The Lion's Roar  

The Las Lomitas PTA Newsletter  
                                                                         Week of January 14,  2013    
In This Issue
Las Lomitas League
Las Lomitas Education Foundation
School News
Campus Security
PTA News
Kindergarten Information
Business Partners
Community News
Newsletter Submissions
Join Our Mailing List!
Quick Links




This Week:


Jan. 16                Assembly  


Jan. 18                 LLL registration closes 




Coming Soon:  


Jan. 21                NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. 

    School Holiday


Jan. 23                School Site Council - 3:00 p.m. - Rm. 40 

Jan. 30                Class Pictures - Cano Hall                



Las Lomitas League

Las Lomitas League

Registration for Winter/Spring LLL before/after-school classes is now open!  Hurry and register your child for a LLL class before registration closes on January 18th. 

For a schedule of the classes and to register online, please visit our website under "Classes", then "Las Lomitas".

For more information, please refer to our FAQ here.

(Note: Please note that once registration closes, we no longer accept last registrations.  And parents who have registered on a wait list will only receive an email IF a space becomes available - we appreciate your understanding that admittance is not guaranteed.)
Las Lomitas Education Foundation


foundation logo  





Meet Our Participation Match!

                                                           5 baskets full  


We'd like to proudly share that 71% of families have donated to the Foundation thus far.  For those who haven't given yet, please don't delay!  The Foundation will earn an additional $80,000 if we hit an 80% participation rate by Jan. 31st.  Your donation, of any amount, will make a significant difference!  Donate  here.


Donations as of 01/07/13:           


ALL                     71%

Pre-K                  43%

Kinder                 74%

1st Grade            76%

2nd Grade           75%

3rd Grade            76%

4th Grade            72%

5th Grade            77%

6th Grade            68%

7th Grade            75%

8th Grade            61%


Thank you to our donors the week of 12/18/12-01/07/13!


Mr. and Mrs. George B. Abbott , Alexander Aganin and Irina Aganina,David and Diane Appel, Brian and Tracey Avery; Geoff Baehr; David and Katherine Bailey; Danielle Chritchley and Michael Ball; Dennis Ballinger and Sylvia Hutchison; David Berkey and Eleanor Lacey; Steven and Janice Best; Richard and Sharon Blaine; Jeffrey Blohm and Lovinda Beal; Sally and Allan Brudos; Eric and Ginger Brudos; Chris and Debbie Bryant; Dick and Judy Bryer; Victor and Jill Buathier; James Bunch; Guillermo Gutierrez and Argelia Carmona; Peter and Maria Caryotakis; Fernando Cazares and Marlene Medina; Joseph and Deborah Chait; Susie Cohen and Barry Weingast; Susan Comartin; Sandy and Norm Coplon; Charles and Judy Curtin; Mike and Leslie Curtis; Jubin and Rose Dana; Audrey Ling De Costa and Leo L. De Costa; Jeremy and Andra Dehne; Marvin Dennis; Joe and Anna Dobrenski; Bob and Mary Dodge; Philip Dundas; Carol Anne Econn'; Emmy and Paul Ehrlich; David and Masako Elisofon; Kristine Elksne; Nancy Ellsworth; Ken and Ann Emanuels; Don and Judy Engel; Terry Erisman; Loretta Fallon ; David and Janice Galbraith; Bert and Lou Ann Glader; Gene Golovchinsky and Stephanie Berman; Jon and Gina Gonzales; Tim and Maureen Goode; Gus and Susie Gostyla; Diane Grant ; Nathan and Adele Gursky; Carl and Jessica Hagglund; Paul Harrison and Irene Lin; Sally Hart and Bob Parks; George and Elyce Haskell; Allison Dundas-Hedges and Carol Hedges; Carol Hedges; Nathan and Summer Hensley; Peter and Christine Hoddie; Judson and Krista Hoffman; Todd and Lisa Holley; Neil A. Holtzman; Jeff and Diane Honda; Oliver Hook; Evan Hughes and Linda Craig; David and Jennifer Hultgren; Don and Jane Johnston; Russell Kao and Anna Chiang; Bryan Kennedy; Ada Kriegman; Sunderam Krishnan and Noorjehan  Kamruddin; Synthia Wong and Arkadi Kuhlmann; Joan Lane; The Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation; Bert and Icie Legrand; Vera Luth; John and Anne Macdonald; Marc and Kathy Masnik; Paul F. and Lorene Mason; Richard and Virginia Mathews; Robert and Stacy May; John and Stephanie McGrory; Daniel Meyers; Joseph Molnar and Grace Molnar; Anjali Morris; Kathleen Much and Stanley Peters; Sadler and Tracie Nelson; Jon and Liesl Noble; Bill Onderdonk and Diana Sunshine; Priyam and Dipty Parikh; Jose Perez-Zamarron; Jolly and Ron Perkocha; Peter and Margaret Perrone; See-Chun and Cheryl Phan; Stephen and Anna Plum; Chris and Laura Purpura; John and Heather Rafter; Sam and Lois Riggs; Theodore Rossi; Linda and Charles Rullman; Arturo Salz and Andrea Goldsmith; Rodrigo Sanchez Bredee and Leonor DeLope Friedeberg; Renita Sanders; Robert and Lauren Schoenthaler; Lawrence and Leslie Schwartz; Emil Scoffone and Nancy Bush; Maya and Philip Sewald; Jason Sewald and Olga VanderZwan; Shahab Sheikh-Bahaei and Nasim Sassan; Bill Steinmetz and Gabrielle Higgins; David Strehlow and Ruth Steinberg; Kali and Aparna Sunkara; Michael and Leslie Trigg; Arletta Uptegrove; Pravin and Rupa Vazirani; Frank and Eva Virsik; Robert and Penelope Waites; Geert Wijntjes; Craig Wiley and Renata Spangler; Parker Willis and Anne Senti-Willis; David and Jean Willis; Hannah Winter; Ruri Winton; Andy and Julie Wood; John and Melissa Wood; Jason Wood; Steve and Bobbi Zadig; Claudio Zanelli and Nina Veliz;


