Creative Emergence Newsletter
November 2012
In This Issue
C in B Telesummit
Creative Facilitation
Article Headline
CreativiTweet Links
CreativiTweet Musings
Creativity Network
Our Services

Hi there!

Wow! What a month! We are winding down our Creativity in Business: Applied Discovery Telesummit. and it was awesome. The speakers all shared incredible richness and depth...along with creative actionable practices! I feel very grateful. Even if you missed any of the live calls, you can still listen to the MP3s of all 16 sessions anytime! See the details below.

Also, excited to announce my annual Whole Brain Creative Facilitation Workshop is coming up this December 7-8 in Falls Church, VA. See the details below. 


For other news, I'm delighted to welcome the National Cancer Institute as a new client. I look forward to leading an Improv for Leaders and Creativity Program there in the new year.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! And blessings to all who are recovering from Sandy. 



The Creativity in Business Telesummit

Get all 16 of the MP3s Here 

16 creativity thought leaders and practitioners, pioneering entrepreneurs, authors, and business innovators explored discovery and applied creativity in work and business! Each shared their own discovery story and offered creativity principles and actionable practices.

1. John Hagel talked about the different types of passion, trust-based relationships, the power of vulnerability, cultivating the whole person, creative work cultures and more. He ended with a great "positive friction" practice on for more creative work teams.

2. Nate Schwagler talked about the creativity mindset, extracting learning form mistakes, applied creativity exercises and resources, turning ideas into action and what to consider, constraint driven creativity and more. He ended with a practice on challenging assumptions.

3. Jennifer Lee talked about her creative process, visual thinking, right brain business planning, accessing intuition, the role of feedback int he creative process, intuitive painting, and more. She ended with a visual thinking practice you can do in real time.  

4. Dan Pink talked about his creative process, his new book, creating space for discovery, overcoming learned helplessness, creative inquiry, fixing what is yours to do, creative mindsets, and more. He ended with a practice on harvesting ideas.

5. Michael Margolis talked about story building, reshaping our reality, setbacks before breakthroughs, humanizing language, meaning in stories, the story map and more. He ended with a practice on moving beyond the problem/solution model into new possibilities.

6. Cathy Salit talked about breaking the rules, creating what you desire, breaking out of roles and patterns, using improv and performance to discover, co-creating and collective ownership and more. She gave practices for expanding possibilities and working w/tension.

7. William Hall talked using masks and "unmasking", archetypes and creativity, cultivating creativity in organizations, applied improvisation and co-creative performance, creative debriefing, collaborative play and more with lots of practices and examples.

8. Jonathan Bender talked about performance techniques, embodied speaking and presenting, waking up your voice and using it for impact and resonance, the use of the body in creative process, and much more with lots of practices and examples.

9. Julie Daley talked about creating form the inside out, the vital creative energy, cultivating trust in your own creative nature, incubating and strategizing in the creative process, whole-person creating and more with lots of practices and examples.

10. Linda Naiman talked about arts-based learning, what art can teach business and the connection between art and leadership, how to think like an artist and solve business problems, tapping into your childhood genius, facilitating arts-based learning and more.

11. Michael Gelb talked about creativity and human potential, how to think like Leonardo DaVinci, visual thinking, mind mapping, applying creativity with work teams, anymore. He ended with a creative framework you can apply from his book, How to Innovate like Edison.

12. Annalie Killian talks about creativity at intersections, leading innovation initiatives in the corporate world, handling resistance and getting buy-in, multi-sensory immersion experiences, cultivating your "intrapreneur" and offer a metaphoric thinking practice.

13. Frank Spencer talked about creativity, discovery and innovation in business through the lens of futures thinking and foresight, trends and patterns, creative thinking/visioning tools, design fiction and facilitated a process of discovering "wicked" opportunities.
14. Julie Ann Turner talked about stepping into your creative power, visual tools in your creative process, owning and crafting your own body of work, handling internal and external "critics" in creating, and facilitated a process of moving from what is into what can be.

15. Neil Mularkey talked about applied improvisation, power imbalances that inhibit creativity, cultivating fun, living organizations, being "in charge not in control", comedy as a unifying force, ordinary and extraordinary management, accessing our everyday creativity.

16. I integrated some of what emerged in the previous presentations and shared some creativity facilitation ideas and principles, and ended with a body-centered creative practice from my upcoming book, Pattern Breaks: A Facilitator's Guide to Cultivating Creativity.   

To order your own MP3 Package
- a 16-hour applied creativity immersion course from people living it and facilitating it in the real world - go to:

You'll receive
food for thought, inspiration and guidance along with principles, practices, approaches, and frameworks you can start applying to your work, life or business to help you discover, create, and innovate in your awesomely unique way!
Whole Brain Creative Facilitation Workshop    

Using Whole-Brain Creativity Practices and Principles for
Vibrant, Agile and Innovative
Learning  Environments       

December 7 and 8, 2012. 9:30am-4:30pm.
Led by Michelle James

Image from Mercedes Benz ad

This workshop is for professional facilitators, trainers, OD practitioners, coaches, consultants, educators, leaders
and anyone else who wants to facilitate creativity, dynamic learning and positive culture change for their participants.


Join the creativity facilitation and training revolution! Learn and experience a variety of both right and left brain creativity approaches and techniques designed to enliven your workshops and accelerate participant learning.

Learn how to * Quickly and easily engage participants * Modify activities for the particular group and learning objectives * Draw forth the energy, passion, and assets already in the room * Cultivate the attitudes and behaviors for using whole-brain approaches * Create a safe and receptive learning environment. This workshop will focus on two levels at the same time - you as a professional, authentic facilitator and you as a creative individual.

