May 2016 Corrected Edition #2
  May'14 banner
Dear Members and Friends, 


Hello again.... We found a link error in the last 2 editions of May Newsletter!

Thank you to those who view our newsletter and take the time to inform us of these mistakes. 


CITAP Newsletter Team

May 2016 Issue
President's Message
From the Executive Director
2016 AGM
2016 Golf Event
DMO Report
Showcast your Destination!
Members Corner
RTO Report      

Click here for report 

Market updates written by Receptive Tour Operator members from May 2016 including:

  • Japan
  • Sino China

Enjoy their anecdotal assessment of each of our primary Asia Pacific markets with a combination of Overview, Economy and Forecast.

**RTO Reports are now posted in the Members Only section of our website. Please login to view the report.

CITAP Website Update

Members can now update their own Member Profile page in the Members Only section of the website: you can now update

  • contact details,
  • update corporate logo,
  • add photos,
  • change your business/service description,
  • change the password to something easier for you to remember,
  • and even has a new section to add Social Media information!

Check out your own Profile Page today to ensure fellow CITAP members have access to the up-to-date membership information.


Contact CITAP Office if you require your login information.


Upcoming Events

2016 Discover Ontario FAM for RTO members


   May 29 ~ June 4, 2016


2016 Eastern Summer Event


   May 30, 2016

   Legends on the Niagara   

   Golf Course


  • Market Update
  • Golf Tournament
  • Networking Dinner

To register or receive further information, please contact Harvey Hamazaki at



2016 Annual Golf Tournament "Hidi Nishi Classic"


   July 19,2016

   Mayfair Lakes Golf &

   Country Club in Richmond,



Online registration form coming out soon.



2016 CITAP Winter Function


   December 6, 2016

   Venue to be announced


Online registration form will be available in October.



Contact CITAP Office for any information. 



Get Connected 

Stay Connected 

to Increase Your Business from Asia Pacific



Interested in joining CITAP?



Interested in joining a committee?



Have a suggestion for a committee?



We welcome your ideas!



Email us at: 



Visit our website at: 


Next issue scheduled for August 2016



President's Message
Dear members,

Please join me in welcoming Joe Volk to his new role with CITAP as our first Executive Director! As our ED, Joe will help navigate and direct our organization forward as one of the leaders in our industry.
We recently had our AGM. Thank you to all those who participated in CITAP 2016 AGM in Victoria, BC at the Westin Bear Mountain Golf Resort & Spa. Those of us who were able to attend, enjoyed 2 great days of connecting with one another, participating in the AGM and learning relevant and practical skills on storytelling from Maureen Douglas that I believe is one of the most authentic and effective ways in marketing our products and services. 
We are in exciting times. Canada is positioned to continue to see an increase in market share from our Asia Pacific markets over other destinations. Together we can work to increase the support in our Canadian operations so that each visitor is well supported from the moment they select Canada as their destination until they return as our future ambassador. 
To move forward with the expanded roles and expectations of CITAP, we will look to you, as a CITAP member, for your support by volunteering your time and also actively participating in our outreach efforts as 2016 unfolds. 
Thank you for your part in helping us to move forward together to strengthen CITAP. For those attending the CITAP golf events in Ontario, thank you!  I look forward to seeing many of you at Mayfair Lakes Golf & Country Club in Richmond on July 19th for our first Hidi Nishi Classic! 
Enjoy spring!  
Cheryl Lee
From the Executive Director
Joe Volk 


