W e are looking forward to celebrating Mercy Day with everyone! If you are celebrating with any Mercy friends, send us pictures so we can share them on social media. Send them to daleyd@mercyhigh.org. This graphic was created by an art student to extend a greeting to other schools celebrating this day.
Remember to enjoy a comfortable cup of tea in honor of our beloved Catherine McAuley. Please keep in mind our senior class who will be honoring Catherine's life through their Mercy Day play. We have also invited graduates who have received the honor of portraying Catherine to come or send a reflection to be read that day.
The Sisters of Mercy arrived in Omaha 150 years ago to Make Mercy Real for those in need. To close our 150th Anniversary Celebration, the Sisters invite our friends across the globe to take action by performing an act of service for someone in their community. By joining together, we further our mission of mercy throughout the world.
As a Mercy alumna, service is something you know well. With Sisters and Mercy Associates leading the way, students in Omaha, as well as at Mercy in Burlingame and Auburn, California, and the Philippines, will be participating in Make Mercy Real. In addition, Mercy Volunteer Corps members, Knowles Mercy Spirituality Center, Bergan Mercy Hospital, KVSS Radio, and others will take part.
Students will be encouraged to post pictures of their acts of service on their own social media sites using #MakeMercyReal. We invite you to do the same between September 24 (Mercy Day) and October 21. If you don't have a picture, you may describe the service you did and include #MakeMercyReal in your post. Perhaps you already volunteer your time at a non-profit, donate food or clothing to those in need, or visit the sick. If not, challenge yourself to give it a try during this time and share it using #MakeMercyReal. If you don't have social media, you may email your picture to wmwcommunications@mercywmw.org.
The Sisters of Mercy will be sharing information about this on their blogs and all of their social media sites. We will also be on The Morning Blend on channel 3 on Monday, September 21 and on Chronicle on channel 7 on Sunday, October 25. Visit http://www.sistersofmercy.org/makemercyreal/ for more information
You can follow our Make Mercy Real campaign on:
with any questions.
Alumnae Relations Director Kristen Martin '05 threw a little shindig this summer that resulted in an expanded name: Kristen Martin Beck '05. Congratulations to Kristen! We wanted to let you know because you will probably see the name Beck showing up from time to time.
Enough About Us-- What About You?
We are always collecting alumnae updates for the next Mercian issue. Please send us information on what is happening in your life for the winter edition. We would love pictures and stories to share! Send all updates to the alumnae relations director and events manager, Kristen Martin Beck '05 at beckk@mercyhigh.org.
Mark your calendars to celebrate FIESTA on Saturday February 20, 2016 at the Embassy Suites in LaVista! This year's theme is A League of Their Own. We have started accepting donations of baskets, bottles of wine, silent and live auction gifts. Let us know if you want to donate an item, buy a raffle ticket or reserve a seat. For more information, contact Kristen Martin Beck '05 at beckk@mercyhigh.org or 402.553.9424.
Celebrate Our 60th Anniversary |
Mercy High School is celebrating a major milestone in its history---60 years since opening its doors at the current location, 48th and Woolworth. Students from St. Mary's and St. John's joined together to attend the new school run by the Sisters of Mercy on November 2, 1955.
Starting this fall, Mercy will highlight its rich heritage and also spotlight our momentum for the future. That momentum is articulated in the school's Strategic Plan and includes expansion of its STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) curriculum, enhancing its pathway to success through a comprehensive Academic Success Center and continued efforts to upgrade and expand its use of technology throughout the learning process and continue to update its facility. Read more.
Sharing a "comfortable cup of team," about 30 Golden Guild alumnae (graduates who have celebrated their 50th reunion from St. Mary's, St. John's or Mercy) gathered together on September 12. The Golden Guild Tea, sponsored by the Alumnae Council, featured a scriptural rosary which is part of the monthly Alumnae Prayer Circle, the presentation of Golden Guild pins, followed by a social gathering in the media center.
Mercy could win $10,000 for our girls. We challenge all alumnae, their families and friends to vote for FIESTA'15 as Spirit of Omaha's BIG Event by September 30. The top winners are determined by online votes. Make your vote count at http://www.spiritofomaha.com/TheBigEvent-VOTE/.
Phonathan '15: There's Still Time to Help!
Each year, we set a Phonathon goal of $100,000, with all donations supporting the Negotiated Tuition Program. While we have had a recent surge in donations, we're still shy of the mark by $15,000. Click on online gift, or mail a donation to the school.
Mercy High School's Treblemakers are sponsoring a show choir camp for girls in 4th through 8th grades at the school. Scheduled for Saturday, October 10, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the program includes learning to sing and dance and costs $25 with lunch included. Registration is required by October 1. More information is available at http://mercyhigh.org/show-choir-camp-2/
Each fall Mercy has a food sale to help fund negotiated tuition. The kickoff for this important fundraiser is Friday, September 25. Red Wheel frozen food provides a variety of items from appetizers, to entrees, to desserts. New products this year include a breakfast burrito and a cherry braid. Our girls will be selling these products, so please be supportive. The order form will be on the website after September 25. Orders will be due October 22 with the pickup of items on November 10.
Alumnae Choir
The Alumnae Choir is looking for new members! All voices are welcome.
For more information, please contact Yvonne Buresh Kros '61 at vonnieed@cox.netor (402) 553-6538 or Patti Draney Hayden '78 at pattihayden@cox.net.
Prayer Circle
The next prayer circle on October 10th . We will offer up special intentions of those in need and pray the scriptural Rosary. Coffee and conversation will follow the rosary. All are welcome.
If you would like us to pray for a special intention, please contact Naomi Chambers at chambersn@mercyhigh.org or 402.553.9424.
Save the Date
Mercy Day
Thursday, September 24
Post a picture celebrating with alumnae to our Facebook!
Saturday, October 10 at 9:15 a.m.
Our Lady of Mercy Chapel.
Alumnae Appreciation Night
No, No, Nanette
Thursday, October 22 at 7 p.m.
Reservations are required. Please email Kristen Martin Beck '05 at beckk@mercyhigh.org or 402.553.9424.
Memorial Mass Saturday, November 7 at 4 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy Chapel
FIESTA 2016 Saturday, February 20, 2016 Embassy Suites La Vista