Graduate School Announcements
June 13, 2016

Graduate School News:
View 2016 Hooding Ceremony Image Gallery

Graduate Writing Program Served 156 Students in its First Year

Writing Group participants at the program's year-end celebration
Launched this spring, the semester long Graduate Writing Program attracted 156 students and scholars, including master's students, pre-exam and post-exam doctoral students, and postdocs. 

Participants were divided into 36 different groups that met one or more times per week throughout the semester. 

Groups were further divided into three types: a meet and write group, in which members worked on individual projects in a group setting; a meet and talk group, in which members discussed their writing challenges; and a meet and review group, where members shared drafts for feedback. 

Doctoral students present at Stockholm conference
Faculty and students at Stockholm conference
Six doctoral students in the field of government presented papers and met fellow Ph.D. students and faculty interested in global security at a workshop May 23-25 in Sweden. 

Cornell students presented papers on security issues related to Latin America, China, Russia and Southeast Asia as well as research on foreign direct investment and its connection to intrastate conflicts, and the changing nature of collective security arrangements. 

Pictured from left, government faculty members Gustavo Flores-Macias and Sarah Kreps and students Colin Chia, Minqi Chai, Caitlin Mastroe, R. Lincoln Hines, Jessica Zarkin and Youyi Zhang.
Graduate Student Tonia Ko Wins BMI Student Composer Award
Tonia Ko
Doctoral student Tonia Ko was one of nine classical composers to win a Student Composer Award from Broadcast Music, Inc.  The awards are given to composers age 15-27 who are recognized for their superior musical compositional abilities. The students are awarded scholarship grants, which help them with their musical education.
Graduate Students Assist US Navy with Rescue Cables

Engineers from ADC  meet with Cornell graduate students
The U.S. Navy has commissioned Cornell and Advanced Design Consulting (ADC) of Lansing, New York to come up with a replacement for the current steel cables used in helicopter rescue systems.

The Navy's existing rescue rope system is perfectly suited for the actual rescue procedure, but has a very dangerous side effect. As the rescuer is lowered from the helicopter on the cable, the dry air that swirls around the helicopter and passes over the cable causes a build-up of static electricity. 

A team of engineering faculty and graduate students from Cornell is working to eliminate the jolt of static electricity that rescuers experience when being lowered on a rescue cable. Graduate students involved include Timothy Lai, Sarah Choe, and Matias Werner.
Dates and Deadlines:

  • June 15: Expanding Your Job Search Skills Workshop
  • June 15: Deadline to file in absentia status for fall 2016
  • June 15: Transitions meeting for late-stage graduate students
  • June 16: Career Networking Lunch with Dr. Pradt & Dr. Allison-Bunnell
  • June 17: Writing Boot Camp begins
  • June 23: Lab Crawl and Dinner
  • June 28: Future Professors Institute
From the Registrar:
Submit In Absentia Request Now if You Will be Away for Fall 2016

If you plan to be engaged in full-time study at least 100 miles from campus during the fall semester you may apply for in absentia status. Please review the In Absentia form for general Information, requirements and checklist items.  Requests received after June 15th are subject to finance charges and additional fees.
Graduate School Programs:
June Lab Crawl and Dinner: Registration Open
June 23, 2016, 4-6pm

Lab Crawl Dinner
Want to visit a lab and learn about research by other graduate students and postdocs in other fields? These 15-minute presentations are designed to feature the intriguing research conducted by our Cornell graduate students. 

The June Lab Crawl is Thursday, June 23, between 4 and 6pm. We will visit labs on campus and then share food and drinks at the Big Red Barn while discussing intriguing findings and interdisciplinary research questions. 

Limited to 8 graduate students, sign up for tour and dinner by emailing (If you want to feature your lab or your research in the humanities and social sciences a future Lab Crawl, email

Transitions Support Group for Late-Stage/Graduating Students
Are you anxious about your upcoming move following graduation? Going in absentia or taking a leave of absence and figuring out how to finish your dissertation away from Ithaca? Unsure how to cultivate a new support system?

