March 30, 2015
"Shake & Vent" -- Chemistry Music Video

Congratulations to the Cornell Graduate Chemistry Association on their new video.

Congratulations to the recipients of the Einaudi Center's International Research Travel Grant Awards.  This year, awards were made to 100 graduate students with recipients planning on using these funds to travel to 55 countries.

If you have good news to share, please submit it

Graduate School Programs:
Free Tickets for the 2015 Olin Lecture
Lawrence Buell on "Thoreau, Darwin, and the Way We Think Now: Challenges for the Environmental Memory"

Dr. Lawrence Buell, a former Guggenheim and Mellon

Foundation Fellow and two-time National Endowment for the Humanities senior research

fellow, will visit Cornell's Graduate School on April 17th as part of the 2015 Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin lecture series.

The lecture, scheduled for Friday, April 17, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Alice Statler Auditorium, is open to the public. 

A free reception and book signing to follow.

Free tickets are available at the Graduate School Deans' Office (350 Caldwell Hall), Buffalo Street Books, and Willard Straight Hall (after Spring Break). 

Learn more...

Invitation to the Spring Recognition Reception


We are pleased to invite you to the Spring Recognition Reception, hosted by the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GPSA) and the Graduate School, to honor the work of the GPSA and the GPCI Working Groups over the past two years. The reception is Tuesday, April 21 from 4:00 to 6:00pm at the Big Red Barn. 


Please let us know if you will attend:


The Graduate and Professional Community Initiative (GPCI) was presented by the GPSA in March 2013 as "a collaborative, comprehensive, and strategic vision" for the Cornell graduate and professional student community. Since that time, eight Working Groups representing the eight GPCI topic areas and comprising 75 students and staff from across Cornell have met to discuss and prioritize actions, develop partnerships, identify resources, and implement actions, activities, and programs. In addition, the Working Group members are identifying and implementing mechanisms to evaluate progress on the GPCI recommendations. We oversee the work of these eight groups as GPCI Executive Committee co-chairs appointed by President Skorton.


We hope you will join us to celebrate this progress and the efforts of these individuals and groups. We look forward to seeing you on April 21.


Barbara Knuth

Senior Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School


Susan Murphy

Vice President of Student and Academic Services



Vote for the People's Choice Award in the 3-Minute Thesis (3MT�) Finals!


Come watch the finalists present their research and its significance in less than three minutes.  Vote your favorite for the People's Choice Award ($500) and join us for a wine and cheese reception in honor of all the participants.


The finalists in Cornell's inaugural 3MT� competition are graduate students from the following fields:

  • Applied Physics
  • Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cell Biology 
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Computational Biology
  • English
  • Management
  • Operations Research
  • Statistics 
Finalists competed in preliminary rounds in March and will compete for first place ($1500), second place ($1000), and People's Choice ($500) Awards on Thursday, April 23, beginning at 4:30 pm in G10 Biotech.


3MT � is an international competition begun in 2008. Over 120 graduate schools host competitions in which doctoral students present compelling orations on their research and its significance in just three minutes, using only one slide. Judges evaluate speakers on comprehension, engagement with the audience, and communication style. What a great way to observe winning speakers as you prepare for your own job search talk and conference presentations. 


Wine and cheese reception to follow. 

Thinking of Spring?  Enjoy and Take An Active Break

  • Tuesday, April 7
  • 12:30-1:30.  Meet at the Big Red Barn and end in 341 Caldwell Hall for lunch
  • Please RSVP here 

Exercise can improve the ability to learn and remember, along with being a method to decrease stress levels. We will join together to network with other graduate students, walk around scenic Beebe Lake, and end for continued conversation over lunch.  Wear walking shoes and dress for rain or shine!  Meet at the Big Red Barn.  Presenter:  Janna Lamey, MSEd, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Life.  This session is a part of the  Spring 2015 Graduate School Perspectives Series.

Special Webinar Series of CA$H COUR$E

Strategies for Success in Personal Finance

  • Tuesday, March 31
  • 2:00 - 3:00 PM
  • Please RSVP to attend the group viewing in 525 ILR Conference Center (snacks provided)

This interactive session is offered by financial planning graduate students, for graduate students. Learn about tools and strategies for budgeting, becoming informed consumers, and interacting with financial service professionals.  Students and postdocs will develop critical thinking skills for financial decision-making in a format tailored to participant needs. Presenter: Emily Sorenson and Sara Ray, Iowa State University.


