Graduate School Announcements
August 1, 2016

Graduate School News:
Union Representation Website Launches

Conversations are occurring at Cornell, and at other private universities, regarding labor union representation of graduate assistants. Current federal labor law holds that graduate assistants at private universities are not employees. However, two cases are pending with the National Labor Relations Board and may result in changes to federal labor law, in which graduate assistants at private universities may be considered employees.

In response, the Graduate School has launched a union representation website with frequently asked questions about union representation to help anticipate and address questions. We anticipate updating the FAQs as we have more information. 
Gil Hanse, MLA '89 and Frank Rossi, Ph.D. '91 Design Golf Course for Rio Olympics
Course Designer Gil Hanse, MLA '89
Gil Hanse, MLA '89, bested a field of 29 of the world's top golf architects four years ago and won the job of turning an abandoned sand mine in the Barra da Tijuca neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro into a golf course that could challenge the best players in the game, then be used as a municipal course for a city and nation just being introduced to the sport.

Hanse - an award-winning course architect who founded Hanse Golf Course Design in Malvern, Pennsylvania - enlisted the help of fellow Cornellian Frank Rossi, Ph.D. '91, to come up with a grassing plan in keeping with his philosophy of tailoring the golf course to the site, and not the other way around. "He's the best - he's so passionate," Hanse said of Rossi, who is an associate professor in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences' School of Integrative Plant Science.

Gabrielle Borenstein Wins Liebmann Fellowship
Liebmann Fellow Gabrielle Borenstein
Congratulations to Anthropology Ph.D. student Gabrielle Borenstein, who was recently awarded the prestigious and competitive Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship, which was established to support graduate students with outstanding character and ability who hold promise for achievement and distinction in their chosen fields of study. Borenstein is currently doing archaeological research in Armenia. 

Elizabeth Lombardi Seeks Patches of Non-Native Plant for Study
Dame's Rocket
Elizabeth Lombardi, a graduate student in the Field of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University, is collecting field data on plant pathogens in natural ecosystems throughout the Adirondack region, and has identified a virus in the non-native species Dame's Rocket at several locations. Lombardi is asking the public if they cultivate this flower, or have seen it in the Adirondacks.

The focus of Lombardi's research is viral epidemiology of Adirondack brassica species, including non-native species that have colonized disturbed areas and that live in your gardens. Her current interest is in locating and sampling as many clusters of Dame's Rocket (Hesperis matronalis) as possible. Dame's Rocket is an ornamental and garden escapee found along highways and near built environments (towns, gardens and such).

Neil Y.C. Lin and Matthew Bierbaum, Co-Lead Authors of Crystal Study

A research team led by associate professor Itai Cohen and professor James Sethna, both of physics, has proposed a new method to measure forces within colloidal materials. Lin and Bierbaum are co-lead authors on the study,  "Measuring Nonlinear Stresses Generated by Defects in 3D Colloidal Crystals," reported in the Aug. 1 edition of Nature Materials. Peter Schall, professor of physics at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, also contributed to the work.

The group developed a technique called stress assessment from local structural anisotropy, or SALSA, which transforms a high-speed confocal microscope into a sort of pressure gauge. The microscope images the suspension structure and locates all the particle positions in 3-D. With this technique, researchers will be able to place a material under strain and measure its internal force evolution simultaneously. Such experiments will help to understand - even predict - material failures such as fatigue and fracture.

