What Will Happen in 2014?
In an article appearing in several Iowa newspapers in September, Governor Terry Branstad is quoted as saying transportation funding needs to be a focus of the 2014 legislative session. He was speaking at a meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Midwest District Meeting when he made the remarks and ruled out a gas tax increase.
"The highway transportation and infrastructure is going to be one of the important issues, and it needs to be addressed," the Governor is quoted as saying in the published articles. He asked Iowa Department of Transportation Director Paul Trombino to compile options for funding earlier this year and they are expected to be released for public input in the next few days.
Interestingly, Governor Branstad said at the Transportation Engineers Midwest District Meeting he would like to have a consensus worked out on the options before the legislative session begins in January. He wants consensus from legislators and the public.
During a meeting with Director Trombino and other top DOT officials in August, officers of the US 20 Association were told the options would not include a gas tax increase, vehicle miles traveled mechanism, or registration fee increases.
When the US 20 Corridor Association meets on November 1, time will be spent reviewing and discussing options presented by the DOT. The Association will provide feedback to the DOT as well as the Governor's office.
Plans for Transportation Day 2014, to be held January 29 at the State Capitol, will also be part of the discussion.