Dear members,

This past month has been an exciting time for me and I am delighted to have the privilege in working with such a great group of people. Congratulations to all the new and existing members of the Board for 2016/2017, and a special thanks to Mr. Bill Bessho for his dedication as CITAP 2015/2016 President. We wish to express our deepest gratitude for his ongoing commitment to the mission and vision of CITAP over many years! He will continue to serve with equal devotion in his new post as Past President and our mentor for the next two years.
Also congratulations to Ms. Cheryl Lee our new President at CITAP who I've had the privilege in working with this past month. I know she is a great person to have at the helm as we move forward in 2016.
This past month at CITAP has been amazing, seeing the amount of work and dedication our committee members perform to ensure the success of our organization and industry. From the Product Development team putting out online questionnaire on what type of products RTOs are looking for, to the Standards Committee publishing "Guidelines for Doing Business in Canada" document, and to our Communications Committee in putting together a presentation on "How to do Business in China" for our Whitehorse  (not Yellowknife) presentation.
For CITAP, 2016 will be a year of moving forward in industry partnerships with key stakeholders such as Destination Canada, TIAC and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. By working with these key partners, we will have a better position to take on the opportunities and challenges that our committee members are working hard to pursue.
2016 Annual General Meeting
Alice Lin | Puspa Affandi, AGM Team
We recently hosted our Annual General Meeting in Victoria, BC. Thank you for all those who attended. We also would like to thank Tourism Victoria and partners for hosting the AGM and RTO FAM Tour in their beautiful city from April 10-11, 2016. Special thanks to our hotel member Westin Bear Mountain Golf Resort & Spa and also to our transportation members International Stage Lines, Wilson's Transportation, BC Ferries, Harbour Air and WestJet for their support in providing discounted accommodation and travel fares. Most of all, we wish to thank all members who participated either in person or by proxy submissions to make this year's AGM a great success.

Thank you again for participating in our 19th AGM. Please mark your calendars for our upcoming events:
  • CITAP ECC FAM "Discover Ontario" May 29 - June 4, 2016
  • Eastern Chapter Golf, Market Update, Dinner at Legends on the Niagara Golf Course - May 30, 2016
  • The Hidi Nishi Classic (formerly CITAP Golf Tournament) at Mayfair Lakes GCC - July 19, 2016
  • Winter Function 2016 (location TBD) - December 6, 2016
CITAP 2016 Hidi Nishi Classic
John Webster | Yuji Shimizu, Golf Team
This year's CITAP Annual Golf Tournament in Richmond, will be referred to as The Hidi Nishi Classic - - the newly named July event.
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 19, for what should be a great day both on and off the golf course. The day promises to be a full one, with Tourism Richmond offering a FAM to those members who would like to experience some of Richmond's new product such as the ROX (Richmond Olympic Experience at the Olympic Oval). Golf will be the main drawing card, followed by the dinner which last year was a sellout. Register early, come prepared for a fun day of camaraderie, get connected and stay connected.
The online registration will be available soon.
Hope to see everyone at Mayfair Lakes Golf & Country Club on July 19th! 

DMO Corner
Doug Treleaven
Sales Manager, Travel Trade 
Tourism Victoria 
Tourism Victoria has attended Showcase Canada in Asia annually since 2009.
Commencing in 2011, as interest in Canada grew with the approval of ADS, Tourism Victoria began to schedule sales calls following Showcase, starting with a few days in Shanghai and with a grand total of 3 people. We all fit nicely in one vehicle. Recognition of Victoria at that stage was limited to "the place where Butchart Gardens is" and the inevitable "Victoria Island", the latter which persists to this day. Read full report
Send us Photos to Showcase your Destination!
Puspa Affandi, Communications Committee
Please send in your photos and showcase your destinations to other members through our website! Four selected photos will be used for the homepage rotating images and the rest will be shared on our gallery page. Photo theme ideas: season, wildlife, nature, art, festival, sports/activities
Grab your camera, take a picture to match one of the themes below and send them to us at
Please include the title of theme in the subject line of your message and remember to add your organization name and a brief sentence/phrase describing the photo. Pictures should be sent as Jpeg files and shouldn't be larger than 1MB/image. These pictures will only be used by CITAP.

Members Corner

Megan Nelson, Communications Committee


Heritage Park Historical Village
Sonohomish Country Tourism Bureau

2017 National Championships to be held in Everett


The Oak Bay Beach Hotel

Fresh Fare Happening at Victoria's Luxury Oceanfront Hotel



FAM Tour & Reception at the ROX for Tour Operators


Tourism Sun Peaks

Sun Peaks Extends Chairlift Hours for Summer Months


Travel Alberta 

Announcing Alberta Food Tours & SunDog Stargazing Experience


Uncommon Canada

Destination Deline


Victoria Hippo Tours

Coming Mid May 2016

Got an idea for our next newsletter? We'd love to hear from you. Contact