August 31, 2015
Michael-Paul Robinson, graduate student in Chemical Engineering, published "Efficient expression of full-length antibodies in the cytoplasm of engineered bacteria" in the August 27th issue of Nature Communications. The study was led by co-senior author Professor Matthew DeLisa. Learn more...
Steve Durham, a Cornell doctoral student in the field of earth and atmospheric sciences, published geohistorical research that has the potential to help preserve species of oysters. The piece, "Perspectives on geohistorical data among oyster restoration professionals in the United States" was published with Gregory P. Dietl of the Cornell-affiliated Paleontological Research Institution in the August issue of the Journal of Shellfish Research. Learn more...  

Share your good news with the graduate community by filling out this form. 

Dates and Deadlines:



  • October 1:  Research Travel Grant application due
  • October 1: Schwartzman Scholarship application due
  • October 20:  Last day to drop or change grading options and credit hours
From the Graduate School:
Policy Change

All masters and doctoral research students must enroll for 12 credits each term. First, select your classes (if any), then enroll in a research course if needed. 
Your enrollment credits in Grad 9001 or 9002 will be adjusted by the Graduate School at the end of add/drop to bring your total enrollment to at least 12 credits.
  • Last day to add courses:  Tuesday, September 8th
  • Last day to drop courses or change grading options and credit hours:  October 20th
Graduate students conducting research should enroll in a research course.  If the department does not offer a research course, students must enroll in one of the following:
  • PhD -  GRAD 9001, Section 702, Class 18928 - NEW
  • Master's - GRAD 9002 - Graduate Thesis (Master's) Research - The class number is 13978
Follow @Cornell_Grad on Twitter
From workshops to fellowship deadlines, Big Red Barn events to student spotlights, stay current with all of the graduate and professional student news by following us on Twitter. Use the #BigRedGrad hashtag to share your news with the entire graduate and professional student community or to get your news and events retweeted on this feed.


Research Travel Grants


The Graduate School will award grants to research degree students for fall and winter 2015-2016 research-related travel. Applications are due to the Graduate School (350 Caldwell Hall) by 4:30 p.m. Oct. 1, 2015 for fall and winter travel.  


High priority is given to proposals from Ph.D. students who have or will have passed the A exam prior to initiating their research travel and plan to conduct pre-dissertation research.  Learn more...


Research Travel Grant Application 

Conference Travel Grant Applications

Students attending conferences in OCTOBER are reminded to submit their Conference Grant Applications to the Graduate School no later than September 1st 2015.
The Graduate School provides grants to all research graduate students who are invited to present papers or posters at professional conferences. The Graduate School tries to fund most requests from students who meet the eligibility criteria and observe the application procedures.  Learn more...

Secrets to Success - A Panel Discussion

A Transitions workshop for first year graduate and professional students

Tuesday, September 1  |  4:00 - 5:30  |  202 Stocking Hall


Part of the Want to hear directly from our current graduate students about being successful?  Do you want to understand and learn how to navigate in the "Cornell culture?" Four current students share candidly their academic and student life experiences to provide you with secrets to success.   RSVP


Transitions is a seminar series that is hosted in a relaxed environment and over pizza.  Students will be able to gain information and skills to make a successful transition to a Cornell graduate / professional student. Time is set aside for students to network with one another.


Next session: Get the Mentoring you Need and Want  

September 10  |  4 - 5:30 pm  |  148 Stocking Hall 

For Student Partners and Spouses

Spouses and Partners (S&P) Happy Hour 

Thursday, September 3  | 6:15 - 7:30 PM  |  Big Red Barn


This happy hour is dedicated to just our student partners as a way for you to get to know other partners and become connected to the graduate and professional student community.  Light snacks, soda and $1 beers.  This is a part of an ongoing monthly Happy Hour for all partners - first Thursday of the month from 6:15 - 7:30 PM at the Big Red Barn.       


