The Lion's Roar  
The Las Lomitas PTA Newsletter  
Week of August 31, 2015 
In This Issue
Quick Links
Important Upcoming Dates:   


This Week: 
  • Wed Sept 2: PTA Bd. Mtg. Room 20 - 9:00 - 11:00 am
Coming Soon:
  • Mon Sept 7:  NO SCHOOL - LABOR DAY
  • Wed Sept 9:  Morning with the Principal - Cano Hall - 9:00 - 10:15
  • Wed Sept 9:  School Bd. Mtg. - La Entrada MUR: 7 pm
  • Wed Sept 16: Student Picture Day



Dear Las Lomitas Families,

Assistant Principal Chalfant and I took some time to meet with every grade level last week to share behavior expectations for Las Lomitas. We had a Behavior Assembly with grades 1-3 and had "Microwave Visits" (ask your children) in all Kindergarten classrooms. I wanted to take some time to familiarize you with the matrix and provide information on how and why it was developed. Please click here to link to the Behavior Matrix.

Las Lomitas has three rules:
  1. Be responsible
  2. Be safe
  3. Be respectful
The rules are simple and few in number by design, but the meaning of these rules for young children can be ambiguous. The fact that these three rules overlap each other makes it even more difficult to differentiate what they mean and, more importantly for our students, what they look like in different situations. The matrix is not an end all be all in regards to behavior at Las Lomitas. To create one that encompasses all areas of the school and includes all examples of expected behavior would be a daunting task and one that would not neatly fit on a wall let alone a sheet of paper. It is however designed to be a springboard for conversation about expected behavior at Las Lomitas and a living document that can be added to as situations arise.

parking sign
The matrix was developed after the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) created by the US Department of Education. The key word here is POSITIVE, which is why the expectations are stated as what to do as opposed to what not to do. In a nutshell, PBIS is a "decision making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavior outcomes for all students." ( I invite you to click on the link to get more information if you are interested. The matrix is just one part of the system and an important bond between communicating behavior expectations, concerns and celebrations between school and home.

f you haven't already, then please take some time to review the matrix with your children. The teachers, Ms. Chalfant, and I have discussed the matrix with your children to emphasize expected behavior at Las Lomitas. I encourage you to continue the conversation at home and to create a column for HOME. What does it look like to be Responsible, Safe and Respectful at home? Remember to phrase the expectations in positive language to describe what they should do and not what they shouldn't do. In a world of "NO" we need to remember to tell our kids what they can do. Think about parking in San Francisco and how sometimes it would be easier if the city would tell you when you could park. 

Have a great week,

Alain Camou

CounselorFrom the Counselor


I am thrilled to be returning to Las Lomitas for my nineteenth year as School Counselor. My role has changed over the years and continues to evolve.  

First and foremost, it is my responsibility to help your child get the best possible education.  A good education includes not only learning to read, write and mastery of math concepts, but also includes learning social skills.  This means among other things, learning how to get along with other children, making good decisions, controlling anger, and accepting responsibility.  Many of these skills are taught at home. It is my intent to supplement the learning from home through small group and classroom guidance lessons.  I also support the staff with an outstanding social emotional curriculum called Second Step that you will hear many of your children talking about.

I am also on campus to help students who are facing particular difficulties.  Family disruptions such as an illness, death or divorce may affect children at school.  If your family is experiencing anything out of the ordinary, please let me know.  If I am aware of special problems your child might be facing, I can observe your child and help with difficulties that might surface.  School personnel and parents working together is a winning combination for children!  

I am on campus Monday through Thursday. Please feel free to contact me!  I will be happy to return your call as soon as I can. 

My number is 854-5900 x267 and my email is kruwe@llesd org .
I look forward to another eventful and meaningful year working with you and your children.

Parking Courtesy

With all of the excitement of the beginning of the school year, let's remember to be mindful and neighborly. Parking across the street from Las Lomitas on Camino Al Lago is not permitted and cars should never be left blocking driveways. Tickets may be issued to all cars violating posted parking signs. Let's be courteous to our neighbors.