From the Registrar:
Graduate Student Research Enrollment

On Wednesday, August 10th, all research Masters and PhD students will be automatically enrolled for 12 credits in a research course by the Graduate School. Listed below are the GRAD courses and the population each will be used for.
  • GRAD 9010 Graduate-Level Research pre candidacy PhD students
  • GRAD 9011 Doctoral Dissertation Research post candidacy PhD students
  • GRAD 9012 Master's Thesis Research research masters students
  • GRAD 9000 Non-Degree Study non-degree students
  • GRAD 8000 In Absentia in absentia students
Students can enroll in field specific research courses during the Add period as normal. At the end of the Drop period the Graduate School will adjust the number of credits in the GRAD course to balance to a minimum of 12 credits.
  • Course Add/Drop begins Tuesday,August 16th           
  • Last day to add courses and change credit hours is Tuesday,September 6th 
  • Last day to drop courses or change grading options is Tuesday,October 18th
Graduate School Programs:
Academic Job Search Series
The Office of Postdoctoral Studies and CU-CIRTL are offering a series of sessions on the Academic Job Search Process.
Designing Your Research Statement Around Undergraduate Research (for applications to Four-Year Colleges)
       August 3, 12:00 - 1:30, 101 Warren Hall - RSVP
       This workshop will help job seekers interested in faculty positions at four-year colleges and universities to outline research statement that highlights plans to mentor undergraduate students in research.
       Presenter: Jeffrey Werner, Associate Professor of Chemistry, SUNY Cortland
       We will provide drinks and cookies; feel free to bring your own lunch
Applying for NIH Career Development Awards (K Awards)
       Monday, August 8, 2016 from 12:00-1:30 pm - RSVP
       102 Mann Library
       Featuring Kim Holloway, Sponsored Projects, and a faculty panel
       Brown bag event - bring your lunch and join us. We'll provide drinks and dessert.
Summer PROFessional Development: Communication and Listening Skills for Teaching and Mentoring

WHEN: Friday, August 5, 2016 from 3:15-4:30 pm - RSVP
WHERE: 211 Kennedy Hall 
We'll discuss opportunities with the Intergroup Dialogue Project, EARS, BEST program, and more.

Summer PROFessional Development is a community of grad students and postdocs who are interested in teaching in higher education. We'll meet on Friday afternoons to talk about teaching and how to get a job at a college or university that emphasizes it. RSVPs appreciated, but feel free to come to this or any other discussion, whether or not you let us know ahead of time. Sponsored by the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CU-CIRTL).

Help Welcome New Students at Graduate School Orientation
Do you want to help new graduate and professional students learn about Cornell and the Ithaca area?  Do you want to be a part of the welcoming experience for our incoming students this August.  If you have been at Cornell for at least one year, we hope you will join us as a volunteer for one of our events on Monday, August 22 - Friday, August 26.   Volunteers will be needed for a variety of events, including the following:
  • ID Distribution
  • Resource Fair Set-Up
  • Resource Fair Help and Clean-Up
  • Ice Cream Social Event
  • Ithaca By Night (current students take a small group of new students out to dinner)
  • Mix and Mingle (networking opportunity for new students prior to TGIF, hosted by current students)
If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities or want to sign up, please click here and complete the form.
You will be contacted in August with more information. If you have questions, please contact Janna Lamey.
Fellowships, Postdocs, and Awards:
Atkinson Center Postdoctoral Fellowship in Sustainability

This program is intended to stimulate original cross-disciplinary research and development of sustainable solutions that address the world's most pressing problems in six focus areas: sustainable agriculture and food systems, energy transitions, one health, sustainable communities, new materials, and computational sustainability. Each fellow will have two advisers, a lead adviser from Cornell and a collaborating adviser from an external non-university organization.

-          August 19, 2016: Letter of Intent (LOI) due
-          October 6, 2016: Full Application due
-          November 30, 2016: Applicants notified
-          January, 2017:  Fellowships can begin

More information is available on the Atkinson Center website.

Gates Cambridge Scholarship
The Gates Cambridge Scholarship supports full-time graduate study in any subject available at the University of Cambridge.  Applicants from all countries except the UK are eligible.   Students apply directly for admission to Cambridge and make a separate application for the scholarship.  Applicants must demonstrate exceptional academic achievement, potential for scholarly development, and a commitment to use the benefits of their education for the common good.  Application Deadline for U.S. citizens:  October 12, 2016.  Other countries:  December 7, 2016.  Complete application information is available on the Gates Cambridge Scholarship's website.

Luce Scholarship
The Luce Scholarship program provides a stipend and an individually arranged job for one year to increase awareness of Asia among future leaders in American society. Applicants must be U.S. citizens under 30 years of age and have demonstrated leadership in a chosen field. Applicants may NOT have a professed career interest in Asian affairs or have had significant exposure to Asia. Otherwise all fields are welcome, including fine arts, environmental studies, public policy, engineering, architecture, veterinary medicine, agriculture, law, non-profit management, international relations, et al. Detailed information on the Luce is available at the Foundation's website.

Cornell endorsement is required. Campus Application Deadline: October 12, 2016. Campus contact:

Information sessions on the Luce will be offered this fall:
Thursday, August 25, 1:00 p.m. and Friday, August 26, 11:00 a.m.
Pre-registration required at
Both sessions will take place in 103 Barnes Hall.

The Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans
The Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans supports up to two year of graduate study in any field at an institution in the US.  "New Americans" - immigrants or children of immigrants -- must be 30 or younger as of the application deadline and pursuing a graduate degree full-time in the US in the academic year 2017-18.  Applicants may apply to the fellowship at the same time that they are applying for graduate school, or after they are already enrolled in graduate school. If an applicant was born abroad as a non-U.S. citizen, they must have been naturalized, be a green card holder, be adopted, or be a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient.  If an applicant was born in the U.S., or was born abroad as a U.S. citizen, both parents must have been born abroad as non-U.S. citizens.  Application deadline:  November 1, 2016.  Detailed information on the Soros is available on the Fellowship's website.

George J. Mitchell Scholarship
The George J. Mitchell Scholarship supports one year of graduate study in any field at one of the eight institutions of higher learning in the Republic of Ireland. Applicants must be U.S. citizens under the age of 30 with a record of intellectual distinction, leadership, extracurricular activity, and service to others. Cornell endorsement is required. Campus application deadline: August 15, 2016. Campus Contact:
More information on the Mitchell Scholarship is available at the Foundation's website.
Schwarzman Scholarship
The Schwarzman Scholarship provides one year of master's degree study at Tsinghua University in Beijing in one of three fields: public policy, international studies, or economics and business. Instruction will be in English. Applicants must have an excellent academic record and demonstrate leadership. Citizens of all countries are eligible. Candidates must be under 29 years of age. English proficiency test scores must be submitted if English is not the applicant's native language. Application Deadline: September 15, 2016.
Complete application information on the Schwarzman is available at the Foundation's website.

Career Preparation:
Building Professional Relationships: Pragmatic Advice for the Human Scientist
Webinar Wednesday, Aug. 17 | 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern

Whether you are early-career or an established member of your scientific community, developing and maintaining a network of professional contacts are helpful ways to grow your career. How do you cultivate new professional relationships? How should you professionally communicate with your network? Learn more through this one-hour webinar.

Host:Erica Siebrasse, Ph.D. (education manager at the ASBMB)  

  • Erin Adams, Ph.D. (professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Chicago)
  • Kim Petrie, Ph.D. (director of career development at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine)
  • Julie Rojewski (BEST program manager at Michigan State University)
  • Stephanie Watts, Ph.D. (professor of pharmacology at Michigan State University)
The webinar is free, but registration is limited, so we encourage you to sign up early. You can register here.

Sponsored by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST) program.
Young Scholars Conference (YSC) at Brown University 
"Mechanisms of Disease Intervention"

September 16-17, 2016.
The YSC is a career and networking conference that empowers women graduate students in STEM as they prepare for the job market. The YSC showcases participant research while providing practical experience in job interviews and presentations for different career tracks and settings, in addition to building a professional STEM network. To encourage participation throughout the greater New England area, travel and accommodations will be reimbursed up to $500.

Each participant will present a poster of their research at the YSC Poster Symposium.
Space is limited and selection is competitive. To receive full consideration, we encourage you to submit an application by August 12. Please visit our website for the application and the most up-to-date schedule information, or fill out the application here.
Let's Talk - Summer Hours
Let's Talk provides easy access for you to receive informal confidential consultations with counselors.  This session is free, confidential and no appointment is necessary.  For Summer 2016, the limited Let's Talk hours will start on Wednesday, June 22 and be on Wednesdays from 2:00 - 4:00 PM in 211 Willard Straight Hall.

Around Campus:
Apply to be a Van Driver for ISSO Pre-Orientation Program 

The ISSO's pre-orientation program, PREPARE, is seeking mature and responsible individuals to drive vans on the first day of the event. The central responsibility of the Van Drivers for the PREPARE pre-orientation program is to greet, pick up, drop off, and move-in new international students.  The van drivers work closely with the Student Coordinator to plan the first day of PREPARE.

Compensation for this employment is $11.25 per hour.

Applicants must have a valid NYS Driver's License. No other state will qualify.

Please submit your resume and cover letter to Adam Blakeslee at .

Apply to Join Cornell Real Estate Women (CREW) Today!

Board Member Applications to CREW are open! CREW's mission is to promote the advancement of professional women in real estate, starting with our graduate students at Cornell! Check out our website to get involved, or send an email to Caitlin Elliott at with any questions. 

