Hartfield's Hikers New Logo
What's Going On...
Newsletter Subtitle
November 2012
Hartfield's Hikers New Logo

Wow!  October was a whirlwind of a month which brings me right into November, the month that marks the beginning of the season of great recognition for all those things for which we are thankful.  First, I am most thankful for my health that  enables me to 'Live My Life to the Fullest!'  I am having so much fun, feeling so very, very good, enjoying all my new and old friends and having a fantastic time on each exhilarating adventure, not to mention all that is yet to come...wow!!!   

This is one of my highlights for October...I entered the L.L.Bean 100 Years of Exploring the Outdoors Gear Giveaway, and I was a winner...Check out my entry, and see the gear I won! 

Also, I am truly blessed and plan to continue to be a blessing to others, particularly as we enter this season of thanks and giving of ourselves, I encourage you to do the same.
Carolyn's Signature

P.S.:    Sorry for the tardiness of this newsletter, I have really been super busy with adventures and more importantly my businesses...business is really great!  Thanks for your patience and understanding with me!

Stay updated through our calendar and my blog, not to mention my most popular Meetup group. 
Black Rock Mountain - October 26, 2012
Photo taken from the 3625 feet
Summit of Black Rock Mountain,
by me on Friday, October 26, 2012


Black Rock Mountain Hike
Saturday, November 3rd
Rating:  Moderate  
Distance:  2.2 Miles
Departure:  8:00a.m.  Sharp
(Approx. 1.5 hour drive)


Meeting Location:  Hong Kong Market

5495 Jimmy Carter Blvd.

Norcross, GA 30093

 (Get Directions)  


The Tennessee Rock Trail, the one we will hike, winds its way through some of the highest and most lush forests. It is the park's most popular hiking trail. The trail offers a perfect opportunity to get better acquainted with the area's rich woodlands and vistas, that on clear days span over 80 miles into the neighboring states of both North and South Carolina, as well as Tennessee, including views of Georgia's Brasstown Bald and Clingman's Dome in Tennessee.  Check out the photo just taken last Friday, October 26, 2012.  It was even more stunning in person! 


We will walk a quarter-mile following the Eastern Continental Divide. This great ridge separates rainfall flowing eastward toward the Savannah River and the Atlantic Ocean from rainfall trending westward toward the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico...wow!  Remember learning about the 'Continental Divide' in school. This is where I get a chance to showcase my Interpretive Guide training :).       Read more...


As always, wear comfortable shoes (no new shoes!) and layered clothing.  Bring plenty of water, snacks and your lunch.



Hiking the Grand Canyon
Get Ready for 2013

Hiking the Grand Canyon
I will be celebrating my 65th birthday in 2013, hiking the Grand Canyon!

I thought plans would be finalized by now. I expect to have them finalized to make the first announcement on the hike, then I will send it out to everyone through the newsletter and online posts.
Hiking Tips

Hiking Boots
Get a good restful night's sleep.

Eat a hardy nutritious breakfast.

Stay hydrated! Drink lots of water. Don't worry about having to use the bathroom...it is not an issue...believe me!

Wear layered clothing made of light quick drying fabric.  Stay away from cotton...it holds moisture.

Wear sturdy comfortable shoes or hiking boots.  Never wear new boots or shoes on a hike...you will be sorry! Break them in first.

Pack healthy snacks and a light healthy lunch.

Slow down, rest if necessary, stop if tired. Don't push yourself. On our hikes we are as fast as the slowest person.

Follow the Leave No Trace Principles.  Whatever you take in you take out.  Our motto is we only take photographs and only leave with great memories that we cherish! 
Friends & Supporters
Visit Our Extended Family Members

Hartfield's Healthy Haven
All Natural Products...Scientifically Based

Check out some of the all natural supplements I take that keep me healthy and able to manage all the excitement and adventures in my life!

This stuff really works. I am a living testament!

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About Carolyn Hartfield

Carolyn sitting on tree at Sweetwater

We hike the first Saturday of every month unless (very rarely) posted otherwise. Our hikers are all ages, male and female, from youth to seniors. 
We simply ask you to make note of the length of the hike and the level of difficulty rating.  We are as fast as the slowest person...no need to feel pressured.  We enjoy nature and the company of each other as we hike the trails. 
Hike Leader Carolyn is a certified Outings Leader through the Sierra Club, certified in Wilderness First Aid through the National Outdoor Leadership School, Wilderness Institute, and certified as a National Interpretive Guide.  Carolyn is a member in good standing in the Sierra Club and the American Hiking Society.  She is a Natural Health Practitioner and enjoys sharing her knowledge and experiences with groups.

Paulette, is the Sweep (the person in the back to ensure no one is left behind) is a certified Outings Leaders with the Sierra Club and certified in Wilderness First Aid.  Together we hike as a team to ensure the safety and well-being of our hikers.