Job Search Offerings for Partners and Spouses


Searching for Local Employment

September 15  |  9 am - 11 am  |  Ithaca Visitors Center


Volunteering in the Community

October 6  |  3 - 4 pm  |  Big Red Barn


Navigating Cornell Careers

October 13  |  9 - 11 am  |  Rm 104 East Hill Office Building, Pine Tree Rd.  


Find more information and RSVP here, or find your CU Students with families community on Facebook
Thesis and Dissertation Grad Write-Ins Start Now
Weekdays  |  8  - 11 am  |  Big Red Barn

Come join other students who also have writing goals and deadlines. Be a part of a writing community so that you are able to become more productive and accountable with your time and your writing. There will be cups for you at the register for FREE coffee and/or tea. Come for all or part of the time.
Veterans Happy Hour
Monday, August 31 (bi-weekly)  |  5 - 7 pm  |  Big Red Barn

Continued bi-weekly on Tuesdays upstairs in the Big Red Barn. All veterans are welcome to this event sponsored by the Association of Veterans at Johnson.
Boost Your Performance: Let's Meditate
Monday, August 31 (weekly)  |  4 - 4:30pm  |  Big Red Barn

Free weekly guided mindfulness meditations are available Mon - Thurs to all members of the Cornell community. Come as you are, as often as you like, to practice this relaxing and restorative technique. Sessions are 30 minutes long and are available at several campus locations. The meditations are co-sponsored by a number of academic departments and campus support services.
Welcome Dinner for Grad Veterans and Their Families
September 15  |  5:30 pm  |  Big Red Barn

Register through the invitation sent to all veterans or here.
Notice and Respond: Assisting Students in Distress
Session open to Current TAs
Thursday, October 1  |  3 - 4:30 pm  |  Lewis Auditorium Goldwin Smith Hall

Are you a TA this Fall 2015 semester and would like an opportunity to learn how to notice and respond to students in distress?  A special training session is planned for graduate students who are TAing this year.  Questions and to RSVP, please contact Catherine Thrasher-Carrroll.
Want to save money? 
Register to receive savings on computers, restaurants, electronics, travel, movie tickets, cell phones, and more. You just need to register to receive SUNY perks and start experiencing the savings.
The Productive Writer

Do you have writing goals for your thesis, dissertation, or other writing projects this year? Let us help you become a more productive writer.  Join our virtual writing community by subscribing to the Productive Writer to receive emails twice a month with advice and strategies for becoming a more productive writer. Join the free listserv here.
Tutoring Positions available in ELSO

Seeking graduate students to serve as tutors for the English Language Support Office (ELSO). These tutors will collaborate with the Graduate Writing Service to offer tutoring on writing projects and presentations to post-docs and to international graduate students.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grants

CU-CIRTL and the Center for Teaching Excellence are now recruiting graduate and postdoctoral applicants for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). SoTL Practitioners will prepare to present their findings in a poster session later in the year, and will have the opportunity to write up their projects as a manuscript if interested. There is a monetary award for selected participants.  

Office Hours with Assistant Dean Janna Lamey
During the Fall term, Assistant Dean of Student Life Janna Lamey is hosting open office hours for students.  Stop by to say hello or to chat about additional academic support, assistance in navigating your educational program, referrals to campus services, supporting your personal development or just an ear to listen when you feel stressed!
Beginning August 31, office hours in 350D Caldwell Hall are scheduled on Tuesdays 10:00 - 12:00, Fridays 12:00 - 3:00, and other times by appointment.  Please feel free to contact her directly at

Fellowships, Postdocs and Awards:
Fellowship Writing Boot Camp
 September 12  |  9 am - 1 pm  |  Big Red Barn

Join Associate Dean Jan Allen in the Big Red Barn to identify fellowship competitions, get tips on writing a competitive fellowship application, develop a draft, and receive a review of your draft application. Lunch provided. Pre-registration is required - click here.