Presented in cooperation with Cornell University's Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CU-CIRTL).  Attend a group viewing or log in from your own computer or mobile device at pre-registration is needed when viewing on your own.)

Learn more...

Time Out!  Attention Student Parents


Get out and meet other student parents and families!  An evening out...  dinner and childcare provided.  For Parents: Enjoy dinner with fellow parents and spouses/partners followed by a facilitated discussion on a topic of importance to your role as a parent. For Child(ren): Dinner, childcare, and age-appropriate activities will be provided by the Cornell Child Care Center. Children from infants to age 12 are welcome. 


Sponsored by the Students with Families Advisory Committee / GPCI Family Services Workgroup

Funding Available for Summer Intensive Language Study

Thanks to the generosity of graduate alumni, the Graduate School has gift income available to assist graduate students with the costs of intensive summer language instruction in a language other than English for Summer 2015.

The Graduate School anticipates making 8 to 10 awards of $500 to $2,000 each to supplement department awards. Because of the large number of requests for funding each year, this is a competitive process. Priority is given to students who must obtain language proficiency prior to the Fall 2015 semester in order to initiate or complete dissertation/thesis research.

Successful applicants will make a clear and compelling case as to:
  1. the importance of the language instruction to the research project;
  2. why it was not possible to pursue the language instruction at Cornell during the regular academic year; and
  3. the advantages of the program selected. A letter of recommendation from the student's special committee chair addressing these issues is also required. Applicants who can demonstrate financial support from the field/department or other sources will be given special consideration.
Application forms are available at Applications should be submitted to the Graduate Student Service Office, ( 143 Caldwell Hall, no later than 4:30 p.m. April 30. Fields may nominate more than one student, but requests must be ranked prior to submission to the Graduate School. Awards will be announced by mid-May.


Commencement Packet Information (with severe weather tickets)    


PhD, MA, or MS students hoping to participate in the May 2015 Commencement Ceremony can pick up commencement packets in 143 Caldwell Hall.  Other professional degree students can obtain their packets from their appropriate College Registrar (AAP, Arts & Sciences, CALS, Engineering, Hotel, Human Ecology, or ILR).


Information about commencement, including a link to the form for requesting names in the program, is available on the Graduate School's website at Commencement Information | Graduate School.

From the Graduate School Registrar:

Summer Registration


Beginning Monday, March 9th, graduate students not expecting to graduate May 2015 may self-enroll through their Student Center for Summer 2015.  We encourage students to enroll and not delay.


There is no charge for summer registration with the Graduate School. To register, simply enroll in the Graduate School's Graduate Summer Research course GRAD 9006 (class numbers 1578, 1579,1580, 1581, or 1582) via Student Center.


Graduate students must register with the Graduate School for the Summer 2015 term if any of the following conditions apply: 

  • They are receiving financial aid during the summer (fellowships, summer loans, assistantships, travel grants, or tuition awards);
  • They wish to use campus facilities; or
  • They are off campus but need to be registered for summer study. 

Students who do not register for summer by May 22, 2015 will also be subject to FICA tax (OASDI and Medicare) withholding from Assistantship Payroll Appointments. 


CTE's Spring 2015 GET SET Programs:

Upcoming Opportunities for:

Graduate Students, Future Educators, and Teaching Assistants


GET SET Workshop: Developing Service-Learning Components in Your Discipline (Certificate: Innovative Approaches in Pedagogy)
Thursday, Apr 09, 1:30-2:45 p.m. (103 Kennedy Hall)


Would you like your students to engage with real issues or problems in the community? This workshop explores successful service-learning projects, their steps and components, and possibilities for adding service-learning approaches to courses within various disciplines.

GET SET Workshop: Engaging Students in Quantitative Courses (Certificate: Creating an Engaging Classroom)
Monday, Apr 13, 4:45-6:00 p.m. (143 Plant Science)

This workshop will explore alternative, interactive approaches to teaching quantitative courses and the benefits and challenges that educators might face when implementing these new techniques.


GET SET Discussion: Using Mini-Lectures to Engage Students
Monday, Apr 13, 12:00p.m.-1:00 p.m. (421 CCC)

Mini-lectures can be an excellent way to assess student learning while encouraging them to be active participants in class. Join us for a discussion on how to ensure that students achieve your intended learning outcomes for the class.

GPSA Faculty Awards - 2015


Do you know a Cornell faculty member who displays an extraordinary commitment to graduate and/or professional students?  


The GPSA is currently seeking nominations for the 2015 Annual Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Advising, and Mentoring of Graduate and Professional Students. Please visit for complete details about how to submit the nominations and selection criteria.


