Dave Veale
February 12, 2013 Greetings!
Come in, sit down and make yourself
uncomfortable. What? You heard me. My colleague and fellow coach, Marilyn Orr, is talking about getting people out of their comfort zone in this issue of
Fresh Ideas. It's a very interesting concept and we'd love to know what you think about it. Leave a comment after you read the article and let us know!
Please, Allow Me to Make You Uncomfortable |
Marilyn Orr
Marilyn Orr BSc, MA, CECThere is an "unspoken conspiracy about not wanting to make anyone else uncomfortable, physically, mentally or emotionally," according to
David Rock in his book
Quiet Leadership. I read this for the first time years ago and it is still resonating deeply within me.
This commitment to comfort is costing us all quite a bit. There are a lot of conversations that don't happen because of our commitment to

not wanting to make the other person uncomfortable. There are many projects that don't get finished, many books that don't get written, many relationships that don't happen.
Over the past five years or so I have become increasingly comfortable with making other people uncomfortable. (If you are one of my friends or clients, you likely already know this!) The barrier I had to overcome was twofold.
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