Additional fellowship workshops are scheduled for September 21, September 29, and October 6. Fellowship application review sessions are scheduled for October 1 and October 20.

Cornelia Ye Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award


The Center for Teaching Excellence invites Cornell graduate students to apply for the Cornelia Ye Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. The Cornelia Ye Award annually honors two outstanding teaching assistants, at least one of whom is international, who have clearly demonstrated excellence and dedication in their instructional responsibilities to students at Cornell University, thereby enhancing undergraduate and graduate education at Cornell.  


For more information about the application requirements, please click here.

Re-thinking the Proposal: A Two Part Workshop 

September 28 & October 5  |  4:30 pm  |  G08 Uris Hall  


Sponsored by the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies,

this two-part presentation, part philosophy, part practical tutorial, aims to make proposal writing easier and more successful. Plan on attending both sessions. Pre-registration is required.   


Sign up for the two-part workshop here by September 24.

Einaudi Center International Research Travel Grants


The Einaudi Center research travel grant provides travel support for Cornell University graduate and professional students conducting short-term research and/or field work in countries outside the United States during the period April 2016 through June 30, 2017.The travel grant covers international airfare only and is tenable for a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of six months. Visit the Einaudi Center Website for more information.
Careers and Jobs:
CV to Resume Workshop for Grad Students 
Tuesday, Sept 1  |  12 - 1 pm  | 700 Clark Hall
Attend this workshop for graduate students and postdocs to learn how you can create a professional resume from your multi-page academic CV.  Attendees are welcome to bring their own lunch during this session.

Learn more...
Hands-On Handshake
Tuesday, Sept 1  | 4:45 pm |  Milstein Auditorium, Milstein Hall
In this presentation, learn how to use Cornell's new platform, Handshake, that includes job postings for Cornell students, a list of employer information session, and additional career-related events.

Learn more...
How to Successfully Navigate a Career Fair
Wednesday, Sept 2  | 4:45 pm  | 155 Olin Hall
Presented by Eletta Kershaw, IBM; Co-sponsored by Diversity Programs in Engineering and Engineering Co-op & Career Services.

Learn more...
Preparing for the Career Fair: Approaches for Graduate Students and Postdocs
Thursday, Sept 3  | 12 - 1 pm  | 700 Clark Hall
On September 9 and 10, over 250 employers will come to Cornell for the University Career Fair Days. Bring your own lunch to this presentation and learn how the career fair works and how graduate students and postdocs can use this opportunity to learn about employers, build a network of contacts, and explore potential career options.

Learn more...
Build a Better Resume for Technical Jobs
Thursday, Sept 3  |  4:45pm  | 155 Olin Hall
Attend this presentation to learn how to tailor your resume for technical positions.
Friday, September 4  |  9 am - 4 pm  |  Various locations

Visit the college career office most closely aligned with your graduate field to have a 15-minute resume critique. Students who would go to Arts and Sciences, Architecture, Art and Planning, or Human Ecology should go to 103 Barnes Hall.

Upcoming Events

What is Consulting? (Presented by Stroud Consulting)
September 8  |  4:45 pm  |  255 Olin Hall

Prepare for a Career Fair Visit

September 8  |  4:45 pm  |  233 Plant Science Building

Strengthening Your Interviewing Skills
September 8  |  4:45 pm  |  Kaufmann Auditorium, Goldwin Smith Hall

Cornell Career Fair Days
September 9 & September 10  |  10 am - 4 pm  |  Barton Hall

Career Fair Days provide a forum for Cornellians to meet with more than 250 employers over a two-day period. A wide variety of employers attend, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to government and not-for-profit organizations.   Employers from technical and engineering organizations will attend on Wednesday; employers from all industries will attend on Thursday.More information on the organizations that will be attending the career fair is available through Handshake.   Advance registration through Handshake to attend the fair is not required, but is strongly encouraged. 

