Dave Veale
February 27, 2013 Greetings!
This week, we're launching our new video -
The Leadership Ride. We made the video with the expert help of the creative team at
Hemmings House Pictures. When we spoke to
Greg Hemmings late last year about the possibility of updating our corporate video (you can watch the first video Hemming House made for us
here, on the sidebar of our website), Greg said it was definitely time for an

update and he actually had a vision for what we could do to help explain - quickly - the importance of coaching in a leader's day-to-day leadership ride.
We turned to Greg and the Hemmings House team for this project for a bunch of reasons, but mainly because Greg has a solid understanding of performance coaching. He has been working with a coach for over five years now. He's also taken coaching training for business leaders so he can bring a "coach approach" to his life and work.
We asked Greg to share his experiences while making
The Leadership Ride. Here's what he had to say...
Film maker Greg Hemmings
"The coaching skills and the coach approach that I learned from my coaching sessions and coach training has helped me become a much better film maker; I have to know how to ask the appropriate questions, draw out the appropriate stories, and listen well. I felt that scripting this video in advance would not show the true authenticity of Dave as a person, as a business leader and as a coach. I asked Dave to not prepare for this particular interview. We rolled cameras and I asked Dave a few questions about his passion for leadership and coaching. In the edit suite I had about 40 minutes of film material that we cut
down to a very short and concise, authentic message that is 100% Dave. I always use coaching questions when I am interviewing people in a documentary - interviewing Dave was no exception. I found it fun to be able to coach the coach!
Dave was very open to my style of film making for this video despite the spontaneity and the improvisational aspects of this production style. He has a lot of trust in the people he surrounds himself with. I find that is the mark of a great leader and certainly the mark of a great coach. He trusted my unique film idea that we used to help him tell his story."
Let's make this the year that your Leadership Ride includes accelerating the potential of you, your team and your organization.
Share and grow,