The Graduate and Professional Student Mental Health Committee is offering a 4-week (with possibility of extension) student support group during the month of June focused on helping graduate and professional students navigate moments of transition. This confidential space will offer students the opportunity to talk with peers dealing with similar challenges surrounding transitions, including moving away from Ithaca, but also other major life changes. The group will be facilitated by EARS-trained counselors and feature guest visits from Gannett and student services staff, who will offer guidance on coping strategies and help students come up with a plan of action for the forthcoming year.

Meetings will be on Wednesdays from 12:00 - 1:00 PM in Willard Straight Hall, room 411. Our next meeting is Wednesday June 15. Please RSVP here, so we know numbers for food--lunch will be provided. You can also email Mia Tootill ( if you have any questions or concerns.

Intergroup Dialogue Project: Summer Offering for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
Session 1: Tuesday, July 5 9:30-12:30         Session 2: FRIDAY, July 8 9:30-12:30
Session 3: Tuesday, July 12 9:30-12:30      Session 4: Thursday, July 14 9:30-12:30
Session 5: Tuesday, July19 9:30-12:30      Session 6: Thursday, July 21 9:30-12:30

The Intergroup Dialogue Project at Cornell University (IDP) prepares students to live and work in a diverse
world, and educates them in making choices that advance equity and justice.

We have planned a deep and enriching intergroup dialogue experience for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars for six sessions in the month of July (3 hours each; dates below). In addition to exploring the tenets of critical dialogue, social oppression and privilege, and current conflicts, the summer session will focus on how to apply particular principles and skills to the academic environment. Our goal is to enable participants to learn from each other about issues related to their social identities and how these might influence their experience as graduate students and future scholars. We are building a colleague-based program for emerging academic leaders, to support them to take both individual and collective action. For many of our participants IDP is one of the few spaces where they can work with individuals from different backgrounds towards inclusive social change. 

To register, please contact Adi Grabiner-Keinan:

Learn more about the Intergroup Dialogue Project at
Teaching and Future Faculty:
There's Still Time to Join the STEM Teaching MOOC!

Week 2 of the massive open online course Advancing Learning through Evidence-Based STEM Teaching, is just starting, and it's not too late to join the course. In this course, you'll learn how to develop evidence-based approaches to STEM teaching and learning, and design a "Teaching as Research" project proposal around a specific question of interest to you. The course runs for 8 weeks total and includes videos, quizzes, and peer-graded assignments that can be done at your convenience each week. Locally, a Cornell discussion group is meeting for dinner and discussion on Tuesday nights. Visit the CU-CIRTL site to learn more.
Next meeting: June 14, 2016 from 5:00-6:30 pm in 341 Caldwell - RSVP

Careers and Internships:
Apply for an Insight Data Science Fellowship

Applications are currently open for Insight Data Science New York City Fellowships starting September 6th, offered in partnership with Bloomberg, The New York Times, and other data science teams. The program is tuition-free and also awards need-based scholarships. We are looking for PhD students and post-docs completing their research and looking to enter data science careers in the industry by December 2016. We also offer Fellowships in Silicon Valley and Boston.

Apply now or sign up for our Notification List

Registration Open for the Expanding Your Job Search Skills Workshop

Wednesday, June 15,
8:15 am - 3 pm
If you are a doctoral student interested in a career outside of academia, attend this intensive workshop to learn about interviewing skills, the art of career networking, resources for your job search, how to develop a resume from your CV, and more. Two alumni presenters will be featured during the workshop:
  • Dr. Steve Allison-Bunnell, Science & Technology Studies PhD, whose career specialties include online learning, science communication, and user experience
  • Dr. Sarah Pradt, East Asian Literatures PhD, whose career specialties include higher education teaching and non-profits
Pre-registration is required through your Handshake account and is limited to doctoral students at any stage of their studies that are considering a job search outside the academy.   If you encounter difficulties registering for the program, please email Anne Poduska, the Graduate & International Student Career Advisor ( to inform her of your interest.

