The Lion's Roar  

The Las Lomitas PTA Newsletter  
 Week of March 17, 2014
In This Issue
Las Lomitas Education Foundation
PTA News
From the Principal
School News
Parents of Third Graders
Kindergarten Registration
Next Year Session Requests - Returning Families ONLY
Stanford Studies Seek Participants
Business Partners
Community News
Summer Programs/Camps
Newsletter Submissions
Join Our Mailing List!
Quick Links



This Week:   


  • March 19 - Science Wonders  

Las Lomitas League classes resume this week. 





Save the Date!

  • Friday April 25 - Kindergarten Roundup - 10:00 a.m. Cano Hall - A wonderful way for incoming Ks to get acquainted.  More information to follow.    




liLas Lomitas Education Foundation

foundation logo


Third Annual Las Lomitas 
Fun Run!


We are excited to announce plans for the Third Annual Las Lomitas Fun Run.  The three events will be held Saturday, May 17th starting at 8:45 a.m.


Families can participate in the:

  • Munchkin Run (8:45 am start)
  • 1 Miler (9:00 am)
  • 5K Run (9:30 am)

Stay tuned for more details on sponsorship opportunities, volunteer roles and registration. We look forward to seeing you again for this year's Las Lomitas Fun Run.


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You don't have to be a super hero to be a Dynamic Duo!

Team up with a pal and join us for some fun times.

Don't miss The LLEF Auction on May 10th at the Cabana Hotel Crowne Plaza in Palo Alto.





Help make this a great event!  Donate an item today!


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The Las Lomitas Education Foundation invites grandparents of the

children in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade to  


2014 Grandparents' Day At

Las Lomitas Elementary School


Friday, May 23rd

Check-in begins: 9:00 a.m.

Program: 9:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Visit to sign up online 


The morning will include music and PE presentations, a student art exhibit, and classroom time with grandchildren.


We sincerely regret that we only have space for 450 people, so this event is for Grandparents only.  Parents, nannies and friends are welcome to participate by volunteering for the event!  


Because space is limited, you must register online in order to attend this event. Please email if you have any questions or would like to volunteer.
Please support our schools and donate today!

  Excellence is built one donation at a time

LLEF Our Children Our Schools Our Community
PTA News


Science Wonders - It's not too late!                                                                 


The big night is almost here. Thank you to everyone who has let me know that your child will be participating. Don't worry if you haven't RSVP'd though. You can still email, or just show up at registration on Wednesday.  Some important times to know:

  • Wednesday, March 19th 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.: Set up projects in Cano Hall during this time. 6:00 - 8:00 Science Wonders Exhibition.  All projects will be on display for our young scientists and their friends and families.  It's an informal event and there are no formal presentations.  Make sure your child stops by the certificate table to pick up his/her certificate of participation.
  • Thursday March 20th 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.:  Take down projects.  All projects must be picked up from Cano Hall.  First session Kindergarteners can get their projects earlier that day.  Questions? Contact Diana Sunshine, 


Box tops for Education 


Congratulations to the four lucky winners of  the box tops for education drawing.  Each child will receive a gift card for Keplers. 

Simon and Thomas rms 28 and 2, Erin rm 5, Tessa rm 41, Zoe J rm 7

Many thanks to those who submitted box tops for our school. A very special thanks to our many box tops volunteers for trimming and counting more than $500.00 worth of coupons this year.

Keep saving and submitting box tops.  Don't forget that your everyday online purchase can also help Las Lomitas.  Visit the box top web page and designate Las Lomitas as the school you support.  Every time you shop online, a percentage of your purchase will be credited to our school. Thank you.  

From the Principal

Dear Las Lomitas Families,


Las Lomitas has a legacy of exemplary programs in the arts. Music, visual arts and dance instruction have been part of the school curriculum for many years. Our district is committed to providing students a rich arts program from the day they enter school. Today's article is about the

visual arts program here at Las Lomitas. 


