The Lion's Roar  
The Las Lomitas PTA Newsletter  
Week of March 14, 2016
In This Issue
Las Lomitas Education Foundation
From the Principal
PTA News
Science Wonders
Parents Needed for our District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Hearing and Vision Screening
A Musical Request
Las Lomitas League News
Community News
Summer Programs
Newsletter Submissions
Important Upcoming Dates:
  • April 4-8 - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
  • Wed April 13 - PTA General Mtg - 9:00 am - Cano Hall
  • Wed April 13 - School Bd. Mtg. - 7:00 pm - D.O.
  • Thur April 14 - Incoming 4th grade Parent Orientation                            6:30 pm - La Entrada Library
  • Fri April 15 - 3rd graders visit La Entrada
  • Wed April 20 - Science Wonders - 6 pm - Cano Hall
Quick Links

LLFLas Lomitas Education Foundation
foundation logo
Grandparents from Las Lomitas school 
are invited to join us for the...

Annual Grandparents' Day
May 27, 2016
9:00am to 12:00pm


Can you help us make the Auction Catalog awesome?

We rely on parents like you to help make our auction catalog one of the best around. If you think you have something to offer, we would love to work with you. 

Here's a partial wish list of things we are looking for: Sports tickets, special experiences, getaways/vacation homes, fine wine, party hosts, cooking classes, memorabilia - get creative!

Don't have anything to donate? Consider underwriting items that we can't get for free. At Las Lomitas, we especially need sponsors and hosts for the most popular grade-level parties such as the 3rd grade graduation party and incoming grade level parties. Please let us know if you would like to help sponsor or underwrite an event - it's a fun and meaningful way to get involved.
Questions? Ideas? Let's chat! Email us at
Or click here to Donate Now


Save the Date! Foundation Auction and Spring Party
Please Plan to join us for the annual 
Foundation Auction and Spring Party
Saturday, May 14th, 2016                                                 
5:00-10:30 PM
Portola Farms

Tickets go on sale March 1st


From the Principal

Dear Parents,

I want to thank you all for a smooth Parent/Teacher Conference Week. Minimum days present many challenges at drop off and pick up as we have nearly 590 students converging in a very small space. Thank you for exercising patience and good judgement before and after school. Las Lomitas Faculty and Staff were also out in force helping students safely connect with parents and nannies at the flagpole and load carefully onto the buses.

I had the opportunity to attend several conferences last week. The balance of professionalism and nurturing with which teachers lead these meetings was impressive. I appreciated the level of engagement between the parents and teachers during these conferences. It makes me proud to be part of a school where the academic and social potential of every child is seen as a team effort.


Alain Camou

PTA News

PTA Webmaster/Application Developer

The PTA is looking for parents interested in getting involved with the PTA in a very flexible role in the Webmaster/Application developer team for the Las Lomitas PTA website. Tasks will range from maintaining the Las Lomitas PTA webpages, program-specific web forms and applications. He/she will work with the current webmaster and application developer. A good understanding of HTML and basic web technologies is a plus, but training will be provided. This is a great opportunity for parents with limited time availability since the hours are flexible and all work can be done at home (2-3 hours per month as needed for programs). 

Especially calling for Kindergarten parents. Interested? Please contact

PTA Executive Board Positions

Dear Parents,
Your time and talent are essential ingredients in making our school truly outstanding.  We hope upon returning to campus after break, that you think about how you can support your child, his/her classroom, and the entire school.  We are actively recruiting for the PTA Executive Board this month. We hope that you will consider joining other parents and contribute whatever you can to our school.
Please take a few minutes to review the PTA roles and responsibilities by clicking this link: 
If you are interested in learning more about a specific role on the PTA Executive Board, please reach out to us at 

If being on the PTA Executive Board isn't in the cards, we also hope you might consider leading, co-leading or joining a committee within the PTA.  To learn more about committees, click here: and please contact 

You have as much to gain as you have to give by volunteering.  Take it from us! 