The deadline for submission of nomination letters is Friday, April 3rd, 2015. Award recipients will be recognized at a reception in May. If you have further inquiries regarding the awards, please send them to


CIRTL Reads Journal Club on STEM Teaching

April Article: A Teaching Strategy with a Focus on Argumentation to Improve Undergraduate Students' Ability to Read Research Articles

  • Tuesday, April 8
  • 2:45-4:00 PM
  • RSVP for the group viewing in 341 Caldwell Hall

Join scholarly discussions of recent peer-reviewed research on innovation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teaching. We will gather as a group for coffee and snacks, and then videoconference in to talk with students, postdocs, and faculty from the 22 universities of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network. Attend the group viewing or log in from your own computer or mobile device at (No pre-registration is needed when viewing on your own.) 

More information and link to article


Careers Workshops and Fairs:

Part-Time Consulting Positions: Cornell Graduate Consulting Club


The Cornell Graduate Consulting Club (CGCC) is now recruiting part-time student consultants for the 2015 summer engagement projects! 


We are looking for bright, motivated and dedicated non-MBA graduate students to work on real-world business consulting projects with local businesses this summer. If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities and the application process, please visit our webpage at and/or email us at with "2015 Consulting Inquiry" as your subject line.  Applications accepted through April 19th.

18th Annual ILR Social Justice Career Fair

  • Wednesday, April 8 
  • 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. 
  • Room 423 ILR Conference Center at King-Shaw Hall

During the ILR Social Justice Career Fair, Cornell alumni and other representatives from labor unions and non-profit organizations will share information about careers in their fields, and about summer and full-time employment opportunities.  Students are encouraged to come to the Social Justice Career Fair to learn more about participating organizations. All Cornell students are welcome.


A list of current and past Fair participants is available in CCNet and on the ILR Office of Career Services website.  

Fellowships, Postdocs and Awards:

Graduate Student Supplement Research Support Program


For the 28th year, the First Presbyterian Church in Ithaca is providing funding to help alleviate hunger in developing countries.  IP/CALS has been asked to make this information and opportunity available to faculty and graduate students. The funds will provide supplemental financial support to several international graduate students whose thesis research deals with a hunger-related topic in his/her country.  In the broadest sense, topics can range from environment and natural resources issues to nutrition or water quality.  The main goal is, in some way, to address the problems related to world hunger.  Selected proposals will receive a modest grant that can be used for expenses related to the research project.


Information about this program and application forms can be found on this website:

For more information please contact Denise Percey (  


The Guilford Essay Prize

(est. 1988 in memory of J. P. Guilford '21) 


The Guilford Essay Prize is given to the doctoral student in any field whose thesis is judged to display the highest excellence in English prose. Students are encouraged to submit their own dissertations, and faculty members are invited to draw this opportunity to their attention. Dissertations submitted for degrees during the calendar year in which the prize is awarded will be accepted as entries, as well as dissertations submitted for degrees conferred during the previous calendar year. 


Information on the Guilford Prize and submission instructions can be found at the

following link:



Entries for the Guilford Prize should be submitted electronically no later than April 15,


Schwarzman Scholars Program

The Schwarzman Scholars program consists of one fully-funded year of study at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.  This award is of interest to current seniors, master's and Ph.D. candidates (up to age 28), who are studying fields relevant to issues influenced by or relevant to China.

Free information session on April 15th at 5:00 p.m. in 115 Rockefeller Hall.

Learn more: Schwarzman Scholars

CTE Graduate Teaching Fellowship


The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) is excited to offer the CTE Graduate Teaching Fellowship Program to all eligible graduate students at Cornell. This competitive one-year fellowship is an opportunity to:

  • Enhance teaching, leadership and mentoring skills
  • Explore the art of teaching through coursework and mentorship
  • Build your CV and skills for the job market

2015-2016 Graduate Teaching Assistant Fellow (GTAF) Program 

  • Develop and implement programs and resources that foster teaching excellence at Cornell University
  • Click here to access the short application and eligibility requirements
  • Applications due: April 17, 2015  

2015-2016 Graduate Research and Teaching Fellowship (GRTF) Program 

  • Develop and use research strategies to understand, inform and enhance teaching
  • Click here to access the short application and eligibility requirements