And the fun continues...there are some precious spots remaining for the following

Foundation Events & Adventures WINTER 2013!
  • Indian Cooking Class and Dinner Party (for parents) - Saturday, February 2, 2013;
  • Chinese New Year Party in Old Shanghai (for parents) - Friday, February 8, 2013
  • Ice, Ice Baby!!!  Skating for the Entire Family - Sunday, February 10, 2013
  • La Entrada Kids Care at San Francisco City Academy -Take Two  - Wednesday, March 13, 2013 (Minimum day)

For event descriptions, pricing and to buy E&A tickets, go here.

School News


Dear Las Lomitas Families,


The Las Lomitas Read-A-Thon started last week. This year we've planned some special activities to keep enthusiasm high. Each Wednesday, Mr. Camou and I will give some clues about a book character. Each Friday we will come dressed as that week's book character. Roary the Lion will also be spotted on campus during the week distributing bookmarks to students. It should be a lot of fun!  Please support your child and the school by reading each day. You can read aloud to your child as well. Each grade level has target goals for a total school goal of 320,000 minutes! If you need extra copies of the materials you can download a packet here or pick one up in the school office. If you have questions, please contact Cheryl Cho-Pham at Read on!


As mentioned in the flier sent out last week, the school and district are continuing to address school security following the tragedy in Newtown. We are currently attending meetings with Atherton and Menlo Park Police Department representatives to learn as much as we can. Atherton officers will be working directly with our staff to determine needs specific to our school, not just for intruders on campus, but risk for abduction and other possible scenarios. I will be sure to keep you informed of plans and next steps as they are established.


In December's Roar, I outlined the process to request a session change. If you have questions about that or kindergarten registration, please go here.


We've almost fully recovered from the flooding that occurred over the break. As I write this article, we are optimistic that Mrs. Hyre's class will return to room 26 shortly. I want to thank all of you who sent kind words of support. Our maintenance and technology support staff did a tremendous job getting the school ready for the students' return. If you'd like to get a glimpse of the flooding, go to "Fast Water at Las Lomitas" on YouTube. A picture is truly worth a thousand words!


