Education Leader Network Professional Development eBulletin
March 20th, 2013
for Leaders in Education 

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In This Issue
Charlotte Danielson on Teaching and the Common Core
A Sharing Session with Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson on Differentiation
A Little Humor Goes a Long Way...
BrickLab: Created By Educators, For Educators

Professional Learning Communities Leadership Institute

June 3-4, 2013
Augusta, Georgia
July 1-2, 2013
Boston, Massachusetts

Meeting the leadership challenges of:
  • Implementing Common Core Standards
  • Preparing for 21st Century Leadership Accountability
Research shows that teacher collaboration (PLCs) is at the heart of any successful implementation of changes in schools-such as the Common Core Standards. Teacher and leader evaluation programs are putting enormous stress on school leaders to adopt 21st Century Leadership Skills & Strategies. How must school leaders actually lead to utilize teacher collaboration, build leadership capacity in others and sustain momentum within our schools?

Instructional Leader on the Go...

Each PD eBulletin gives the busy district or school-level leader brief, practical, free, high quality learning opportunities in a variety of media formats.

Charlotte Danielson on Teaching
and the Common Core

Charlotte Danielson, a former teacher and school administrator with degrees from Cornell and Oxford Universities, is one of the most recognized authorities on teaching practice in the United States. A popular speaker and trainer, she is best known as the creator of the "Framework for Teaching," a 115-page set of components for effective pedagogy that is used in many states and districts to inform teacher evaluation and professional development.

Danielson recently released a new edition of her Framework for 2013, with updates designed to reflect the Common Core State Standards.


Click here to read this article!  

A Sharing Session with
Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson
on Differentiation

Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson is many things- intelligent, innovative and dedicated. But she is also funny, down to earth and a good listener.  She has all the makings of a great communicator. She draws you in and makes you want to hear what she has to say. Her views and writings on Differentiation are known world-wide and rightfully so.

A Little Humor Goes a Long Way...

Kids React to Internet Memes:
Harlem Shake

BrickLab: Created By Educators,
For Educators

Infuse STEM with Bricks

Whether you're in a classroom or afterschool setting, PCS Edventures' in-house educators have developed extensive curricula to enrich your unique learning environment. Break away from the boring and bring on the bricks!


Click here to learn more!