February 2013

February Social Support Meeting
"Making the Most of My Time" 
Guest speaker: Craig Bodoh
Time: 7:30 - 9:00pm
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Location:  Milwaukee LGBT Community Center (1110 N. Market Street, 2nd floor,
Milwaukee, WI)

Guest presenter, Craig Bodoh, is a coach, seminar leader, and author who has presented to the LGBT community over the years, at the Creating Change Conference, the Leather Leadership Conference, QShares, and the Milwaukee LGBT Center.

"Making the Most of My Time" is an interactive, fun workshop that will stimulate your thoughts on how you use your time.  You will leave the session with a customized plan designed by you to make the necessary improvements.

For more information about Craig, please check out his website listed below.

Craig Bodoh
Coach, Seminar Leader, Author
Personal Effectiveness Plus, LLC
Making your time work for you!

Open Discussion
6:00  - 7:15pm
Before every monthly meeting, we devote time to explore the issues you bring in.  During this gently facilitated time, we encourage you to share your experiences and stories, ask questions, seek referrals, gather resources, and connect with others.  All are welcome.  <Learn more>

Mark Your Calendars!
Save the dates for the next social support group meetings.

March 23, 2013.
Topic: TBA

April 27, 2013
Trans+ policy advances

May 25, 2013
Topic: TBA

June 22, 2013
Guest Speaker: Cary Costello
A historical view: the detriments of a gender binary

July 27, 2013
Trans parenting panel

August 24, 2013
Guest speaker: Laura Sette
Street violence, safety and dealing with the police

<more information about monthly meetings>
Black History Month

Did you miss our previous mailing highlighting several key African-American trans individuals/loved ones, organizations, and blogs -- people who are seminal in shaping and creating the discourse of what it means to be Black and Trans.  

View document with 15 live links at or download a printable poster at

Other Milwaukee Events
Annual Drag Show @ UWM
February 23, 2013 at the UWM Union Ballroom.  Doors open at 7:00pm.  FREE! 
Last year alone, the UWM Drag Show was the LARGEST drag show in the MIDWEST.

Learn more:

Head over after the FORGE meeting.

Oscar Viewing Party
February 24, 2013 @ The Milwaukee LGBT Community Center.
$15 at the door.

Come celebrate the Oscar nominations of "Beasts of the Southern Wild" and Project Q Alumnus, Executive Producer Michael Raisler. We will be projecting the awards ceremony on the large screen.

Buy your tickets in advance and save some money by clicking here.

FORGE is a progressive organization whose mission is to support, educate and advocate for the rights and lives of transgender individuals and SOFFAs (Significant Others, Friends, Family, and Allies). FORGE is dedicated to helping move fragmented communities beyond identity politics and forge a movement that embraces and empowers our diverse complexities.

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PO Box 1272 | Milwaukee, WI  53201