Until next time,

Sue Sartor


Campus Security

Campus Security - You can help!
Everyone on campus must sign in at the office if you are going any further than the flagpole area; this includes before school recess.
All students must be dropped off at the flag pole.  Do not enter from the back parking lot, CCLC or the Alameda lot at any time.

Thank you for your cooperation to keep our campus secure.
PTA News

Report your Read-A-Thon minutes online today!
Login HERE.  All minutes reported will be included in our weekly update of the Read-A-Thon banner outside Cano Hall as well as real-time online!  Login all month to see how close each grade is to reaching its goal and earning a popcorn celebration!  You can count reading time starting January 7th even if you have not secured all your sponsorships.

If your child missed meeting Roary the Lion last week when he greeted students with bookmarks, all students will be bringing home a Las Lomitas bookmark in their white envelopes today!  So enjoy reading those books!

Running low on books to read at home?  Many classes will have their library book check out policy increased up to 5 books per student during the Read-A-Thon!  In addition, parents can create an account and check out additional books!  
If you need a new Read-A-Thon brochure, please visit us here and download the forms today or stop by the school office!

Questions?  Please contact Cheryl Cho-Phan, 

Submit your Artwork by Tuesday, January 
All contest entries will be included on the back cover of the Memory Book!!
The Memory Book team would like to invite all Las Lomitas students to submit artwork for the cover design of this year's Memory Book. We can't wait to see your creativity! Please only one submission per student.
Contest rules:
  • Use crayons, watercolors, or colored pencils.
  • Use watercolor paper or another type of paper with texture, if possible.
  • Use 8� by 11 inch sized paper. (Slightly larger is OK.)
  • Drawing should be in "portrait" format, meaning it should be taller than wide.
  • Be colorful! Don't leave the background blank or white.
  • Include the "Las Lomitas" school name and make it stand out.
  • Include the school year "2012-2013" as part of the drawing.
  • Include the Las Lomitas Lion as part of the drawing.
  • Artwork should be "friendly" (no battles or weapons, please).
  • The edges may be trimmed slightly, so don't put anything important close to the edges.
  • Be sure to write the artist's name, room number, and teacher's name on the back of the drawing. Use a pencil for the name and write lightly so the writing doesn't show through the artwork on the front side. Do not use Post-it Notes as they can fall off and become lost.
  • Please see Memory Books from prior years in the Las Lomitas library if you need ideas for your cover art.
Entries should be placed in the Memory Book bin in the Las Lomitas office no later than Tuesday, January 22.  And remember, all contest entries will be included on the back cover of the Memory Book. They will also be displayed at the Student Art Exhibition during Open House. Artwork will then be returned when yearbooks are distributed in early June.
Questions? Contact Tracy Williams at .




"Being a member of the LL PTA Board for three years was a great experience. I joined because I wanted to learn more about the operations of the school and the supporting programs, work with the administration and faculty, and meet other parents who shared the desire to volunteer. The LL PTA is an outstanding organization that provides extremely valuable services and programs to the school, and it was a privilege to serve in leadership roles."
-- John McGrory, LL PTA President 2006-2007


Join John and other former PTA board members and learn first hand what happens at Las Lomitas.  The PTA is looking for board members for the 2013-2014 academic year.  Many of these positions require very little commitment of your time.  Below is a list of our Las Lomitas PTA Executive Board positions.  Please drop us an email and let us know if you're interested or would like to learn more.  We'd love to have you on board!
  • President - Christy Chin is slated to be the 2013-2014 PTA President
  • 1st Vice President - This position requires a 2-3 year commitment.  The first year is spent planning school assemblies and learning the ropes of the President position.  The second year is the Presidency and third Parliamentarian
  • Volunteer Coordinator - Helps with staffing all the PTA committees and organizes recruiting at the PTA General Meeting in August
  • Hot Food Board Chair - Typically filled by one of this year's Hot Food Day Chairpersons
  • Membership VP - Responsible for marketing, recruitment and reporting of PTA general membership
  • Secretary - Takes and publishes PTA Board meeting minutes and coordinates communication with Room Parents
  • Treasurer - processes receipts and payments, produces monthly reports for PTA Board meetings, files annual tax returns
  • Past President/Parliamentarian - filled by current year's PTA President or other designee
We look forward to hearing from you!  Email Donna Hall (


