CATALYST Weekly Reader ~ Resources for Creative Living
Oct. 23 - Oct. 30

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In This Newsletter:
SLC Fourth Annual Witches Ball
Putting Your Garden to Bed
Diwali (Festival of Lights)
7th Annual Erotic Halloween Ball
Andean Cosmovision: An Ancient Path To A New Reality
Le Cousin Jules
SLC Green Drinks
Public Star Party
Tim's Vermeer
Jeff Metcalf's reading at Ken Sanders Books
Wayne Hancock at the State Room
The Aquarium Age
Dear friends and family,
Here are my picks for the week ahead. Also, if you haven't read the October CATALYST yet, you can access it here.

~ Greta Belanger deJong
editor & publisher

Event picks for
Oct. 24- Oct. 30  
Friday, Oct. 24, 9p-1a. Pierpont Place, 163 W Pierpont  Ave. $20.  

Celebrating this magical time of year with a full blown, brilliant Masquerade Ball.
As always there will be a "cauldron" giveaway for the best costume, aka "The Baddest Witch." The cauldron this year will be bubbling over with a conglomeration of pricey goodies for the crowned witch or "warlock."  

Facebook Event Link 


Saturday, Oct. 25, 10a-noon. 

Grateful Tomato Garden, 600 E 769 S. $10.

Learn about fall cleanup, composting, starting your own leaf mold piles, sheet mulching your beds, how to start a lasagna garden and much, much more. Come to the Grateful Tomato Garden and learn what you can do now, to be a step ahead of the game next spring. Register online. $10. Carly Gillespie, instructor.



Saturday, Oct. 25, 6p. 

Krishna Temple, 965 E. 3370 South, SLC. Free.


An evening of classical and folk dancing, live music, dramas, a ceremony of lights, huge vegetarian feast, and offering of respects to a live cow.



Saturday, Oct. 25, 9p-2a. The Complex, 536 W. 100 South. $25-$140.  

The wildest, sexiest, scariest, most exotic party in the Mountain West. The 7th Annual Halloween Erotic Ball showcases all of Utah's erotic groups, performers and businesses. Come dance the night away to Live music, great DJ's and enjoy some very hot acts.

Facebook Event Link

Andean Cosmovision: An Ancient Path To A New Reality (U of U Distinguished Speaker series)


Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2-3p. University of Utah Rasmussen Library (OSH 336), 200 S Central Campus Dr. Free.  

Oakley E. Gordon, associate professor of psychology, discusses his research on the Andean Cosmovision (how the indigenous Andean people perceive and interact with the Cosmos). This cosmovision opens new facets of ourselves and the cosmos to explore, while nourishing a more loving and mutually supportive relationship with nature. Gordon will describe how this viewpoint can be integrated into Western society.

Facebook Event Link

Tuesday, Oct. 28, 7p. Main City Library, 210 E. 400 South. Free. 


A lost masterpiece of cinema, this film records the lives of two French farmers (Jules and Felicie) from 1968 to 1973, who lived a way of life that vanished long ago. To Watch the trailer, click here. 


Tuesday, Oct. 28, 6-9p. Even Steven Sandwiches, 200 S 414 E. $5-$10 requested donation.  
Ecologically minded citizens and businessfolk invited to come talk shop, hear what's new. Sandwiches and desserts by Even Steven, beverages from Utah Brewers Cooperative. 
Also, a 15-min. presentation on "What's a B Corp.?" Bike, TRAX, bus or walk if you can!

Wednesday, Oct. 29, 8:30p-midnight.
South Physics Observatory, 115 S. 1400 E. Free.


Public star party in an observatory where you can view planets, stars, galaxies, nebula, and other astronomical objects. Pray for clear skies (party will be canceled for clouds). 

Wednesday, Oct. 29, 7p. .
Utah Museum of Fine Arts, 301 Wakara Way. Free.
Tim Jenison, a Texas-based inventor, attempts to answer how 17th century Dutch master Johannes Vermeer (Girl with a Pearl Earring) managed to paint so photo-realistically 150 years before the invention of photography. 
To watch the trailer, click here. 

Wednesday, Oct. 29, 7p. 
Ken Sanders Rare Books, 268 S 200 E. Free.  

Jeff Metcalf will read from his new autobiography and memoir, Requiem for the Living. After nine years of keeping his prostate cancer at bay, the drugs were no longer working. Doctors told him his time was nearly up. Metcalf used this diagnosis as motivation to dive deeper into writing, tasking himself to write one essay each week for a year. His collection of 52 essays was chosen by the Utah Division of Arts and Museums as the winner of their 2012 Original Writing Competition. Requiem for the Living contains the best of these essays, selected and reworked by the author, who continues to defy his medical prognosis. 

Thursday, Oct. 30, 8-11p.
The State Room, 638 S State. $13.  21+ 

"Hancock, who tosses out a roots mix of old country, roadhouse blues, western dance swing, boogie bop, and straight-up rockabilly, takes what was once old and makes it seem like it's always been and always will be."  Presented by KRCL 90.9 FM KRCL. 

Blog Updates 
Welcome to another week of multifaceted change, another week when Earthlings are challenged to skillfully navigate the shifting currents of daily life, currents that unfold in erratic patterns, currents that have the potential to destabilize all those places in life already wobbling with uncertainty. We're in the thrall of a solar eclipse that occurs on October 23, even as we continue to reel from the lunar eclipse of October 8. But that's not all. Mercury goes direct on Saturday, October 25, and as it "turns around" many of the regular routines of daily life also slow to a crawl-and the pace tries the patience of everyone, including the dog....(read more).