Please join us!

Artis Montague & Helen Ungerman


Please take a minute to visit the PTA web site to order your child a copy of the 2015-2016 Las Lomitas Memory book.   The cost is $25/book and payment is accepted via Paypal.   You are able to order multiple copies if you have more then one child at Las Lomitas.  

Please note that no orders have been taken to date. The online ordering period for Memory Book's is February 22nd-April 21st.   All orders are fulfilled through your child's teacher, typically the last few days of school in June.  

Students will have a chance to get their copy signed by friends and staff at that time.   

While we always order extra copies and make those available for sale the last two days of school at the Flagpole, we encourage you to order online since last year we completely sold out.

Visit the PTA web site now to place your order at   
Any questions, please email
Boxtops for Education

boxtops Please continue to clip, collect, and submit box top coupons found on many favorite brands such as Betty Crocker, Nature Valley, Kleenex, Huggies, Ziploc, and so many more. Las Lomitas earns 10 cents for each box top submitted, and these really add up! 
Box tops can be turned in any time to the cereal box in the Las Lomitas office. Write your student's name and room number on the bag containing the box tops to be eligible for our next prize drawing.

Science Wonders

Calling All Las Lomitas Students

Science Wonders:

Student Science Fair Exhibition 2016                                     

6:00 - 8:00 PM - Wednesday, April 20
Cano Hall, Las Lomitas Elementary School

For more information (2015 pdf) visit:

What is Science Wonders?  Science Wonders is a science fair event to encourage your children to be inquisitive about the world around them, as well as an opportunity to have FUN while sharing the joy of discovery with the school community. 
Where do we start?

Step 1: Ask a question! Think of something that excites or interests you.

Step 2: Think of how you can find an answer to your question (hint: there are many great books in the Las Lomitas Library and on websites listed in the Student and Parent Guide at the URL above).

Step 3:
 Write down your ideas and develop a plan to present your "science wonder" to your schoolmates.

Will my child's project be judged?  This is a recreational, voluntary activity, designed to be NON-COMPETITIVE and child-driven. Please do this activity with your child after their schoolwork assignments or on weekends/spring break. There will be no judging or class merit for participation, but each child will receive a certificate for completing a science fair project.

Can we still come if we don't participate this year? Yes! Everyone is welcome to come to the event and view all the creative ideas that Las Lomitas students bring to life at Science Wonders.

How do I sign up? In order to help us coordinate, send an RSVP email to Scott & Dawn Smithson at by April 1.  Please include the student's name, grade and teacher in your RSVP.  Thank you!

Parents Needed for our District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Is your student someone who speaks a language other than English?  
Are you interested in learning more about how our district plans English Language instruction for children at all grade levels?  

Care to share with this group some useful tips that parents new to the American school system would benefit from due to your personal experience?
Please consider joining our monthly meetings!  They are fun and a great way to learn more about our school system.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 9:45am in Room 5 at the La Entrada campus.

If you have any questions, please email Sonya Dineen at

Hearing and Vision Screening

Dear Parents,
Las Lomitas School will be having our annual State required Hearing and Vision Screening March 28-30th. Certified school nurse contractors conduct the screening.Screening is done on all Kindergartners, all second graders,students new to the district and special education students. Students that have been referred by their teacher or by parent request will also be screened.
Students are tested using  the School Audiometry Manual and the screeners follow the California Code of Regulations

If there is evidence of pathology (i.e a visible problem with outer ear or complaints of pain) a verbal and written referral for medical evaluation is made to the parents that same day.
If a student passes screening, no further testing is necessary and it is recorded on the child's record. 

If a student does not pass initial screening, a second screening threshold test is performed at school no less than 2 weeks later to confirm screening failure.
If the student does not pass the second screening, a written notification is sent to parents with the test results and a recommendation is made for audiological evaluation.