Learn more...

Global Women Exhibit: Call for Submissions

Women in Public Policy seeks student submissions for the "Global Women Exhibit." The fall exhibition will represent a curated collection of photographs depicting women in relation to economic, social, political, spatial, and historical issues of concern. Submission Deadline: Monday, August 15, 2016

Read more

Swimming In Ithaca

Ithaca Gorges

Please visit the Gorge Safety website, watch the Gorge Safety Video and read "The Gorges of Cornell, Path and Safety Information" brochure.

Alternatives for safe and legal swimming in the Ithaca area:
Cornell Plantations Events

Garden and Arboretum Hike, August 6
Take it outside with Dr. Peter Davies, professor emeritus of plant science, on this extended hike through the diverse plant collections and landscapes of the Botanical Garden and F. R. Newman Arboretum. Experience the beautiful gardens, rolling hills and panoramic views that helped Plantations earn its #1 ranking as the most beautiful college arboretum (Best College Reviews). Walks will be held rain or shine and will include some steep slope and stair climbing. Please dress for the weather and bring a bottle of water to drink.  Event is free; no registration is required. 
Date/time: Saturday, August 6 and Saturday, September 1010:00 a.m.- noon
LocationMeet at the Nevin Welcome Center

Artist Reception, August 7 
Genius Loci: Landscape paintings by Wynn Yarrow
Wynn Yarrow paints landscapes as metaphors for the inner life. Yarrow's work exists in the shadowland between technique and vision; emotion and intellect; the physical realm and the spiritual one. She is drawn to transitions in nature: shifts in season, light and the sky. Yarrow draws on memory, imagination and intuition to create landscapes that resonate with the spirit of place, genius loci. On display in the Nevin Welcome Center during August.
Date/time: Sunday, August 7; 2pm - 4pm
Location: Nevin Welcome Center

2016 Fall Lecture Series: Pulitzer Prize-wining poet Gary Snyder on August 24
Describing his own works, Gary Snyder has written, "I try to hold both history and wilderness in mind, that my poems may approach the true measure of things and stand against the unbalance and ignorance of our times." In this lecture, he will explore the concept of "bioregionalism" through the literary works of Daoist and Buddhist hermits and other peoples of the land, and how that perspective relates to the mission of Cornell Plantations. Snyder will read several of his 'Cold Mountain' translations of poems by the Tang Dynasty poet Han Shan, as well as some of his own poems for different landscapes. Join us after the lecture for our annual Garden Party in the Botanical Garden. In the event of thunderstorms or sever weather, the party will be moved indoors to the Nevin Welcome Center.
Date/time: Wednesday, August 24; 5:30 p.m.
Location: Call Auditorium, Kennedy Hall
Summer Concert Series

Cornell Summer Concerts
The School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions invites you to continue your education in one of the most enjoyable ways possible-by attending our free summer events series!

08/02   Journey West with Max Buckholtz (Klarman Hall, 7:30pm)
08/05   Djug Django (Arts Quad, 7pm)

Downtown Ithaca

The Summer Concert Series is a free outdoor concert series open to the public held every Thursday evening from 6-8pm, June 23 - September 15 (with the exception of Grassroots week- the show will be on Wednesday, July 20 not Thursday). Local and national acts perform music in genres including jazz, blues, reggae, folk, hip hop, country, bluegrass, rock, and more!
08/04    Road Man (Funk & Reggae)
08/18    Richie & Rosie  (Old Time & Americana)
08/25    Jimkata 
09/01    The Gunpoets (Hip-Hop)
09/08    TBA (Not currently taking artist inquiries for this date) 
09/15    John Brown's Body

Taughannock Concert Series
The concert series,now in its 38th year, is one of the most popular events in the Finger Lakes region. It features a wide variety of high quality music performed on the shores of Cayuga Lake. The concerts take place at 7:00 p.m. on seven consecutive Saturday evenings from July 9th through August 20th 2016. A Silent movie under the stars will be shown the following weekend,Saturday August 27th at 8pm. 

08/06   Marc Berger
08/13   Sim Redmond
08/20   Johnny Russo and the East Hill Classic Jazz Band
08/27   Silent movie under the stars

Do you have kudos to share with the Graduate School community? Submit Kudos here


Cornell University Graduate School | Caldwell Hall | Ithaca, New York 14853 |