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Right Up Einstein's Alley

December, 2013   

In This Issue
Jobs 2.0
Immigration Awards
Immigration Reform
Can't We Do Better?
H1B Funds
B Corp
LaunchPad 3
Your Company Listing
Quick Website Links

Frank Discussion at upSKILL Jobs 2.0 Event Provides Job Seekers Sound Advice




The recent upSKILL Jobs 2.0 conference - an event focused on experienced IT workers who have lost their jobs and are trying to find new ones - provided information that job seekers can use as they endeavor to make the transition from one skill set to another.


The meeting took place at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) Newark, Oct. 21, 2013.


Jobs 2.0 was organized by upSKILL, an NJIT-led, federally funded grant for training unemployed IT and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals in areas in which northern New Jersey companies need workers.


[read the entire article]

Immigration Awards


On Wednesday, November 20th, Einstein's Alley along with eleven other business groups, associations, local and bi-national chambers of commerce in NJ hosted the 1st Annual NJ Immigrant Entrepreneur Award Program at the Rothman Institute of Entrepreneurship-Silberman College of Business-Fairleigh Dickinson University.


The NJIEAwards honored ten first-generation immigrant business leaders helping local New Jersey communities thrive.


The awardees received awards named after historical immigrant entrepreneurs in New Jersey such as Nicholas MarcalusGeorge Merck Ida Rosenthal.


Jon Lau, whose company Applied Info designs software technology for the US Army Training and Doctrine Command, received the Albert Einstein Award for Innovation sponsored by Einstein's Alley. After explaining how he came on a boat to the US as a child, and went on to become an industry leader in multimedia communication and technology innovation.  Lau stated "This is my payback to the United States, because I truly believe this is the land of opportunity."   


Larry Evans &
Pascal Seradarian
Ryan Lilienthal &
Nick Montalto
Dr. and Mrs. Rozanski
& Stacy Mattia

The winner of the 2013 Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year Awards was Jay Kulkarni, founder of Theorem.  Kulkarni sent a video message; and his son Brian accepted the award on his behalf. "The paradox of the American dream is that it is highly sought after by non- Americans." said Kulkarni. "It's larger than an idea, more lasting than a mere dream; it is an ideal that fervently sought after outside of America." "Unlike one who's born an American, immigrants become an American by choice and that's a powerful statement.


"Mordechai Rozanski, President of Rider University and recipient of the Special Award for Immigrant Accomplishment, agreed with that sentiment, "Unlike those who were born here, we came here by choice.  We worked harder, we achieved a little more, not only for our families, but to be worthy of the privileges- chief among them citizenship."


The 2013 Awardees:

  • 2013 NJ Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year: Jay Kulkarni, India, CEO & Founder of Theorem, Chatham NJ
  • George Perrott Macculloch Award for Leadership: Louis Rodriguez, Colombia, SA, Owner of Independent Power Systems Consulting, Marlboro NJ
  • Ida Rosenthal Young Entrepreneur Award: Adenah Bayoh, Liberia, Owner of Irvington International House of Pancakes, Irvington NJ
  • Evelio Cuellar Award for Family Business: Geetha Jayaraman, Malaysia, Owner of Grab em Snacks and Spoon & Sprout Caf�, Ringoes NJ
  • Albert Einstein Award for Innovation: John T Lau, China, President of Appliedinfo Partners, Somerset, NJ
  • Caspar Wistar Award for Growth: Shau-wai Lam, China, Chairman and CEO of DCH Auto Group, South Amboy, NJ
  • David Sarnoff Award for Advocacy: Samia Bahsoun, Senegal, of President and CEO of S2 Associates International based, Holmdel NJ
  • George Merck Award for Community Engagement: Rita Gurevich, Russia, President and Founder  of SPHERE Technology Solutions based, Hoboken NJ
  • Nicholas Marcalus Award for Sustainability: Mitrajit Mukherjee, India, President and Founder of Exelus, Fairfield, NJ
  • Special Award for Immigrant Accomplishment: Mordechai Rozanski, Poland, President of Rider University

Immigration Reform Key to Economic Growth

From the Trenton Times 


By Robert Prunetti


Contrary to what some would have us believe, immigration reform is a path to economic growth, embraced by a significant group of influential conservatives who understand that America risks losing its competitive edge to countries around the world that are growing and are our competitors. 


[read the entire article]

Can't We Do Better?

The Liberty Science Center's WLC Luncheon on Dec. 9th focused on the importance of involving girls in the love of science and math and encouraging and supporting them in taking STEM courses. This is not just a nice to do but a real need to do according to Tom Friedman's recent op ed on PISA. 



Op-Ed in the NYTimes Sunday Review  

December 7, 2013 

By Thomas L. Friedman


The latest results in the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, which compare how well 15-year-olds in 65 cities and countries can apply math, science and reading skills to solve real-world problems were released last week, and it wasn't pretty for the home team. Andreas Schleicher, who manages PISA, told the Department of Education: "Three years ago, I came here with a special report benchmarking the U.S. against some of the best performing and rapidly improving education systems. Most of them have pulled further ahead, whether it is Brazil that advanced from the bottom, Germany and Poland that moved from adequate to good, or Shanghai and Singapore that moved from good to great. The math results of top-performer Shanghai are now two-and-a-half school years ahead even of those in Massachusetts - itself a leader within the U.S."


[read the entire article]

H1B Funds for High Schoolers


The Obama Administration is set to announce a new $100 million competitive grant program aimed at high schools who partner with colleges and employers to support students entering high-tech careers. The program will be called Youth CareerConnect and is funded through revenue from the H-1B visa program.  It is expected that the Department of Labor will begin the grant awards process in early 2014 with the goal of awarding 25 to 40 applicants for the 2014 - 2015 school year.  This grant is similar to recommendations made in the administration's blueprint for reauthorizing the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education program, and circumvents Congressional action.

Social Seal of Approval Lures Talent


Employers Tout Their B Corp Label as a Credential to Compete for Young Hires


By Lindsay Gellman and Rachel Feintzeig 

The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 12, 2013 


As companies compete to lure young, socially minded talent, they are stepping up their B game.


More companies are touting the B Corp logo, a third-party seal of environmental and social credentials, to attract young job seekers who want an employer committed to both a social mission and the bottom line. As a result, the B Corp logo-a circumscribed B-has been popping up on everything from company websites to office signage to shopping bags, even as some question whether the designation means much.


[read the entire article]

LaunchPad 3


Applications are currently open at www.techlaunch.com/apply. Teams accepted into the program will receive up to $25,000 seed funding, co-working space, 1-on-1 mentorship, formal business training, weekly guest speakers, investor pitch coaching, and over $600K of perks and deals through our partners.

Many more events and news items on the EA website
Einstein's Alley Website


The Einstein's Alley website is for you. Check the Directory section and see the companies listed that you need to know.


It's also a great place for visibility for your company so contact [email protected] for information on membership and how to get a highlighted listing in the Directory or, go to the website and download the form.



[email protected]


What is Einstein's Alley?

Einstein's Alley's purpose is to attract, build and retain technology-based businesses in Central New Jersey. Einstein's Alley collaborates and coordinates with existing governmental and private sector organizations to grow the region as a magnet for entrepreneurial activity and as a globally recognized economic powerhouse.    



Einstein's Alley Corporation, PO Box 175, Plainsboro, NJ 08536

Katherine Kish, Executive Director

www.einsteinsalley.org  [email protected]