Open Graduate Internship Position


The Cornell LGBT Resource Center is currently seeking to fill the position of Graduate and Professional Student Intern. Applications are due September 4 by 4:30pm. View the position description here.   


Student Child Care Grants available September 1st
Cornell University's Child Care Grant Subsidy Program for Students is designed to assist Cornell University students with covering the costs of eligible childcare, including infant and toddler child care, pre-school/pre-k care, summer camps programs for school age children, and before/after school care for children ages 13 and younger. Cornell students can receive a taxable grant subsidy each year based on the grant funds available, their annual household income, and the ages and number of child(ren) in care.  For more information, visit:

Cornell Wellbeing Programs


Wellbeing programs are open to Cornell community members (faculty, staff, students, post-docs, retirees, and spouses/partners). They assist individuals with tools and strategies related to life transitions, caregiving, physical and emotional health, and flexible work practices.  For more information, contact  

  •  Knit2Gether Cornell Invites New and Seasoned Knitters

Enjoy the calming effects of knitting during these bi-weekly lunchtime gatherings. Everyone welcome -- bring your projects, or if you're new, register here  -- all new knitters receive free needles and yarn! Contact Beth McKinney at

    • Thurs., 9/3, 12:00-1:00pm, 401 Physical Sciences Building
    • Thurs., 9/17, 12:00-1:00pm, 401 Physical Sciences Building
  • Eating For Your Best Self - Wednesdays, September 16-December 2, 12:00-1:00 PM, 221 Weill Hall. Cornell Wellness is pleased to offer this intensive 12-week nutrition and weight loss workshop for people wanting to be more in-tune with personal thoughts and behaviors surrounding food. Register by emailing Beth McKinney. Full details.
  •  Preparing for Baby - Fall Series begins September 25, 2015  As you prepare to welcome your baby, you may feel overwhelmed at times (even if it is your second or third child!). The Preparing for Baby workshop series will help you sort through all of the information available for new parents and guide you in making the best decisions for your family. Details, dates, and registration.

Cornell Minds Matter 


Open to all graduate and professional students

  • Free Yoga is back!  -  Mondays and Thursdays, 5 - 6:15 pm in WSH Garden Room (starts 8/31)
  • Free ZUMBA  -  Wednesdays, 5 - 6 pm in WSH 5th Floor Lounge (starts 9/2)
  • Healthy Life Skills Workshop - 4 Steps to Happiness - Tuesdays (9/8 - 10/20) 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm in WSH 5th Floor Lounge

Learn more...  


Around Campus:
Tuesday, September 1  |  3 - 3:30 pm  |  258 Goldwin Smith Hall

Are you interested in getting more teaching experience? GRASSHOPR pairs graduate student fellows with local teachers to teach a fellow-designed mini-course. The courses are 3-5 lessons long and you are welcome to propose a course on any subject. The 2015-2016 Graduate Fellow Application is now open, through September 23.
International Fair
Wednesday, September 2  |  11 am - 2 pm  |  First Floor Terrace, Uris Hall

New and returning students are invited to discover the many options to internationalize their studies at Cornell; to talk with representatives from 20+ study abroad and 30+ language programs as well as faculty and staff from internationally-focused programs at Cornell; and to explore courses, languages, international majors/minors, fellowships, internships, and more to gain international experiences. Organized by the Mario Einaudi Center of International Studies, Cornell Abroad, and the Language Resource Center.
Cornell Plantations Fall Lecture Series + Garden Party
 Wednesday, September 2  |  5:30 pm  |  Call Alumni Auditorium, Kennedy hall

