The Lion's Roar  
The Las Lomitas PTA Newsletter  
Week of December 7, 2015 
In This Issue
Las Lomitas Education Foundation
From the Principal
PTA News
From the Health Office
Tech News
Being Neighborly
Community News
Newsletter Submissions
Quick Links
Important Upcoming Dates:   

This Week:   
  • Wed Dec 9: Holiday Workshop
  • Wed Dec 9: School Bd. Mtg. LE MUR 7:00 pm

Coming Soon:  

  • Dec 21 - Jan 3: Winter Break
  • Mon Jan 4: School resumes - Read-A-Thon begins
  • Mon Jan 18: Martin Luther King Jr. holiday




LLFLas Lomitas Education Foundation

The Season of Giving is here!  If you have yet to make your gift, please donate now.

The annual LLEF gift to our District is essential to the achievements of our schools and students.

We need to raise an average of $2,000 per student,with 100% participation.  
Every donation counts. 

Use the LLEF shopping portal for your HOLIDAY SHOPPING NEEDS! 
Order your Holiday Cards and do all your online shopping through the Foundation's

Click through to any of the online stores and shop as your normally would...the retailers donate a portion of every purchase to the Foundation.  It's free money for our schools!

Inquire about your employer's matching gifts program to increase your donation to the District. 
Our Matching Gifts Coordinator can help you determine if your company will match your contribution.   


Join or Update eScrip - It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!                                                                             
  1. Visit 
  2. Register or renew your Safeway Club Card and credit cards at the eScrip website and then designate Las Lomitas Education Foundation (Group ID# 125673324)
  3. Start Shopping!

From the Principal

Session Requests for 2016-2017 ~

If you have a current kindergarten or first grade student and wish to move to first session next year, you must put that request in writing to Mr. Camou. He will begin taking requests by Google Forms on 5:00 p.m., January 11, 2016. The link to the form will go live on our website at 5:00 on January 11, 2016. No requests will be honored prior to this date and time. Your requests will be placed on a wait list in order received.
New family requests are not accepted until February 1, 2016, allowing our returning families to have priority on the wait list.   If you are on this year's wait list, you must make a new request for next year. We do not "roll over" the list from year to year. Please call Mr. Camou if you have any questions about the session request process.

Please click here to view the session request form.   

PTA News

MEMORY BOOK COVER CONTEST                                             
Submit your Artwork by
Wednesday, January 21st
All contest entries will be included in the Memory Book!!
The Memory Book team would like to invite all Las Lomitas students to submit artwork for the cover design of this year's Memory Book. We can't wait to see your creativity! Please only one submission per student.

Contest rules:
  • Use crayons, watercolors, or colored pencils.
  • Use watercolor paper or another type of paper with texture, if possible.
  • Use watercolor paper or another type of paper with texture, if possible.
  • Use 8� by 11 inch sized paper. (Slightly larger is OK.)
  • Drawing should be in "portrait" format, meaning it should be taller than it is wide.
  • Be colorful! Don't leave the background blank or white.
  • Include the "Las Lomitas" school name and make it stand out.
  • Include the school year "2015-2016" as part of the drawing.
  • Include the Las Lomitas Lion as part of the drawing.
  • Artwork should be "friendly" (no battles or weapons, please).
  • The edges may be trimmed slightly, so don't put anything important close to the edges.
  • Be sure to write the artist's name, room number, and teacher's name on the back of the drawing. Use a pencil for the name and write lightly so the writing doesn't show through the artwork on the front side. Do not use Post-it Notes as they can fall off and become lost.

Please see Memory Books from prior years in the Las Lomitas library if you need ideas for your cover art.

Entries should be placed in the Memory Book bin in the Las Lomitas office no later than 
Wednesday, January 21st.  And remember, all contest entries will be included on the back cover of the Memory Book. Finalists will also be displayed at the Student Art Exhibition during Open House.  Artwork will then be returned when yearbooks are distributed in early June.
Questions? Please email
Holiday Workshop 

The Holiday Workshop is finally here!  This Wednesday December 9th your child will have the opportunity to make holiday crafts to give as gifts to family and loved ones.  Calling all parents! 
With the help of our wonderful parent community, the kids will make eight crafts (third grade makes nine).  There's still time to volunteer.  Please join the fun in Cano Hall.
  • 9:05-9:55        2nd grade 
  • 10:05-10:55    1st grade                                                     
  • 11:05-11:55    kindergarten
  • 1:05-1:55        3rd grade
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 
Contacts: Suzanne Kisch (

Apple for the Classroom
Are you searching for the perfect holiday gift for your child's teacher?
The Apple for the Classroom program provides a way for parents to support their children's classrooms directly. All the teachers and specialists at Las Lomitas have been invited to create a "wish list" of items that will help to further enrich their classrooms. You can fulfill teachers' wishes by bringing an item to the school office or by donating via PayPal toward a special item of your choosing. Thank you for supporting our teachers!
Please click here  to choose a holiday gift for your favorite teacher(s)!