Students are screened for distance using the Snellen chart.A near vision screening will also be conducted this year. After screening, if the visual acuity results are not within normal limits, a written recommendation for eye examination with a vision specialist will be sent home to the parent.

If you have any questions about the screening process, please call the office at 854-5900 to speak with the school nurse.

Music Informances
Music Informances are coming up!                                          

Please come watch your child's music informance. This is an opportunity to see what we're working on in music class.

Music informances are scheduled for the week of March 21-25 in room 37

Your child's specific time is listed on the music website. Click on the following link and then take time to look around the new music website.       


Las Lomitas League News

For parents who have registered for an Las Lomitas League class, here is some important information to take note of:  
  • It is mandatory that parents email the dismissal instructions for your child directly to the Las Lomitas League instructor before class starts.
    Instructors will be emailing  you shortly in regards to this.
  • Please provide your Las Lomitas classroom teacher with your child's dismissal plan so she knows your child needs to go to the Las Lomitas League class or sport on a given day. Without written instructions stating otherwise, your child will be sent to the flagpole, bus or Champions as usual.
  • Please report your child's absence from a Las Lomitas League class or sport by contacting the Las Lomitas League instructor directly. The school office is not involved in absence reporting for Las Lomitas League classes.
  • Please be punctual to pick up your child after a Las Lomitas League class or sport at the designated class location, and not at the flagpole.  If you are going to be late, please let the Las Lomitas League instructor know in advance and with written notice with the name and contact number of the adult authorized to pick up your child.. The Las Lomitas League instructors cannot stay late to supervise your child. If parents are repeatedly late, the student may not be able to continue in the class.
  • For parents who have registered on a wait list, you will only be notified via email IF a space becomes available. we appreciate your understanding that admittance is not guaranteed.
  • Our Cancellation Policy: Our system requires we pay a fee for every registration up front, therefore any cancellations are refunded at 90% of the class or sport fee. Cancellations will be processed up to 24 hours prior to the second meeting of the class. There will be no refunds after the second meeting. If you need to withdraw your child, please contact the LLL Registrar at
  • Late registrations: If we are able to accommodate a late registration, there will be a $25 late fee.

Community News

Classroom Volunteers Needed - An Hour a Week Could Change a Student's Life
Have you enjoyed volunteering in your child's classroom? Then consider visiting a classroom in east Menlo Park or East Palo Alto where there are virtually no parent volunteers.  Our All Students Matter volunteers work once a week for about an hour on reading and math skills with kids in grades K-4.  Sign up now to start in September. We provide training and coordinate everything. To learn more or sign up, visit  or contact Keri Tully at 

Announcing Open Enrollment  for the 2016-17 school year at Ladera Community Church Preschool!
LCCP welcomes all children aged 2 to 5 years old.  It is a fully licensed, NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) accredited preschool that maintains low child-to-teacher ratios. It offers a play-based curriculum without religious content. Currently LCCP has a couple spaces available in all classes: 2s, 3s, and Pre-K. Please call or visit our website for more information.
Phone: 650-854-2997

Family Skating Party
Community-building event sponsored by the Northern California Debate League
Whether you are a debater or non-debater, skater or non-skater, you are invited and will have a great time!  Enjoy snacks and skating in a friendly atmosphere and meet other families in our community.  Debate coach extraordinaire Brier Buchalter will also join in the fun!
When:  Sunday, March 20th, 3:30-5 pm
Where:  Winter Lodge, 3009 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto; 
Who:  Everyone in the school community is welcome.  NOT A DROP OFF EVENT, so at least one parent/guardian needs to be present.
Cost:  $16 per skater, $5 per non-skater (includes: entry fee, snacks and skate rental for skaters)
Please see website for full Details & RSVP:

Summer Dance Camps 

Studio Rincon - Dance Camps are scheduled and ready for online sign ups for ages 6-13. Five different camps to choose from- with amazingly talented and fun instructors. All Camps are offered in the afternoon, providing a healthy snack and a lot of fun.  Conveniently located close the home at 3536 Alameda de las Pulgas! Online sign ups now open!  