Our teachers bring a variety of depth or experience teaching the visual arts elements of line, color, shape/form, texture, value and space. They each provide students with multiple experiences to develop artistic expression, creative expression, historical and cultural understanding and authentic valuing.

For the past several years, we've been fortunate to have a way to provide ongoing staff development for teachers while enriching the visual arts program for students through the Artist-in-Residence program. Returning for her fourth year as our "Artist-in-Residence, Donine Ettinger provides lessons to enhance the classroom arts program. She schedules lessons with the teachers in drawing, painting, printmaking and clay sculpture. Lessons include experiences in screen printing, intaglio printing, relief printing, still life, and self-portraits. Clay lessons focus on pinch pots, plaques, picture frames, animals and glazing.

Donine is an experienced educator and professional artist. She meets with teachers prior to each session to plan the lesson. Teachers select lessons that best fit their students' needs and allow them to learn new strategies and techniques to incorporate into their classroom program. It is an ideal arrangement -students learn while teachers learn! The Artist-in-Residence program enhances the core art program at Las Lomitas and provides training for future years.


Until next time,


Sue Sartor



 School News 

Dear Families,


I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. I am reaching out specifically to families who have children that participate in football and/or soccer during recess at Las Lomitas. While we have had rules in place for appropriate play, I wanted to modify the rules in positive language and align them with our school rules of being Responsible, Safe, and Respectful. Furthermore, I wanted the students to engage in a more encouraging atmosphere by practicing good sportsmanship. I have met with various students on the field to go over these rules and have asked our P.E. Teachers to review them with their classes as well. I ask that you take some time to discuss these rules with your children to help internalize them and prepare them for Responsible, Safe, and Respectful play on the field.


Football rules or Soccer rules 



Mr. Camou




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Music Informances are coming up!                                                         

Please come watch your child's music informance.  This is an opportunity to see what we're working on in music class.  Music informances are scheduled for the week of March 31-April 4 in room 37.   Your child's specific time is listed on the music website.  Click on the following link and then take time to look around the new music website.

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A reminder...If you have important information about your child's placement for next year, please let the classroom teacher know or submit that information to me in writing before May 1, 2014.  Any placement information received after this date may not be
considered due to our placement schedule.
Until next time, 
Sue Sartor 

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Information about Attendance

Students are expected to be at school unless they are ill, or if the parent reports that they will miss school due to an unavoidable family matter (funeral/wedding) or medical appointment.


Education Code Section 48260 defines a student as truant if he/she has an "unexcused absence of more than 30 minutes on three (3) different days or more." If your child is regularly late to school, or misses school due to travel, he/she will be considered truant. If an absence is not reported to the school on the day of the absence, it is also considered unexcused, even if the child is sick.

Students who have good attendance records consistently do better in school! Please help us keep our student attendance high by taking family vacations during our scheduled holiday breaks.

Parents of Third Graders

Parents of Third Graders:

Save these dates regarding 4th grade orientation to 

La Entrada!


As you are well aware, third graders will be off to La Entrada in the fall. Several activities have been organized to address questions that you and your child may have about their "new school."


In an effort to make the transition to La Entrada comfortable for everyone, we invite you to attend the following events:



All parents are invited to an orientation session on Thursday, April 3rd from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the La Entrada Library. Shannon Potts, Principal and La Entrada staff will provide information about LE and the 4th grade program in particular, so that your transition will be smooth and comfortable. The evening will allow ample time for your questions. Refreshments will be served. Please Note: This evening is for parents only. Students will visit La Entrada for their own special orientation the next day.



On Friday morning, April 4th, third graders will take a field trip to La Entrada. The students will already have corresponded with current 4th graders via a pen pal program. They will get to meet their pen pal and participate in an orientation planned by La Entrada staff and students to help your child become more comfortable and excited about his/her new school.