Career Networking for Ph.D. Students with Dr. Sarah Pradt and Dr. Steve Allison-Bunnell

Are you a PhD student considering a career in non-profits, software, education services, publishing, or journalism/new media? Would you like to speak with a Cornell PhD alum who has pursued a career in one or more of these areas?

If so, you are invited to meet with Dr. Sarah Pradt, East Asian Literatures PhD and Director of Programs at the Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs, and Dr. Steve Allison-Bunnell, Science & Technology Studies PhD and SimUText User Experience Architect and Developer at SimBio, Inc.

A special networking buffet lunch with Dr. Pradt and Dr. Allison-Bunnell will be held at Banfi's from 12:30-2 pm on Thursday, June 16.  Space is limited to 20 PhD students, so sign up soon through Handshake.
Dr. Allison-Bunnell and Dr. Pradt will also be available to meet with students individually to discuss resumes, cover letters, or job-search questions.  Sign up for one of their office hour slots on Thursday, June 16 through Handshake:
  • To meet with Dr. Allison-Bunnell regarding careers in software, education services, publishing, and journalism/new media, sign up here.
  • To meet with Dr. Pradt about non-profit careers, sign up here.
If you have any questions or encounter difficulty registering for either event, please contact Anne Poduska, Graduate & International Student Career Advisor, at
Around Campus:
Apply for a Travel Grant to Attend the Great Minds in STEM/MAES Conference

This opportunity may be of interest to early career faculty, postdocs and senior graduate students.  They are providing travel grants for doctoral students to attend the Great Minds in STEM /MAES Conference in Anaheim this October. Interested individuals should submit an application at or email

Want to Learn a New Sport? 
Free! National Learn to Row Day

Rowing is a sport that can be enjoyed for a life time.  Visit the Cascadilla Boathouse in Stewart Park on Saturday, June 18th and take a tour of the boathouse, get in a boat, and try rowing. 

Summer 2016 Films Screening on Willard Straight Terrace

 This summer Cornell Cinema will present four classic films outdoors on the Willard Straight Terrace, all with a cash bar, complimentary snacks and a great view! Patrons are also welcome to bring picnic dinners. Doors will open at 8:15pm and films will start at 9:30pm, after dark. In the event of rain, screenings will be held in Willard Straight Theatre. Tickets are $13 general/$11 students & seniors and can be purchased in advance online at (starting June 1st). These tickets will be held at the "will call" table for pickup the night of the show. Any tickets unclaimed by 9:15pm may be resold. Credit cards cannot be used at the door.  Terrace shows typically sell-out in advance, so patrons are encouraged to plan accordingly! Added enticement: drawings for three pairs of Cornell Cinema guest passes will be held at each of the four shows. For more information call (607) 255-3522.

For more information visit

All films open to the public
From the Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit (CSCU)

CSCU will continue to be available for scheduled appointments, walk-in consulting, and online consulting throughout the summer.
Scheduling an appointment is encouraged for questions requiring more than ten minutes. To schedule an appointment you may contact a staff statistician directly or submit an appointment request by completing this form. We are also able to accommodate online, Skype, and phone appointments. If you would prefer one of these options, please indicate your preference on the appointment form.
Walk-in and online consulting (for questions requiring ten minutes or less):
  • Staff statisticians are available for questions Monday through Friday at the following times and locations:
    • 11:00am-11:30am in B11 and B18 Savage Hall
    • 1:30pm-2:00pm in B7, B9, and B13 Savage Hall
  • Online office hours will take place Monday through Friday at 1:30pm-2:00pm and can be accessed at this link.
Note: CSCU will not be holding walk-in consulting in Mann library during the summer, but we will resume Mann consulting in the fall semester.

CSCU will be hosting a Data Carpentry Bootcamp on June 13 - 14 in Mann Library. The sessions will teach developmental skills in R, SQL, and OpenRefine for big data. For more information and to register, please visit

For other summer workshops visit

Cornell University Graduate School | Caldwell Hall | Ithaca, New York 14853 |