Kindergarten Registration and Kindergarten Session Request Information



Kindergarten registration packets for children who will turn age five on or before October 1, 2013 will be available at the Las Lomitas School office beginning Monday, January 7, 2013. Registration packets for 1st through 3rd grades for the 2013-2014 school year will also be available starting this day in the office, between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m, Monday through Friday. Completed registration packets will ONLY be accepted for enrollment starting January 28, 2013 at 8:00 a.m. Your registration packet will be date and time stamped upon receipt when all required paperwork is complete.


If you are registering a child for Kindergarten, please bring the ORIGINAL birth certificate or passport, your child's immunization records to date, and proof of residence in the form of two ORIGINAL utility bills (i.e. power, water) or one ORIGINAL utility bill and lease agreement or mortgage paperwork. If you are registering a child for 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade, you will need to bring proof of residence (as specified above). If you do your bill-paying online, please print out the bill showing the utility service and your address. If you would like to make copies of these documents for us, it will speed the registration process but we will need to SEE the originals.


There are two sessions for Kindergarten. The first session is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. and the second session is from 10:35 a.m. to 2:05 p.m. with a recess between 10:15 and 10:35 a.m. Kindergarteners living in the Ladera area are placed in the 1st session due to the bus schedule; kindergarteners living in the Woodside area are placed in the 2nd session also due to the bus schedule. All other registrations and session request forms will be date and time stamped for placement.


If your child is a returning first or second grader and you wish to request a change of session, email requests will be accepted beginning January 1, 2013. Please email the Principal, If you are registering a new first or second grader, session request forms are included in the registration packet.  


Tours of the school for parents of incoming new Kindergarten students and new first through third grade students will be offered on the following dates. These tours are for adults only and spaces available are limited to 10 per tour and 1 tour per family, so there are minimal distractions to the academic program. Please call the school office at 650-854-5900 to reserve a tour.


Kindergarten tours are from 9:45 - 11:00 a.m.


                Friday January 18          Monday, February 25

                Thursday, January 24    Thursday, March 7

         Friday, February 8         Wednesday, March 20


1st - 3rd Grade Tour

Thursday, March 21, 2013

9:40 - 10:35 a.m.

Business Partners
These programs are not supported by or affiliated with the La Entrada School or the La Entrada PTA.

@ Portola Valley Town Center WINTER SESSION 2013 JAN. 9 - MARCH 23 (no classes Feb. 20 - 23)
Teacher: Jeannie Goldman (650) 851-1914 
To register contact the Portola Valley Town Hall (650) 851-1700, Cindy or Teresa (ext. 200) or register online.

Youth Dance Classes at Studio Rincon on Alameda in Menlo Park. 
The next session of youth classes start January 7. Signup here!  Preballet, ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, advance hip hop, breakin' & poppin'- all in a fun and positive atmosphere after school.  Classes for ages 4-Teen.  View the youth schedule here.
Community News
These programs are not supported by or affiliated with the Las Lomitas Elementary School or the Las Lomitas PTA.

Tuesday, January 29th from 7:00-9:30 - Carol Dweck, Ph.D. 
The Friends of the Menlo Park Library present Mindset:  An Evening for Parents with Stanford Psychology Professor and Author Carol Dweck at the Hillview Performing Arts Center, 1100 Elder Avenue, Menlo Park.  Space is limited and registration is required here.

Ladera Community Church Preschool is holding its annual Open House on Saturday, January 26th, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Bring your children to meet our fantastic teachers and visit our preschool in a lovely rural setting at 3300 Alpine Road, Portola Valley. We welcome all families with children 2 years to 5 years old. To find out more, please visit our website here or contact Director Katherine Rhames at 854-0295.  
Baseball and Softball Registration for 2013 Spring Alpine/West Menlo Little League and AMA Softball is now open.
Details can be found on our website here

Menlo Park Library News  The library is offering a free Mandarin/English Bilingual Storytime every Thursday at 10:15 a.m. for children ages 5 and under.  Activities include stories, songs,and finger plays.  Adults are requested to accompany their children. 