LA ENTRADA OPEN HOUSE - Tuesday, May 20th

La Entrada teachers will hold Open House in their classrooms on Tuesday, May 20th beginning at 6:30 p.m. Incoming 4th graders and their families are welcome to attend this event. It's a great opportunity to meet the fourth grade teachers: Ms. Goldman, Room 30, Ms. Cummins, Room 31, Mrs. Rivers, Room 40, Mrs. Montalvo, Room 41 Ms. Thelen, Rm 32 and Mrs. Behrens, Room 43, Ms. Bicknell, Rm 44.

(NOTE: Next year's teacher assignments have not been determined as of this date.)


Questions? Call Kathy Ruwe, school counselor at Las Lomitas ext. 267


Registration Information for 2014-2015


Kindergarten registration for children who will turn age five on or before September 1, 2014 opened on Monday, January 6, 2014.  If you are planning to send your child to Las Lomitas in the fall, please register as soon as possible.  Thank you. 


Next Year Session Requests - Returning Families ONLY

Session Requests for 2014-2015 ~ RETURNING FAMILIES ONLY

If you have a
current kindergarten or first grade student and wish to move to first session

next year, you must put that request in writing to Mrs.Sartor. She will begin taking requests by letter or email starting at 10:00 p.m., January 1, 2014. You may email her at No requests will be honored prior to this date and time. Your requests will be placed on a wait list in order received. 


New family requests are not accepted until February 1, 2014, allowing our returning families to have priority on the wait list.   If you are on this year's wait list, you must make a new request for next year. We do not "roll over" the list from year to year. Please call Mrs.Sartor if you have any questions about the session request process.


Stanford Studies Seek Participants

AUTISM RESEARCHERS at the Stanford University School of Medicine are recruiting twins for an investigation of the role of genetics in shaping the autistic brain. The team is seeking same-sex twin pairs aged 3 to 14.  Study subjects can be identical or non-identical twins.  In addition to a non-invasive MRI scan, all subjects will also receive standard cognitive and IQ assessments, as well as a battery of diagnostic tests for autism.  To obtain more information or volunteer for the trial, contact the study coordinator, Sue Cleveland, at (650) 723-7809 or

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CHILDREN WITH ASPERGERS OR HIGH FUNCTIONING AUTISM NEEDED FOR STANFORD STUDIES:  Do you have a child age 7-12 with high functioning autism or Asperger's Syndrome who would like to participate in a Stanford brain study about how the brain processes auditory or mathematical information?

The Stanford Brain Development Project is also seeking typically developing children within the age range of 7-12 for these studies. Participants must be right-handed, verbal, without braces, and able to complete several testing sessions and an MRI.

Visit our website or more information and to fill out a participation form, email or call Leslie at 650-736-0128.

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STANFORD BRAIN DEVELOPMENT STUDY - Brain Imaging Research on Learning in Children

Do you have a child who likes to play puzzles, math games, or memory games?  If so, join the Stanford Brain Development Project, and help us understand how children learn information!

We are seeking children who are right handed, ages 7-12, without a learning or attention disability, and without braces.

Visit our website for more information and to fill out a participation form, email, or call Leslie at 650-736-0128.

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EMOTION REGULATION AND AUTISM - The Stanford Psychophysiology Lab is recruiting children and young adults ages 8-22 with ASD, ADHA or typically developing controls  for a large scale research project investigation emotion reactivity and regulation among children and adolescents.  For more information contact Dr. Andrea Samson and her research assistants at or call (650) 353-5777.

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Business Partners

Welcome to SOLID! Our organization was co-founded by a parent at Las Lomitas, and we are committed to our mission to help build a SOLID foundation for schools. We design and sell great t-shirts and each time you buy a SOLID tee - we will donate 28.5% of the sales to Las Lomitas Elementary School.

Please check out our website. You can support Las Lomitas NOW by purchasing a SOLID tee directly from our site! 