Applications due: April 17, 2015


American Society for Microbiology Fellowships

  • The ASM Robert D. Watkins Graduate Fellowship Program encourages minority students to continue and complete their Ph.D. in the microbiological sciences by providing a 3 year stipend up to $21,000/year and professional development opportunities. Deadline to apply is May 1st. Learn more here:
  • The ASM Kadner Institute provides personalized guidance in grant preparation and review and a closely guided experience for choosing and succeeding in a microbiology career. Apply by May 31st. Learn more here:

Applications are currently available online. I kindly ask that you share this information with your students and various student-based programs at your institution. In addition, please encourage your graduate students and postdocs to check throughout the year for new opportunities and resources. Should you have any questions about this program or other Education Board sponsored programs, please contact

Campus Programs:

Survey on Sexual Violence


Beginning Monday, April 13, all currently enrolled Cornell students will be invited to participate in the Association of American Universities (AAU) Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct, to further our understanding of sexual violence in a national context.  Please take the time to respond, so Cornell can better understand, prevent and respond to issues surrounding sexual violence on our campuses.  


Participation is voluntary and anonymous.


Host a Student for Charter Day and Get a Free Movie Ticket


We have a number of students from the NYC campuses who will be attending Charter Day Weekend (April 24th - April 26th), and we are looking for Ithaca students who would be willing to host them at their house/apartment. This is a great way to get to know some fellow Cornellians from down the road. 


If you are interested, please email Richard Walroth ( with your name, contact info, and whether you would be willing to host a male student, female student, or no preference either way. 


All Charter Day volunteers will receive a free movie ticket, and we are happy to offer the same deal to students who volunteer to host. 


Cornell HR Review Student Essay Competition


The Cornell HR Review is proud to announce its 6th Annual Student Essay Competition, sponsored by Shell, Dell and GE! We encourage submissions from all students pursuing a graduate or undergraduate HR-related degree-including labor relations, industrial/organizational psychology, and business.


Prizes for the competition are: $1000 for first place, $500 for second, and $250 for third. Winning essays will be published in the HR Review. Additionally, winners will be invited to attend the Cornell Human Capital Symposium in Fall 2015-an excellent opportunity to interact with some of the world's top HR executives.


All submissions are due by April 14, 2015. Essays should be written on the template found online and sent as an attached Word document to

For complete information visit 


Civic Ecology: Adaptation and Transformation from the Ground Up

Book talk by Marianne Krasny, Dept. of Natural Resources

  • Thursday, April 9
  • 4pm
  • Mann Library, Room 160

Communities around the world are coming together to rebuild and restore local environments that have been affected by crisis or disaster. In New Orleans after Katrina, in New York after Sandy, in Soweto after apartheid, and in many more cities, people work together to restore nature, renew communities, and heal themselves. Join us in Mann Library for a Chats in the Stacks book talk with Marianne Krasny, professor of natural resources and director of Cornell's Civic Ecology Lab. Her new book Civic Ecology: Adaptation and Transformation from the Ground Up (MIT Press, January 2015) offers stories about this emerging grassroots environmental stewardship and includes a framework for understanding this growing international phenomenon.


The book is coauthored by Keith Tidball (Dept. of Natural Resources) and used for the MOOC class "Civic Ecology: Reclaiming Broken Places" offered through EdX. Their research investigates how people, practices, and communities interact to produce successful outcomes.


This event is hosted by Mann Library. Buffalo Street Books will offer books for purchase and signing. Light refreshments served.


For more information, visit

Library Workshops


01/28/2015 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Introduction to Zotero via Web Ex

01/29/2015 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Get Started with Library Research at Cornell

02/09/2015 - 12:00pm -1:00pm

Get Started with Library Research at Cornell

02/11/2015 - 3:00pm - 4:30pm

Introduction to Research Management with Zotero

02/26/2015 - 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Wikipedia Editing Workshop

02/27/2015 - 10:00am 12:00pm

Introduction to ArcGIS I

02/27/2015 - 3:00pm - 4:30pm

Introduction to Research Management with Zotero

03/06/2015 - 10:00am - 12:00pm

Introduction to ArcGIS II

03/06/2015 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Online Publishing for Scholars using Wordpress

03/11/2015 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Advanced Zotero

03/12/2015 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Coding For Humanists

03/18/2015 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Text Mining: Hands-on Exploration

03/19/2015 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Managing Your Online Persona for Scholars

03/20/2015 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Online Publishing for Scholars Using SCALAR

04/08/2015 - 4:00pm - 5:15pm

Show Me the Money: Funding Beyond Cornell

04/13/2015 - 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Adobe Photoshop CS6

04/15/2015 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Managing Your Digital Research Files

04/17/2015 - 10:00am - 11:30am

Critical Introduction to the SimplyMap and PolicyMap Databases

04/17/2015 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Designing Effective Presentations

04/24/2015 - 10:00am - 11:30am

Introduction to Tableau Public


Stonewalled? Frustrated? Ignored? Have a conflict or concern?