Holiday Camp Menlo: Open for registration!   Holiday Camp Menlo offers professional swim instruction in a fun-filled camp format for all levels, ages 5-10. Daily level appropriate instruction provided by our excellent team of Menlo Swim School instructors in lessons with a 4:1 ratio.  Out of the pool, campers enjoy various group games and activities that encourage self-confidence, growth, teamwork, and fun. Camp available Monday, January 21 (MLK, Jr. Holiday). Register today.


Ragazzi Boys Chorus Free Minicamp

Saturday, January 19, 2013, 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Redwood City

Registration is now open for Ragazzi Boys Chorus' free half-day minicamp for boys, ages 7-10. No previous singing experience is required. Low-key, no-obligation auditions are integrated into the camp. Boys offered Ragazzi membership join rehearsals the week of Jan. 21, 2013. Beginning groups meet one evening per week for choral singing and theory instruction. Ragazzi offers a complete music education that progresses through a proven, award-winning choral program. Ragazzi performs its own concert series, sings the National Anthem at a spring Giants game, tours domestically and internationally, and collaborates with other prestigious Bay Area arts organizations. Contact:, 650-342-8785. Register online.


Ragazzi Music & Movement Class for 5-7 year old Boys

Registration Open Now; Tuesday sessions, Jan 15 - March 19, 2013, Redwood City

Ragazzi Boys Chorus has expanded its program with an engaging Kod�ly-based class for active young boys. The class is tailored for boys with little or no previous musical experience - no auditions necessary. A child-developmental approach fosters boys' creativity and curiosity. Participants explore rhythm, channel their energy through music learning and generally have a ton of fun.  Kinders, first- and second-graders love this class! $20 per class; discounts available at registration. Contact, 650-342-8785. Register online.


We are currently conducting a research study at Stanford University on emotion regulation and reactivity among children with and without an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We are recruiting children with ASD and typically developing children (ie. children without a diagnosis of ADD, ADHD, Asperger's, ASD, or any other psychiatric illness) between the ages of 8 and 21. The study consists of up to 4 sessions and participants will be reimbursed $30 for each session and an additional $30 if the online components (questionnaires and a daily emotion journal) are completed. The total potential cash reimbursement is up to $160. US Citizens only (must have social security number to receive payment). Please contact us at if you are interested in having your child participate.  For general information about participant rights, contact 1-866-680-2906."


Extreme Sports Camp, a sleep-away summer camp for kids on the autism spectrum of all ability levels, will be holding an informational session in Menlo Park on January 15 at 6pm. For more details and an evite to the event, please contact Linda Waissar at Please check out the camp's website.  

Newsletter Submissions

The Lion's Roar is published by the Las Lomitas PTA as a service to the Las Lomitas families and community. Before submitting an article, please read our newsletter policies.

To submit an item, email Carol Clark ( by 12 noon on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication date.

Submission Requirements:
  • In the subject line of the email, please include the section in which you wish your item to be placed (see our newsletter policies for the list of our regular sections); for example, the subject may read "PTA News" for any item related to PTA programs;  
  • DO NOT send the article as an attachment but in the body of the email: submissions sent as a Word doc will be rejected;
  • Clearly indicate the title of your submission;  
  • DO NOT send flyers but provide a link to them;
  • DO NOT send pictures but provide a link to them;
For past issues, visit the PTA Newsletter archive

Donna Hall
Lion's Roar Editor

The Lion's Roar is distributed via email every Monday. Printed copies are available in the school office, or the newsletter archives may be viewed online.  If you have trouble receiving the Lion's Roar, please ensure your email reader or service is not blocking the Lion's Roar because it is a group distribution. To change your email address, please click 'Update Profile/Email Address' below. Thank you!