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American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians News  | March 25, 2015



    1. The Future of Interventional Pain Management! See It At ASIPP Annual Meeting. Register Now!
    2. Registration Now Open for July Board Review Course in Chicago 
    3. ASIPP To Offer Controlled Substance Management, Coding, Compliance and Practice Management Courses in Chicago 
    4. ASIPP to Host EMR Webinar April 2 
    5. UPDATE 2-Medicare doctor pay fix prospects brighten in Congress 
    6. Lots of 'ifs' in Bobby Jindal's health care budget plan, and that has some people nervous 
    7. Congress Pressures FDA to Finalize Opioid Guidance 
    8. Companion SGR bill unveiled, pays for repeal with steep levies on tax scofflaws 
    9. CDC study claims hospital-acquired MRSA infection declined 2005-2011 
    10. Are Doctors Ready to Have Their Professional Lives on Display? 
    11. Revenue cycle hit by rise in high-deductible health plans 
    12. State Society News
annualThe Future of Interventional Pain Management! See It At ASIPP Annual Meeting. Register Now!

See Brochure for complete schedule. 



Who is the future of interventional pain management? All of us are, of course. But it is always exciting when we see a new generation of IPM physicians become actively involved in our specialty.


Three younger physicians will present programs during the Friday General Session that you will find interesting and informative.



First there is Dr. Devi Nampiaparampil doctordevi.com who will present, "IPM in the Age of Explosive Information Technology and Media: Is It Indispensable or Irrelevant?" Dr. Devi, as she is known, has appeared on numerous national television programs giving general medical commentary and commentary specifically about IPM.





Dr. Kaylea Boutwell will present, "Getting Involved in Advocacy: It is Never Too Early." Don't sit on the sidelines and let others do all the advocating for our specialty. She will tell us how we can all become involved.   



It takes a lot courage to run for political office. The scrutiny alone is more than many people can take.
Dr. Vanila Singh is one of those courageous persons who has run for political office. She has a unique perspective on her run for office that we know you will find very interesting, "An Interventionalist's Experience: Jumping into the Political Arena-Facts, Fiction, Frustration, and Reward."



There is a lot we can learn from this upcoming generation of interventional pain management practitioners. I urge you to join us in Orlando to learn from them as well as us "old-timers" and to share your knowledge with us. We all need to work together to overcome this strategy deficit that plagues us and together Overcome the Obstacles.



Survive and thrive with us in Orlando. We look forward to seeing you on April 9 in Orlando! Register today.



Click HERE for Loews Royal Pacific Resort at Universal Orlando� . Group rate of $197.


The Cabana Bay Beach Resort is ASIPP's overflow hotel. It is just a short walk for the Loews and joined by a walkway.


Universal Cabana Bay Beach Resort

6550 Adventure Way

Orlando, FL 32819


Alternate Hotels


DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Universal Studios Orlando
5780 Major Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819


Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Universal Studios Orlando
5905 South Kirkman Road, Orlando, FL 32819


Hyatt Place Hotel Universal Orlando
5895 Caravan Court, Orlando, FL 32819







Registration Now Open for July Board Review Course in Chicago


Make plans today to attend the 2015 Board Review Course set for July 21-24 at the Palmer House in Chicago, IL.



This intensive and comprehensive high-quality review will prepare physicians appearing for the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)-Subspecialty Pain Medicine examination and for the American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians (ABIPP)-Part 1 examination.


* A five-day review covering anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, ethics, interventional techniques, non-interventional techniques, controlled substances and practice management

* Unique lectures by experts in the field

* Extensive educational materials



Click HERE to Register:  


Click HERE for Board Review brochure

ASIPP To Offer Controlled Substance Management, Coding, Compliance and Practice Management Courses in Chicago


The ASIPP Comprehensive Review Courses and Exams in Controlled Substance Management and Coding, Compliance, and Practice Management will be held in Chicago, Illinois, on July 22-24, 2015.