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Follow us on Twitter

Nice Lice Advice - 75% of the mothers who bring their children into Honeycombers also have lice.  My four daughters had lice twice, but I never got them, even though the girls were sleeping with me from time to time and we snuggled at bedtime.  We've asked our customers and it seems like the most likely culprit in those cases where the mom gets lice is sharing combs or brushes.  It seems so easy to just grab your brush from your purse and run it through your little one's head... but try to resist the urge.  Keep your brush, comb and hair accessories high up out of children's reach, and invest in a brush for each child.  Even if lice does come into your life, hopefully it will skip you.  Brought to you by Honeycombers Lice Advice & Treatment Salon in downtown Menlo Park.  Come by to purchase all-natural lice prevention and treatment products to treat your children for lice yourself at home.  Or call 1.888.863.2005 to book an appointment to have your children checked, and if needed, treated for lice by our friendly Combers.  We offer appointments 7 days a week in our bright, clean salon or in the privacy of your own home.   Honeycombers - The Sweetest Way to be Treated

Champions Preschool and Pre-K @ Las Lomitas
Champions at Las Lomitas is currently enrolling in our Preschool, Pre-K, Before and After School Programs. Our center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Contact Ruby at 650-233-1860 to schedule a visit or get information about which program best meets your family's needs. Visit our website.
Community News


Storyteller Ruth Halpern will be presenting "Tales of Magic & Blarney," enchanting, surprising stories of fairies, leprechauns, pots of gold, funny giants and Irish riddles "for ages 5 to 105," Saturday, March 22nd at 11:00 a.m. at the Menlo Park City Council Chambers, located at 701 Laurel Street. The performance is free, and is sponsored by the Menlo Park Historical Association and the Menlo Park Library.

 (April 14 - April 18) @ Oak Knoll Elementary Grades K-5.
BrainVyne - Providers of LEGO� education:  Each day includes LEGO� build and play with LEGO� Zoom and LEGO� robotics models as well as favorite camp activities- games, art, sports. 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Post camp till 6:00 p.m. for an extra fee. Register by the day or sign up for entire week at a discounted price. Register Now!

AMA Softball Registration now open! 
Girls from K-7th grade are invited to join us for the 2014 AMA Softball season. Everyone plays and teams are organized by schools. Volunteers are always welcome, especially coaches. Register today!

Encore Lacrosse is excited to host the most FUNdamental lacrosse camp for introductory and intermediate players! Sign up to play the "fastest sport on two feet!" No previous experience is needed for beginners as safe soft balls are used, and lacrosse sticks can be purchased ($30) and delivered at camp. Equipment rentals are available for the intermediate division. For more information visit here or e-mail at

Creighton School of Wrestling
Now at Sports House, Redwood City!  Come get CREIGHTONTRAINED by two-time National Champion and Wrestling Hall of Fame Coach Braumon Creighton!  Spring wrestling classes are available for ages 8-18, and all skill levels are welcome.  We offer training for beginning through advanced wrestlers on Mondays and/or Wednesdays starting March 10.  Register now!   Summer camps will be posted soon.

Studio Rincon Youth Dance Classes 
Studio Rincon on Alameda in Menlo Park- Winter/Spring session of youth dance classes start the 1st week of March.  Signup  here.  Pre-ballet, ballet, tap & hip hop are all taught in a fun and positive atmosphere after school for ages 3-Teen.  Classes lead up to the annual end if year show at Woodside HS PAC! View the youth schedule online.   
Join us at the Children's Champions Event on Saturday, May 3rd from 11  am - 1 pm, for a family-friendly afternoon at Stanford Stadium. Benefiting Wender Weis Foundation for Children and Fit Kids, Children's Champions wants you to have fun while being active and healthy! Come mingle with professional athletes and team mascots including Lou Seal, Stomper and Q. Meet members of the Stanford Football team. Run through an obstacle course, participate in a three-legged race, make some arts and crafts, or just have a fun afternoon, all the while helping at-risk children. Tickets available online