Holbrook-Palmer Park Easter Egg Hunt - March 26, 2016

The Friends of Holbrook-Palmer Park cordially invite all community families to our annual Easter Egg Hunt. There will be thousands of colorful eggs ~~ plus three special "golden eggs" ~~ for children aged 10 and under to find and enjoy. In addition to the colorful eggs, the Friends have planned a wonderful family-oriented event with a magic show, face painters, yummy treats, beverages and a special appearance by the Easter Bunny!! Remember to bring your baskets and camera. This is an event not to be missed. The gates to the Park will open at 9:30 a.m. and the Hunt will start promptly at 10:15 a.m.   Cost is $10 per person entering the Park. Cash only at the park entrance gates. All proceeds benefit the beautification and improvement of Holbrook-Palmer Park.

Summer Programs

Las Lomitas Summer Program

Registration forms for the Las Lomitas Summer Program will be available on Monday, February 1, 2016.  They will also be sent home to our current students in our Monday envelope that day.  The theme this year will be AUSTRALIA and the dates are June 20 to July 15.  Register early to avoid disappointment!

Panthers Camp 
I hope all of you enjoyed a fantastic year in 2015 and are off to a great start for 2016. Panthers
"All Sports" Camp  is back for another exciting 2016 summer.  For more information regarding camp as well as registering, the link to the Panthers Camp website is 
2016 Panthers Camp:  
  • Session 1: June 13-16
  • Session 2: June 20-23
  • Session 3: June 27-30
  • Session 4: July 5-8
In order to register, please click on the following link:

If you register before 3/1/16, you will get the early bird special.  Please let me know if you have any questions:

If your child has outgrown camp and will be entering 8th grade, they have an opportunity to build leadership skills as a Junior Counselor in Training (JCIT).  I will be sending out more information regarding this soon. 

I look forward to another great summer with your kids at Panthers Camp.

3rd Annual Kelly Coding and Creation Camps, Summer 2016 
Join Parker Kelly, the tech teacher for 16 years, for an exciting, educational experience at La Entrada's Mac lab this summer! In each 1-week session, students will learn programming, 3D design/printing and other multimedia skills in a fun, self-paced environment. 
Participants will learn from an experienced teacher (23 years) who has an MA in Instructional Technology. Each class will start with fun activities that cover essential computer science concepts using a mixture of visual block programming and coding, all while making fun animations, and video games. 
In addition, students will get hands-on experience designing 3D models and then print their creation with a 3D printer. As a culminating activity, the class will record a video in a broadcast studio environment that will show off their week at camp. 
Participants can enroll in 1, 2, 3 or ALL 4 sessions if they want! Choose from one or more of the following sessions: June 13-17, June 20-24, June 27-July 1 and July 11-15
Each day starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:30pm. The camps are open to students entering 4th, 5th and 6th grade in the fall. 
Click here for more details and to register.

Coach Tim's Sports Camp will again take place at Las Lomitas this summer.  There are 4 one week sessions beginning the week of June 13.  Some of the activities are softball, soccer, broomball, ultimate frisbee and arts and crafts.  We have flyers in the school office or go to for more information.

There are flyers in the office about Summer Reading Skills classes offered at Hillview Community Center being sponsored by the City of Los Altos.  Classes are for children entering Kindergarten  through entering 11th graders.  For more information or to register call 1-800-903-0162.  

To submit an item, email Carol Clark ( by 12 noon on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication date.

The Lion's Roar is distributed via email every Monday. Printed copies are available in the school office, or the newsletter archives may be viewed online.  If you have trouble receiving the Lion's Roar, please ensure your email reader or service is not blocking the Lion's Roar because it is a group distribution. To change your email address, please click 'Update Profile/Email Address' below. Thank you!

Las Lomitas School | 299 Alameda de las Pulgas | Atherton | CA | 94027