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Dear friends & family,

We had a long-overdue party last night, here at the CATALYST office/house known as Big Pink. Staff, writers and advertisers caught up (or maybe met for the first time). Ebenflow and our own Alice Toler DJed. John and I had a Jello shooter showdown (his: peach Jell-o; mine: gelatin from grassfed cows, with organic cacao, local honey and coconut milk; both: Five Wives vodka). Many interesting conversations were had and connections made. The new interns, Rachael and Zac, made good first impressions. The book giveaway room was a hit. For a snow-covered Thursday night, we did pretty well.  

Greta Belanger deJong
Editor & Publisher, CATALYST

PS: Click on the cover (left) to read the January 2016 CATALYST.
And click on the "donate" button if you'd like to contribute! Thank you!

Event picks for
January 8-14, 2016
T'ai Chi & Qigong at Red Lotus
Fri, Jan. 8, 7-8p
Red Lotus School of Movement,
740 S 300 W
T'ai Chi & Qigong demonstration class.

Revolution United Fundraiser

Fri, Jan. 8, 9pm-1am
Zest Kitchen & Bar
275 S 200 W
With DJs Turtle Boy and Bonneville. "Because when you dance, you're manifesting your thoughts." There will be a wall where everyone can write what they are dancing to manifest in 2016. Come dressed as your favorite revolutionary leader and you will receive a free VOGMASK for your efforts.

Myth & Movement: Gods
Sat, Jan. 9, 3-5pm (continues 16, 23).
2545 Parleys Way, Ste. 100
$20/class or $45 for all three 

The rich symbolism and complex characters that make up the myths and legends of yoga are tools to help us explore our human existence. Get to know Ganesha, Hanuman & Shiva through story, asana, mantra and mudra. All levels. With Lin Steffey. 

National Theatre Live from London: 
GB Shaw's Man & Superman
Sat, Jan. 9, noon-2pm
Broadway Centre Cinema
111 E 300 S


A romantic comedy, an epic fairytale, a fiery philosophical debate, Man and Superman asks fundamental questions about how we live.

Salt Lake Symphony Family Concert: 
The Wild, Wild Musical West
Sat, January 9, 2p 
Libby Gardner Concert Hall on President's Circle,
U of U campus 
$10/$5 for 
students and seniors

There will be Western favorites and some surprises, too, as we learn about music, cowboys, horses and tumbleweeds. The Family Fun concert has been an annual favorite for generations, and is fun for all generations.
Tickets: available in advance (801-531-7501) or at the door
12 Minutes Max
Sun, Jan 10, 2pm
SLC Public Library, 210 E 400 S
Monthly showcase of short works and works-in-progress by local artists in many disciplines. After each month's performances, coffee and cookies are served ~ a time for conversation and feedback. This month's line-up: "Synthesis," a new solo created and performed by Daniel Charon, combines various analog and digital elements to create a hybrid performance experience. Natasha Hoffman will present three short films that feature performances and artwork from TURN City Center for the Arts, an art program for adults with developmental disabilities. Andrew Shaw will perform an improvisational sound piece with several elements including loop pedals, guitar and voice.

Burning Man Film Festival and 2017 Temple Fundraiser
Tues, Jan 12, 7pm
Brewvies Cinema Pub, 677 S 200 W

Learn about the Utah Temples Project. Films, opportunity drawing, cash bar, and more. $2 for the films, and a suggested donation of $5 to raise money for the proposed temple. 

Dump Trump!

Tues, Jan. 12, 12:30pm
Student Union, University of Utah, 200 Central Campus Dr

Rally to make a statement regarding Trump's racism and Islamophobia. Organized by the Revolutionary Students Union. 

Sara Caldiero & Derek Henderson @ City Art 
Wed, Jan. 13, 7-9pm
SLC Public Library, 210 E 400 S
City Art Reading Series is the longest-running literary arts series in Salt Lake. This week's performers:
Sara Caldiero-Oertli, who grew up in a house of poetry, is a dancer of Baladi, was first runner-up for Utah's Samba Queen in 2014, and writes poetry that centers on the body. Derek Henderson teaches English at the Walden School of Liberal Arts in Provo.  

Humanists of Utah Conversation 
Thurs, Jan. 14, 7-9pm
First Unitarian Church, 569 S 1300 E. 

Humanists of Utah conversation with Tribune editor Terry Orme, discussing upcoming legislative session. 

Blog Updates 
A restless wind blows through the first weeks of 2016 and settling down or settling into new routines, with or without resolutions, requires potent determination-and I'm not just talking about diets and exercise. This restlessness occurs on several levels simultaneously, making it hard for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies to relax or simply hold steady. Yes, Mercury is retrograde (more below about what that means), a position that always infuses daily life with hefty doses of frustration. But more importantly, making sense of our brave new world of 2016 is no small feat, and for many of us, completely overwhelming. Almost all aspects of life, all around the world, seem to be pinned to extremes, which makes holding an objective perspective nearly impossible. The middle ground is the best and safest place to be, so make "moderation" your mantra and aim your sights at balance...(read more)