Patti Perspective
June 30, 2014

At Patti Engineering we have strategically aligned ourselves with specific automation providers. Our partners include Siemens, Mitsubishi, Phoenix Contact, Indusoft, Matrox and Kawasaki Robotics. Of course we work with other technologies as well, but we choose to focus on building our expertise in our partner's technology.    


It is especially rewarding to us when one of our partners recognizes our performance, expertise and commitment. Mitsubishi recently rewarded our efforts with a trip to Japan! Executive Vice President of Patti Engineering, Sam Hoff, attended the Mitsubishi hosted trip in May. Check out the article below for the details.

As many of you know, just about a year ago Sam transitioned from President of Patti Engineering to Executive Vice President. Our Patti Perspective Spotlight is on Sam this month. He will share with you his thoughts on this transition.
Sam Hoff of Patti Engineering Attends Mitsubishi Hosted Trip to Japan
Patti Engineering has strong relationships with our partners, and we pride ourselves on having expert knowledge on each partner's technology and products. Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. is among the top three automation suppliers globally and an important partner to Patti Engineering. Mitsubishi recently rewarded Patti Engineering for our performance and dedication with an invitation to Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.
Patti Engineering trip to Mitsubishi Headquarters
Mitsubishi Corporate Headquarters

Patti Engineering Trip to Japan

Patti Engineering Mitsubishi Trip
Mitsubishi Factory Review

Patti Engineering's Executive Vice President, Sam Hoff, was one of nearly a dozen key Mitsubishi partners, including select integrators and distributors, which attended to learn more about the plans for the future of this innovative company. The five day trip commenced on May 18th, led by Mitsubishi's Director of Channel Sales, Jim Brys, and Sr. Product Marketing Engineer, Ariane Roberson. The groups first stop was a visit to Mitsubishi Electric Headquarters in Tokyo, followed by a visit to two Mitsubishi manufacturing facilities - Mitsubishi Nagoya Works Plant and Mitsubishi Himeji Works Plant.
This was Sam's first trip to Japan, and beyond learning about Mitsubishi's corporate strategy and future plans, Sam enjoyed learning about Japan's culture. Sam particularly took note of how polite and kind the Japanese people are.

There was great camaraderie among the attendees. In addition to getting to know
Mitsubishi Executives, Sam appreciated
Japanese school children practicing their English!
the opportunity to spend time with representatives of Mitsubishi Distributors whom Patti Engineering has worked with, including Scott Reid of Gibson Engineering (Massachusetts), and Mike Korinko of Womack Machine Supply (Texas).

Patti Engineering trip to Japan
A Group Toast
"I was honoured to be invited on this trip," explained Sam.  "We have been integrating Mitsubishi products for nearly 23 years, and we have enjoyed working with Mitsubishi, its distributors, and customers to provide innovative cost effective integration solutions."

As a Mitsubishi Authorized System Integrator, Patti Engineering is a trusted Mitsubishi integration resource; its engineering team brings a wealth of
Patti Engineering Mitsubishi Distributor
product and application knowledge to any project involving the integration of Mitsubishi Electric factory automation products.  Utilizing the power and versatility of Mitsubishi's automation technology, recent projects have included:

  • Fabricated, programmed and commissioned control systems incorporating Mitsubishi Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs), and Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) to carry out recipe process functions for a new food factory.
  • Developed a software platform, leveraging strengths of the Mitsubishi HMI and PLC product line, to provide Chrysler plants with the advantages of standardization. The project involved developing standardization of the user interfaces to make it easier and more efficient for operators to move from station to station.
  • Upgraded obsolete control systems on multiple UBE Injection Molding Machines (IMMs) from the legacy A Series PLC to the new Mitsubishi Q Series PLC control systems. At the completion of the project, the customer gained the many advantages of the technological advances in automation while extending the usable life of valuable capital equipment.

For more information on Patti Engineering's Mitsubishi project experience:
Patti Personnel - Sam Hoff
Sam Hoff
This month our spotlight is on our Executive Vice President, Sam Hoff. Sam is the founder of Patti Engineering, Inc., which started from his home in 1991 just before he married his wife Patti, the company's namesake, and President.

Sam's role is focused on building relationships with our partners and getting out in the field to work with our sales team. Sam is a "people person," and he is in his element when out of the office, engaging with partners and customers. "Being in the field is the best way to build relationships and better understand what is important to our partners, customers and employees. If you are not moving forward and improving your business, you are sliding backwards; learning how we can continue to improve as a company, particularly on delivery of services, is paramount," commented Sam.

Sam serves or has served on several boards and committees, including Automation Alley Board of Directors, Kettering University Electrical and Computer Engineering Board, and the Controls Systems Integrators Association (CSIA) Board of Directors, as well as the Hope College Parent's Council. Sam also is a past president of the Clarkston Rotary Club in Clarkston, Michigan.
The Hoff Family

In addition to founding Patti Engineering, Sam also co-founded LEID Products (Law Enforcement Intelligent Devices) with Dave Foster and Rick Crigger. LEID Products is the pioneer of electronic cabinets and gun rack storage using biometrics. The patented Biometric Access Control Systems (BACS) - developed in 2006 by Patti Engineering - is a proven asset management and inventory control system used to secure and track critical inventory for a wide range of customers.

Originally from Maryland, Sam first arrived in Michigan to attend General Motors Institute (GMI) which is now Kettering University in Flint, Michigan. Sam earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.

Sam and Patti have two children, their daughter, Payton, and son, Sammy. Payton just completed her freshman year at Hope College where she is pursuing a Biomedical Engineering Degree. Payton is an avid competitive swimmer who lettered her freshman year at Hope. Sammy just completed

fifth grade, loves playing a variety of sports, reading, and attending professional and college sporting events with his dad. In addition to spending time with his family, Sam has a passion for golf and is an avid baseball fan.

We are committed to the success of our partners and our clients. When you need an expert to help solve automation challenges, we are here to add value to your solution - enhance efficiency, increase productivity, and work with your team as a trusted resource. Visit our website for more information on our areas of expertise, or call us (248)364-3200 for a free initial consultation.

Thank you for your interest in Patti Engineering.

Best regards,

Georgia H. Whalen
Director of Marketing
Patti Engineering
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