Fridays are Spirit Days at Las Lomitas!  
Get  your Spirit Wear online by clicking the Spirit Wear link at  
Contact the Spirit Wear coordinator at for more information.
From the Health Office

There have been a couple of cases of pneumonia at school.  We just want you to be aware...

Pneumonia: Pneumonia is a lung infection that can result from or accompany colds and flu.Please be aware of the signs and symptoms and contact your child's physician immediately if you are concerned.For more information about signs and symptoms of pneumonia see: 

Cold and flu season is here and our staff will be taking steps to reduce the spread of germs at Las Lomitas by promoting good hygiene and alerting you if your children become sick at school and need to go home. Below are some measures you can take at home to help reduce sickness in your children and reduce the spread of germs at school. 

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children over the age of 6 months get the flu vaccine. This is the single best way to protect against the flu. Information about the flu can be found at: 

  • Teach your children to wash their hands often. Washing with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds is ideal ( that's about as long as it takes to sing the "Happy Birthday"song twice.)
  • Teach your children the proper use of hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.Place about a quarter size blob of gel on the palm of the hand, rub the sanitizer over the whole hand and between the fingers and continue to rub until the hand sanitizer is dry. This should take about 20 seconds.
  • Teach your children to keep their hands away from their face and avoid touching their mouth, nose or eyes.
  • Teach your children to cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or by coughing into the inside of their elbow or sleeve, not their hands.                        
  • Keep your child home if he/she is sick. They need to stay home until their temperature is normal for 24hrs (below 100 degrees) without the use of fever reducing medication.Please refer to these guidelines for when to keep sick children 
  • Help your children to learn these healthy habits by setting a good example and doing them yourself.
Thank you and if you have any questions or concerns about your child's health please contact your doctor.  With everyone working together, we hope to minimize illnesses this season for everyone.

Kelly Muenzen,  R.N.
School Nurse
Las Lomitas School District

Tech News

Computer Science Education Week 
This year runs from December 7th to December 10th, and to kick off this world-wide event, both the Las Lomitas and La Entrada tech teams would like to invite you and your family to learn more about computer science and the Hour of Code. Please meet at La Entrada's Jensen Hall at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, December 7th, for treats and an overview on how to participate in a variety of engaging programming activities and games. 
Don't worry, no coding experience is necessary. Just bring a tablet, if you have one, and we will code until 8:30 p.m.   Hope to see you there!"

Being Neighborly

Let's remember to be good neighbors during pick up and drop off.  I have received word from the neighbors on Barney that parents are parking in the street, often blocking driveways, to walk their students to school.  I know parking is an issue in and around school, but please be mindful of where you park and make sure you do it legally.

CommCommunity News
Dancers Repertory Theatre presents 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, a delightful dance/theatre event guaranteed to delight all ages.  With dancing Mice, prancing Reindeer and Toys that come to life, this magical holiday production will become a family tradition!
We are pleased to announce that the following students Olivia S., Atessa G., and Aleah N. will be performing in 'Twas the Night Before Christmas this season.  Please come and support your schoolmates!
Performances at Woodside Performing Arts Center on: December 6th, 12th , and 13th at 1:00 and 4:00 each day.
For more information and tickets, please visit

Alpine Strikers Tryouts for Spring 2016
Is your child excited about soccer?  Alpine Strikers is a community based competitive soccer club that strives for player development and retention of players. Our goal is to grow your child's passion for soccer with professional coaching in a fun and engaging environment.  The club is holding its annual tryouts at the beginning of December for kids born between 2008 and 1997 (U8 to U18). Please go to  for tryouts dates and registration.

Hoopsters Basketball Christmas Camp 
December 28, 29, 30, 31 - 9:30 - noon - Arrilliga Gym. 
Contact Coach Tim Bowler: 650-996-3308 or

Studio Rincon Winter Youth Dance Sign ups are Open 
Studio Rincon on Alameda in Menlo Park - Winter dance signups are now open!  

Classes begin the week of 1/4/2016.  
Preballet, pre-tap, ballet & hip hop are all taught in a fun and positive atmosphere after school for ages 3-High School!  Now offering additional classes at Alpine Hills Tennis & Swimming Club in Portola Valley.  Classes lead up to the annual end of year Spring show at Woodside HS PAC!

To submit an item, email Carol Clark ( by 12 noon on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication date.

The Lion's Roar is distributed via email every Monday. Printed copies are available in the school office, or the newsletter archives may be viewed online.  If you have trouble receiving the Lion's Roar, please ensure your email reader or service is not blocking the Lion's Roar because it is a group distribution. To change your email address, please click 'Update Profile/Email Address' below. Thank you!