October 15, 2014
Graduate School Announcements
-Sleep for Success
-Voice and Influence Luncheon
-Productive Writer
-Linked In

Graduate School Upcoming Programs:

Sleep for Success

  • Tuesday, October 21st
  • 12:30 - 1:30; lunch served at 12:15
  • 102 Mann Library
  • RSVP

Humans spend one-third of their lives sleeping, yet 65 percent of Americans are sleep deprived.  Just one extra hour of sleep per night can greatly improve mood, alertness, health and productivity.  The author of Sleep for Success will tell you everything you must know about sleep but are too tired to ask.  Presenter: Rebecca Robbins, PhD Candidate, Field of Communications.

This session is a part of  Perspectives: The Complete Graduate Student, where the focus is on promoting health and wellness of our graduate and professional students.


Voice and Influence Luncheon Series: Power and Influence

When people want to make an impression, most think a lot about what they want to say. Yet people decide how competent you are in a fraction of a second. The factors influencing how people see you are surprising: Words account for 7% of what they take away, while body language counts for 55%. 


Come join Expand Your Horizons (EYH) and GPWomeN to learn what your body language says about you and how you can use it to influence others. The Voice and Influence Luncheon Series began in Spring 2014 at Cornell as a way to bring graduate students at Cornell together to explore solutions for workplace bias, participate in professional-development activities, and build a strong network of supporting relationships throughout the campus.  


Co-sponsored by the Graduate School.

CA$H COUR$E - Personal Finance Success Strategies

  • Wednesday, October 22
  • 12:30 - 1:30 PM; Lunch Available at 12:15
  • Bache Auditorium, Malott Hall
  • Presenter:  Vicki Bogan, Associate Professor, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management; Director, Institute for Behavioral and Household Finance
  • Register Here

Professor Bogan will lead a discussion on personal finances with an emphasis on providing critical thinking skills that graduate students need in order to make successful personal finance decisions today and in the future.  Learn about tools and strategies for budgeting, becoming informed consumers, and interacting with financial service professionals.  

Become a more Productive Writer


The Productive Writer listserv offers bi-monthly writing tips, encouragement, and resources designed to make your writing, whether it's a seminar paper, thesis, dissertation or a novel, more manageable and productive. 


To take the first step to becoming a more productive writer, subscribe here .

Join the Graduate School's Networking Linked In Group


This summer, the Graduate School launched a Linked In group for alumni and students to stay connected. Open to current students, staff, faculty, and alumni with LinkedIn profiles, the Cornell University Graduate School Networking Group is designed as a place where the Graduate School's 34,000 alumni and 5200 graduate students can collaborate and stay connected. 


While still in its infancy, the goal is to create a vibrant community with frequent posting of career and other information of interest to alumni and current students.  Content to nonmembers is limited to basic mission and profile information.  


To join the Cornell University Graduate School Networking Group, visit LinkedIn

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Transcript Information 

Cornell University Graduate School | Caldwell Hall | Ithaca, New York 14853 |