific Abstract
  • Scientific Abstract by a CTBS
  • Non-Scientific Abstract
Abstracts must be submitted through this portal; proposals submitted by fax or email will not be accepted. Step-by-step instructions and help will be available in the online submission portal. Abstracts may be rejected if the online submission procedures are not followed as directed. 

Submit your abstract here

Questions regarding this Submission/Review Process should be directed to: Jennifer Keller, Vice President of Professional Development.  

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American Association of Tissue Banks                           
AATB logo8200 Greensboro Drive, Suite 320, McLean, VA 22102 
Phone: 703-827-9582   |   Fax: 703-356-2198   |   Email:

The American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) -- a professional, non-profit, scientific and educational organization -- is the only national tissue banking organization in the United States. Founded in 1976, the AATB is dedicated to improving and saving lives by promoting and advancing the safety, quality and availability of donated human tissue. To fulfill that mission, 
the AATB publishes standards, accredits tissue banks and certifies personnel.