Junior All Terrain Runners (Jr-ATR)
Join us for an exciting new program for kids age 7-14! Through our fun, non-competitive curriculum, kids will work on all aspects of movement using confidence (obstacle) courses, core & strength work, and running.  Visit us online.  
Mavericks Youth Water Polo 
Menlo Swim and Sport welcomes Brenda Villa, the most decorated female water polo player ever, as the new Head of Mavericks Water Polo. Girls and Boys 12U and 14U teams forming now, register today! 
Summer Programs/Camps

LAS LOMITAS SUMMER PROGRAM:  Incoming kindergarten through 4th graders will learn about our 49th state of Alaska and the Arctic. This enrichment program spans 4 weeks, from 9:00 to 1:00, June 23 to July 18 at Las Lomitas School. Registration forms can be found in the school office or by contacting Barbara Fong at

Join us for Jeff Arons' Summer Tennis Camp at Sacred Heart.  Morning camps are for beginning/intermediate players to develop their skills while afternoon camps are geared to improving match play performance.  Camps are Mondays through Fridays, 9:00 - noon and 2:00 to 5:00 for first through twelfth graders.  The ten one week sessions begin June 9 and end August 15.
Email or visit us online

Camp Menlo Summer Camp

Camp Menlo Summer Camp registration is now open for camps starting June 2, including our award-winning Camp Menlo Aquatics camp for kids age 4.5-9, Jr Lifeguard for age 9-14, Tennis and Swim for age 7-14, Performance Swim for age 9-18, and two Water Polo camps for beginners and more experienced players. Register before January 31 and save $25 on 5-day summer camps!

Panthers "All Sports" Camp  is back for another exciting 2014 summer. Located at Corte Madera School in Portola Valley, Panthers Camp has been thriving in the bay area for the past 20 years.  We look forward to working with your kids this summer.  Our primary focus is building confidence & inspiring a passion for a variety of movement skills.  For more information, here is the link to the Panthers Camp website.  In order to register, please visit here.   If you register before 3/1/14, you will get the early bird special.  Please let me know if you have any questions (   I look forward to another great summer with your kids at Panthers Camp.

Captivating Dance by Nona Summer Dance Camp: Learn/improve dance techniques for Hip Hop, Jazz, Lyrical/Contemporary, Tap, Ballet, and more! Additional fun activities included throughout the week.  For advanced campers only - a different special guest choreographer will teach a master class during one day of each weeklong session!

Ages:  boys and girls 4-17 Location: 1923 Menalto Times: M - F 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Beginning/intermediate); 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Advanced) Sessions: June 16 - July 28 Fees: $385/week (family and multi week discount available)  Contact: is again offering several camps this summer.  There are flyers in the Las Lomitas School office.  Visit our website or call 1-800-854-3684.

Newsletter Submissions

The Lion's Roar is published by the Las Lomitas PTA as a service to the Las Lomitas families and community. Before submitting an article, please read our newsletter policies.

To submit an item, email Carol Clark ( by 12 noon on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication date.

Submission Requirements:
  • In the subject line of the email, please include the section in which you wish your item to be placed (see our newsletter policies for the list of our regular sections); for example, the subject may read "PTA News" for any item related to PTA programs;  
  • DO NOT send the article as an attachment but in the body of the email: submissions sent as a Word doc will be rejected;
  • Clearly indicate the title of your submission;  
  • DO NOT send flyers but provide a link to them;
  • DO NOT send pictures but provide a link to them;
For past issues, visit the PTA Newsletter archive

Donna Hall
Lion's Roar Editor

The Lion's Roar is distributed via email every Monday. Printed copies are available in the school office, or the newsletter archives may be viewed online.  If you have trouble receiving the Lion's Roar, please ensure your email reader or service is not blocking the Lion's Roar because it is a group distribution. To change your email address, please click 'Update Profile/Email Address' below. Thank you!