Experience whole-brain training activities based in storytelling, improvisational theater, visual imagery, somatics, accelerated learning, ritual, systems thinking, Socratic and analytical processes...and more!  You will learn key creative facilitation principles, creativity training design guidelines, and whole brain approaches to design and facilitate innovative learning environments.

Explore using whole brain methods to: * Get your own creative juices flowing * Draw forth your natural gifts as a facilitator * Explore the applications of these new tools * Have fun. Surprise yourself and each other * Let go of controls; think and respond spontaneously

Leave with creative activities for: * Icebreakers * Energizers * Creating group story * Innovation & idea generation * Team & community building

When: Friday & Saturday, December 7th and 8th (9:30: 4:30). Plus, a follow up phone one-on-one coaching session. Where: Falls Church, VA. Directions will be provided.  

Earlybird discount through November 28!   


More information and registration: 

From a Telesummit Listener

One of the Creativity in Business Conference (CIBT) listeners, Lisa Nelson, drew this image of some the points that Jennifer Lee bought up in her session.

CreativiTweet Links & Quotes      

Every issue I include some of my recently tweeted links - articles, videos, and other creativity-related links of interest. I hope you find something of value within them. Come join me on Twitter anytime at @CreatvEmergence

1.  Creating the Story of Tomorrow | IONS Library | Institute of Noetic Sciences -
2.  Twilight Zone Creator Rod Serling on Where Good Ideas Come From -
3.  "The Opposite of Play is not Work, it's Depression." ~ Stuart Brown 
4.  How to recognize Design Thinkers -

5.  How Successful Companies Sustain Innovation - FastCo -
6.  "The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterwards." ~ Arthur Koestler
7.  "As a leader, you're in charge, but you're not in control." ~ Neil Mullarkey
     (at the Creativity in Business Telesummit)
8.  Big ideas | 10 original thinkers -
9.  The Purpose of Education
10. 21 Card Decks for Creative Problem Solving, Effective Communication
      & Strategic Foresight
11. Why Entrepreneurial Thinking Is For Everyone Now -
12. "Capture. File. Harvest."  ~ Dan Pink  (at the Creativity in Business Telesummit)
13. "When criticized or afraid, feel it, draw it, see it reflected back." ~ Jennifer Lee
     (at the Creativity in Business Telesummit)
14. Creativity Corporation cartoon - funny!
15. 8 Signs You've Found Your Life's Work
16. To Innovate, Play with Pieces Off the Game Board - HBR blog
17. "Follow your passion, as long as you link it to making other people happy."
      ~ Michael Gelb (at the Creativity in Business Telesummit)
18. Want to get the creative juices flowing? Let your mind wander
19. Why Learning Should Be Messy -
20. What is Your Innovation Deep Structure?  

CreativiTweet Musings 

Every issue I also include some of my own musings in 140 characters or less. These are some of my recently tweeted explorations about creativity and emergence:  


1.  Think the Monkeys had it right with "We're too busy singing to put
     anybody down...." #powerofcreativity
2.  Creativity in not limited to the is the essence of all life,  
     accessible to all of us.
3.  Pattern breaking brings creativity out in unexpected ways.
4.  Creativity in cultivated and nurtured with space, time and attention.
5.  For truly transformational creativity, get the body involved - it is a magnificent
     creative resource!
6.  I think creative inspiration + meaning, more than action plans + will power, is key to
     getting things done. 
7.  We have ownership of our own discoveries in a way we can't based talking in what
     others tell us.
8.  There is a personal creative empowerment that comes from what we learn,
     experience and discover directly for ourselves.
9.  Our own discoveries are what differentiate us and give us ownership of our
     understandings. And they lead to our unique "signature" approach in our work.
10. Creativity is the integrations of structure and much of each, and how it is
     shaped and formed, and how it plays our it unique to each creator and creation. 

Capitol Creativity Network  

is on hiatus for another month due to travel and the telesummit. We will be re-convening on December 12 for our annual Holiday Festival. We'll have an all-new, whole-brain, experiential presentation along with food, wine and festivities afterward. Mark the date and stay tuned for details!

Our Services

The Center for Creative Emergence is a creativity consulting, facilitating and coaching company dedicated to integrating inspired creativity, meaning, organizational culture and business for a happier and more productive work life and a richer bottom line. We cultivate breakthroughs and emergence with entrepreneurs, teams, and organizations. CEO Michelle James has a mission to engage people into their full humanness via whole-brain (and body) creative process for innovative work, positive social change and consciously creating a generative, life-giving future.

Our Services include creativity and emergence coaching and facilitating, whole-brain corporate and public workshops, conference presentations, creativity events and Quantum Leap Business Improv

Coaching Clients
include Entrepreneurs who want to discover their calling, develop their signature approach, products and services, or create their new future story; Leaders who want to draw out and focus the creativity of their work force; Pioneers who are forging new territory or creating new models; Facilitators who want to create new programs or workshops; Business Partners and Teams who want to co-create or establish a creative work culture. 

Organizational Clients
have included Panasonic, Deloitte, Microsoft, GEICO, RAPP, Kaiser Permanente, Inova Health System, Teach for America, Hands On Network, Cable & Wireless, National Institutes of Health, The World Bank, Invest Northern Ireland, Service Employee International Union, American University, Search for Common Ground, Center for Nonprofit Advancement, Teach for America and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration among others.

Blog: is The Fertile Unknown at
Twitter: CreatvEmergence 
Michelle James