The Coding, Compliance and Practice Management is so beneficial to practices, both office-based and ASCs, that many physicians send their staff early to keep them current on the cutting edge aspects of practice management. These intensive review courses are designed to present interventional pain management specialists and other health care providers an in-depth review of multiple areas of interventional pain management-the areas we were never taught, yet are crucial for our survival.


 The course features many nationally recognized experts in pain management billing and coding and practice management as well as controlled substance management. In today's environment of regulations and litigations, you can't afford not to broaden your knowledge and refresh your skills in these areas.



Educational Objectives for Coding, Compliance, and Practice Management in IPM:


 * Discuss documentation

 * Review practice management topics

* Discuss coding and billing

* Examine compliance issues


CLICK HERE to register for Coding, Compliance and Practice Management Course




Educational Objectives for Controlled Substance Management:


 * Review basic science and core concepts

* Discuss pharmacology

* Identify clinical use and effectiveness

 * Identify substance abuse

* Discuss topics with documentation, regulatory issues, legal issues, and ethical issues


CLICK HERE to register for Controlled Substance Management Course



 In addition to the review course, the American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians (for physicians) and the American Association of Allied Pain Management Professionals (for non-physicians) offers the opportunity for examination in order for physicians to obtain competency certification to and non-physicians to obtain associate certificates in Controlled Substance Management and Coding, Compliance, and Practice Management.



Accommodations The Palmer House Hotel 17 East Monroe Street, Chicago, IL 60603 | Phone: 312-726-7500 http://palmerhousehiltonhotel.com


ASIPP to Host EMR Webinar April 2


No Electronic Medical Record (EMR) at your office yet? Let the penalties begin...



This webinar will include information on: Choosing a 'right sized' EMR for your practice, Implementation process and the technology choices available, CMS Incentive Program, Hardship application and exclusions by specialty, Privacy & Security and more. With a new year approaching CMS will be mandating a schedule that will penalize providers who are not using and EMR. Considerations that will be considered are:


  • What is an EMR and why do you need it?
  • Pain points of an implementation that include patient interaction
  • Increased loss of revenue every year you are not on an EMR
  • Different types of EMR's (on-site or hosted)
  • Medicaid incentives still around in 2015 for implementation
  • Improving patient outcomes from shared EMR systems
  • Security and Privacy of your 'Electronic Chart'
  • Patients want to be 'connected' and how to control this
  • Improved Revenue Cycle through an EMR

Beginning in 2015 CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) will be penalizing Medicare eligible Providers that are not meaningful users of a Certified EMR under the Medicare EHR incentive Programs. Payment adjustments start January 1, 2015 and will increase every year a provider is not using and EMR.

If your office or providers are not using and EMR, not happy with the current EMR or need to understand how to maximize EMR capabilities please attend this webinar.



WEBINAR DATE:April 2, 2015

TIME: 11:00am-12:00pm CST

LENGTH:60 Minutes

SPEAKER: Anthony Patane, PMP, Information Technology/ HIPAA Security Officer



updateUPDATE 2-Medicare doctor pay fix prospects brighten in Congress


Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said on Tuesday that prospects were good for passage of a permanent fix to Medicare's flawed doctor-pay formula, a move that would spare physicians from impending pay cuts.


The Republican leader said the House was intent on avoiding another short-term repair like the ones resorted to previously.


The plan's prospects brightened in the Senate, as well, when Democratic Leader Harry Reid said he would look at the bipartisan House proposal, which would change the way doctors are reimbursed for Medicare costs. It was introduced earlier on Tuesday by Boehner and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.





Lots of 'ifs' in Bobby Jindal's health care budget plan, and that has some people nervous


The Jindal administration's proposed health care budget relies on more than $500 million in funding that is contingent on several things happening first - and that's making people in the health care community nervous.


"We have great concerns that it's really not achievable," said Paul Salles, who heads the Louisiana Hospital Association, the professional group representing most of the state's hospitals.


"It's something on paper," Salles said, but "it leaves us really exposed to dire straits."