Our lecture series kicks-off on September 2 with Robin Kimmerer, Distinguished Teaching Professor and Director, Center for Native Peoples and the Environment, SUNY ESF. Drawing on her life as an indigenous scientist, a mother, and a woman, Kimmerer will lecture on topics found in her new book "Braiding Sweetgrass" in which she shows how other living beings-asters and goldenrod, strawberries and squash, salamanders, algae, and sweetgrass-offer us gifts and lessons, even if we've forgotten how to hear their voices. Stay for a reception with hors d'oeuvres and cocktails.
Welcome Weekend: ClubFest 2015
Sunday, September 6  |  1 - 4 pm  |  Barton Hall

Now in its twelfth year, ClubFest showcases over 300 registered student organizations on campus. Each year approximately 3,000 students make their way to Barton to experience the incredible variety of interests and opportunities available through the student organizations represented. ClubFest continues to serve as an excellent occasion for registered student organizations to recruit new members and for interested students to discover clubs that peak their interests.

The Inside Scoop: a Cornell Library Information Fair for Graduate Students

Tuesday September 8  |  4 - 5:30 pm  |   Olin Library, Amit Bhatia Libe Caf�


Cornell Graduate students in all fields are invited to come and enjoy free ice cream and appetizers, drinks & door prizes while learning about Cornell Library services and resources for students pursuing research degrees.  Come meet the staff & ask them questions, and bring a friend! 


 Help us spread the word by liking the Inside Scoop.  Questions?  Email Jim Morris-Knower 

Opening Reception at the Johnson Museum of Art
September 10  |  5:30-7:30pm  |  Johnson Museum

Join us for this season's only opening reception. Celebrate Cornell connections, from drawings by Kurt Vonnegut to work by Gordon Matta-Clark, Class of 1968, and James Siena, Class of 1979 . From centuries of prints and images of the city from the Museum's collection to an interactive 3-D video installation by Huang Hsin-chien .
    4:30-5:30, Graduate Students Only Preview: See the new exhibitions and enjoy music and refreshments at this free preview just for graduate students.
    6:00-7:00, A Conversation About Kurt Vonnegut

View all events ...

Inauguration of President Elizabeth Garrett

 Friday, September 18

 All faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to join the inauguration celebration of Elizabeth Garrett, 13th President of Cornell University on September 18. 

Please register by September 1. For more information, visit the inauguration website

Be Part of EARS (Empathy, Assistance and Referral Service) - Grad student training initiative
Want to build your communication skills and help create a new level of support for fellow grad students?  A special section of EARS fall training will prepare graduate students to use the acclaimed EARS skills in career and human relations settings, as well as to qualify as peer counselors.  The 11-week program runs from 7-9:00 pm on Mondays (starting September 7) in RPCC. You can read more about EARS, check out the training topics, and sign up online at

Second Annual B.E.A.R. Walk 

Tuesday, September 1  |  6:30 - 8:30 pm  |  400 Block of College Ave   


Join CUPD, President Elizabeth Garrett, Mayor Svante Myrick and Student Assembly President Juliana Batista at the B.E.A.R. (Being Engaged And Responsible) Walk on Tuesday, Sept 1. This health and safety information fair will include free ice cream, music, raffles, as well as a wide range of health and safety tips. There will also be teams of students, Ithaca city officials, law enforcement officers, firefighters and Cornell staff that will go door-to-door in Collegetown distributing information designed to encourage all residents to be good neighbors. As an extension of that effort, CUPD and the Ithaca Police will once again combine forces to patrol Collegetown and East Hill neighborhoods. We want to provide a safe environment for all community members, and take noise violations, underage drinking and acts of criminal mischief seriously. Register online to be registered to win prizes. 

LGBTQ+ Mentorship Program


Would you like to give back to the LGBTQ community?  Would you like to help someone navigate life at Cornell as a person who is LGBTQ?


We are looking for current graduate and professional students who identify as LGBTQ to be mentors for LGBTQ mentees. For more information about being a mentor please click here and/or contact Brian Patchcoski, Associate Dean/Director, LGBT Resource Center.

Cornell University Graduate School | Caldwell Hall | Ithaca, New York 14853 |