PTA News

Holiday Workshop Planning Meeting
Wednesday, September 23, Science Room: 9:00am
It's that time again!  Calling all parents!  Would you like to help with the Holiday Workshop?  Do you have an idea for a craft that  our kids would enjoy?  Perhaps, be a table lead?  Come join us at our opening meeting to prepare for this fun event.  If you have a craft, bring a sample to share.  Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or want to lead a craft table but are unable to attend the planning meeting. 

Sign up to volunteer to help with this fun day via the PTA website.  
Save the Date: The Holiday Workshop - Wednesday, December 9
Contacts: Suzanne Kisch (

Volunteers Needed for Hot Lunch: 
Scheduled to begin Thursday, August 27 for 1st-3rd Grades  
Help out with one of the best volunteer jobs in the school! Serving hot lunch not only helps the school, but also gives you a chance to see your child and get to know the other students and volunteers. Hot lunch shifts last about an hour (from 11:40 AM-12:40 PM) and you can sign up to help weekly, every other week, or as an on-call sub. 

Please email Heather Caelius at if you are interested and she will send you the Volunteer Spot link and you can sign up for your available shifts.
To sign up to order Hot Lunch for your children please go to  and use the code "Atherton."  

Box Tops for Education

Please continue to clip, collect, and submit box top coupons found on many favorite brands such as Betty Crocker, Nature Valley, Kleenex, Huggies, Ziploc, and so many more. Las Lomitas earns 10 cents for each box top submitted, and these really add up! Box tops can be turned in any time to the cereal box in the Las Lomitas office. Write your student's name and room number on the bag containing the box tops to be eligible for our prize drawing which will be held October 15.

   Thank you for supporting our school!

Volunteer to be a School Photographer for the Las Lomitas Memory Book
The Memory Book Team is currently soliciting volunteers to be added to our school photographer pool.    School photographers sign-up to help cover events and other aspects of life on campus for the 2015-2016 Memory Book.  This can include capturing the wildly popular Halloween parade to getting the children in action at recess, lunch and in specials.   A sign-up sheet will be distributed to all volunteers in September.   If you are interested in volunteering please email Kiersten Mahon ( 

Fridays are Spirit Days at Las Lomitas!  Get  your Spirit Wear online by clicking the Spirit Wear link at or bring cash/check and stop by our table at the Pancake Breakfast to pick up an awesome tie dye.  Contact the Spirit Wear coordinator at for more information.

From the Nurse's Office

Dear Parents,

Greetings from the nurse's office. I'm looking forward to another year of assisting with student's health needs. My goal is to help students stay healthy, in school and ready to learn!  The nurse's office is staffed from 10 am to 2:15 everyday with myself or nurse Natalie Siemers.  A few reminders as we embark on a new school year:

When to Keep Sick Children Home from School
As much as we try to prevent illness with good hygiene, good nutrition and proper sleep, it is normal for children to be sick sometimes. 
Sometimes it's hard to know when your student needs to stay home from school due to illness. Parents can start by asking  themselves 3 questions to help decide:

~does the illness prevent my child from participating comfortably in activities?
~does the illness result in a need for care that is greater than the staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children?
~does the illness pose the risk of spread of harmful disease to others?

At Las Lomitas, we use the following basic guidelines to determine if an ill child needs to be at home: 

We also refer to the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines as a resource:

**Please also remember, a child must be fever free without the use of fever reducing medications like Advil and Tylenol for 24hrs before returning to school after an illness.

If your student will require medication for the 2015-16, school year, prescription or over the counter, a new medication consent form must be completed and signed by your child's health care provider and you and submitted with the medication each school year.  Click here.

Lice Checks
Please check your student for any signs of head lice.Early detection of lice infestations through routine screening at home is the most effective way to reduce outbreaks. Please contact the Las Lomitas office with any questions you may have about lice prevention, detection or treatment and the nurse can assist you.

For more information about head lice, please see " A Parent's Guide to Head Lice " published by the California Department of Public Health 

Health Forms
Please return any missing health forms to the Las Lomitas Office including immunization documentation, physical exam forms, and dental exam forms. The district office has informed us that children will not be able to attend school without the state required documentation. 

Thank you for your assistance in keeping our school community healthy, happy and ready to learn this year!