The Advocate



Congress Pressures FDA to Finalize Opioid Guidance


The FDA will publish its long-awaited guidance on abuse-deterrent opioids by the end of June, in order to avoid a $20 million cut in funds to the commissioner's office threatened by Congress.


An amendment by Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) to the "Cromnibus" appropriations bill passed last December requires that the guidance be finalized by June 30, otherwise $20 million will be moved from the salaries and expenses section of the FDA Commissioner's office to its criminal investigations department to combat drug diversion.



MedPage Today


Companion SGR bill unveiled, pays for repeal with steep levies on tax scofflaws


Less than a week after bipartisan House leaders introduced a bill to repeal the sustainable growth rate, the committee on Tuesday released more detailed plans on how it will pay for the $200 billion bill.


The "Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015" calls for stiffer fines for tax delinquent Medicare service providers, keeping reimbursement foracute care providers to 1 percent and by upping premiums for wealthier Medicare beneficiaries.


The bill also extends funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for two years, but does not increase it.



Healthcare Finance News


CDC study claims hospital-acquired MRSA infection declined 2005-2011


According to a CDC study, invasive MRSA infections beginning in hospitals declined 54 percent between 2005 and 2011 and there were 9,000 fewer deaths in hospital patients in 2011 than those in 2005, reports Time Bulletin Media.


Two in 100 people carry the antibiotic resistant form of staph known as MRSA, and for the most part the germs do not pose a health threat, but they can cause life-threatening infections


Becker's ASC


Are Doctors Ready to Have Their Professional Lives on Display?


Maybe you remember the famous video by Simons and Chabris. Two groups of students, one in white shirts and the other in black shirts, are passing a basketball around. You are asked to watch the video and count the number of passes made by one of the teams. You proudly count 13 (the actual number is 18). But what you didn't notice, during all of your counting, was that midway through the video, a gorilla walked straight through the middle of the scene. Indeed about half of individuals tested in the original study missed the gorilla [1].


A red trauma victim is brought into the ED trauma bay by EMS. The lead paramedic provides details about the crash scene, the patient's health status, and gives a point-by-point report about the prehospital care. Too bad that only 36% of the key information was accurately remembered by the receiving ED group [2].


MedPage Today


Revenue cycle hit by rise in high-deductible health plans


The rise of patient deductibles is presenting a host of challenges to healthcare providers. But it also is bringing new opportunities for systems to engage with patients in the payment process.


Over the last 15 years, premium increases have significantly exceeded income growth for many Americans, sapping away money that would have gone to salary and wage increases. Average employee health plan premiums increased 60 percent between 2003 and 2013, with the employee share rising 93 percent, according to the Commonwealth Foundation. Meanwhile, average incomes in that time period grew by only 11 percent.



Healthcare Finance News

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stateState Society News


FSIPP Annual 2015 Meeting To Be Held in Conjunction with ASIPP Annual Meeting


In 2015 we will be having our FSIPP Annual Meeting in association with ASIPP.  The meeting will be held in Orlando at the Lowe's Royal Pacific Resort, Universal, on April 9-11, 2015.  We anticipate several hundred participants to join us for this educational, stimulating, and entertaining agenda.


Link here:

WVSIPP Meeting Set for  Aug 13-16, 2015


The West Virginia Society of Interventional Pain Physicians will hold its annual meeting at the Eden Roc Miami Beach, Miami Beach, FL Aug. 13-16, 2015.


For more information, go to 

Save The Date! CASIPP Meeting set for October 2015


The 2015 Annual Meeting of the California chapter of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians will be Oct. 16-18, 2015.  The event will take place at the Monterey Plaza Hotel in Monterey, California.  Registration will open early next year.  





*Please send your State Society meetings and news to:
 Holly Long at [email protected]


adsPhysicians Wanted


To view or post a job, please go to: http://jobs.asipp.org/home


to receive a member discount for posting a job, use member code: 20Member 

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