The Office of the Ombudsman is a safe place to turn for help. You can meet confidentially and off the record with an ombudsman to discuss options for any concerns or issues.


What an ombudsman does:

  • actively listens to you
  • provides information about Cornell policies, protocols, and resources
  • provides guidance on how to have a difficult conversation
  • helps you identify responsible options for moving forward
  • lets you control the process
  • respects your privacy and maintains confidentiality

To make an appointment to speak privately with an ombudsman, please email or call us at 607-255-4321. This is a free service for students, faculty, and staff.


For more information, please visit our website:

Free Wellness Activities


Creative Arts for Health and Well-Being

  • 7 - 8:30 PM
  • Wednesdays
  • Slope Studio, 2nd Floor Willard Straight Hall

(go down the steps across from the International Lounge)

No artistic skill necessary.  Join others in a relaxing and supportive atmosphere to create, reflect and grow. Discover your strengths, self-confidence and what you have to appreciate. Come to all 4 sessions or just one.  Try it, you'll like it! Free and all materials provided.

Sponsored by Cornell Minds Matter and Slope Studio


YOGA - back by popular demand!!!!


  • Every Monday - 5-6:15 PM
  • Every Thursday - 5-6:15 PM
  • Willard Straight Garden Room 

(go down the stairs across from the International Lounge

Open To All Cornell students and staff for Free. All skill levels welcome. Increase your physical and mental well-being. We will have some yoga mats, but if you have one, please bring it.  Everyone loves our teacher, Jyoti Kessler!


ZUMBA Sessions
  • 5 - 6 PM
  • January 28th and Every Wednesday of the semester
  • 5th Floor Lounge, Willard Straight Hall

Latin-inspired dance-fitness craze that blends red-hot Latin music and contagious steps to create a fitness party!

Exercise, relax, energize!  Join us if you want to try Zumba for the first time or if you are a Zumba addict.  Open to the entire Cornell Community.  Sponsored by Cornell Minds Matter and the Cornell Fitness Centers


Let's Meditate! Mindfulness Meditation Drop In Sessions 


Free guided mindfulness mediations are available to all members of the Cornell community: students, faculty, and staff. Come as you are, as often as you like, to practice this relaxing and restorative technique. These FREE sessions are 30 minutes long and are available at several campus locations. The Graduate School and Big Red Barn are sponsoring the Monday sessions from 3:15 - 3:45 PM at the Big Red Barn. 

Need Help?  Consider Let's Talk


Do you have a concern, problem, or issue that you would like some insight from a trained professional that is free, confidential, and you do not need to make an appointment?  Consider the Let's Talk program as counselors can help provide insight, solutions, and information about other resources.  Counselors hold walk-in hours at sites around campus Monday through Friday; times and locations occasionally change throughout the semester.  


More information, hours and locations.

Around Campus:


Online Registration 

  • WEDNESDAYS April 8 - May 13
  • WILLARD STRAIGHT HALL 5th Floor Lounge

Salsa Beginner 1 6:15-7:30pm

Salsa Beginner 2 7:35-8:50pm


Dates: 4.8, 4.15, 4.22, 4.29, 5.6, 5.13

Beginner 1 covers the fundamentals of timing, rhythm, body movement, lead-follow connection, basic step patterns and partner combinations. Students learn principles of Latin dance and musicality and how to incorporate this into Salsa dance.
Beginner 2 incorporates Beginner 1 repertoire - right turns, cross-body leads, veils, hand changes, basic steps in closed and open position - and adds to it: left turns, open-break turns, cross-body lead variation, turn combinations, free style technique and styling. For continuing students. Social dance practice with one-on-one assistance held at the end of each class. Music folders, playlists and video recordings from class made available to students.

From Cornell Cinema

Need a break?  Go see a film right on campus in a classic movie theatre, with state-of-the-art projection, in Willard Straight Hall. Regular ticket price for grad students is just $6 (less with a Six Pass). If you'd like to receive Cornell Cinema's weekly e-blast directly, which includes links to trailers and special event information, sign-up at their website:, where you'll also find show times.

Cornell University Graduate School | Caldwell Hall | Ithaca, New York 14853 |