Nurse Kelly Muenzen

foundationFrom the Foundation
foundation logo
Ensuring Excellence in Education
Congratulations, We Did It Again!
Once again, our fabulous community showed its dedication to a superior education for our children.  Thanks to your generous contributions, LLEF was able to gift $2.45 million dollars to our school district in June for use this upcoming 2015-16 year.This gift represents 14% of the District's operating budget, constituting the second largest source of funding for our schools.  
These essential funds will be used for:
  • Maintaining Small Class Sizes
  • Enhanced Curriculum- including PE, art, music, science, language, and electives
  • Excellence in Education initiatives- including professional development for teachers, technology in the classrooms, piloting innovative STEAM programs
Thanks again for your support.  Welcome back to school!

Kids shouldn't have all the fun...
There are still spots available for a few of the parents-only parties. You could play some tennis or a little Texas Hold 'Em, learn to cook or sit back and relax while someone else does all the work. 

LLLLas Lomitas League

Registration for Fall, 2015 Las Lomitas League before/after-school classes is now open!

For a full listing of the classes offered, please visit our website under "Classes", under "Las Lomitas" and register directly on our website.

Hurry, register your child for a LLL after-school class before registration closes on Friday, September 4th at 11:59 p.m.!


If a class is full, there will be a wait list option listed. Please check the box if you would like your child to be wait listed for the class. No fee will be assessed. If space becomes available, wait-listed registrants will be moved up according to the order of registration. If your child succeeds in securing a spot in the class, payment will be assessed and a confirmation emailed to you. Please note being wait listed does not guarantee a space.

Students may not take two language classes of the same language at one time (for example: Spanish 2A & Spanish 2B).

Financial assistance is available for all classes. Please contact Assistant Principal Christy Chalfant, 854-5900, for more information.

Late registrations: In the rare case we accept a late registration, there will be a $25 late fee.

Questions? Contact the instructor for questions concerning a specific class or its content, or contact Korenna Sinn or Jill Berman - Co-VPs of Classes for Las Lomitas
CommCommunity News

Youth Dance and Fitness at Studio Rincon 
Fall Youth Dance schedule begins Tuesday, 9/8. Youth classes from 3 years old to teen- Hip Hop, Pre-ballet, Pre-tap, Monday - Friday. Teens welcome in Yoga & Fitness classes- great for . Studio Rincon is a Dance, Yoga and Fitness studio at 3536 Alameda de las Pulgas in Menlo Park just down the street from Las Lomitas.  Schedule and signups at Classes are filling up fast, signup now!

Forte :: Music Enrichment Program
Forte students will have the opportunity to sing, play handchimes & handbells, and play music & theatre games.  Students will gain a greater understanding of music concepts, and gain physical, mental, and social skills that will carry over into valuable life skills. 
Forte is for students age 4 - grade 4.  
The Dynamics, age 4 - kindergarten, will meet on Mondays at 3:15 - 4:15 PM from September 14 - December 7. 
The Harmonics, Grade 1 - Grade 4, will meet Thursdays at 3:30 - 5:00 PM from September 17 - December 10. 
Please visit  for more information and registration.  
Jeff Arons' 2015 Fall Tennis Program begins at Sacred Heart Schools August 26th.  For more information and registration forms, please visit

The Art School
2015 Fall Studio Exhibition:  Friday, September 11th, 2015
Registration open for Autumn Quarter:
  • New Monday morning art lessons from 9:00 - 10:15am
  • Limited availabilities for afternoon lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdsys
Please contact

Cub Scout 2015-16 Registration  
Want to know about Cub Scouting at Las Lomitas?    All interested families with boys entering grades 1 through 4 are invited to join us at Menlo Park's Pack 222 Ice Cream Social,  Sunday September 20 from 1-3pm at Oak Knoll Elementary School. We'll have a fun, activity filled kickoff event!   See how far you can shoot the Water Balloon Catapult!     If you have further questions, please email Robert Freeman at (a proud parent of two Cub Scouts), and you can visit the Pack 222 website at 

The Lion's Roar is distributed via email every Monday. Printed copies are available in the school office, or the newsletter archives may be viewed online.  If you have trouble receiving the Lion's Roar, please ensure your email reader or service is not blocking the Lion's Roar because it is a group distribution. To change your email address, please click 'Update Profile/Email Address' below. Thank you!

To submit an item, email Carol Clark ( by 12 noon on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication date.