June 9, 2014
In This Issue
Careers and Internships
Around Campus
Research Awards
Dates and Deadlines

Quick Links


Graduate School 

Fellowship Database
Transcript Information 


Fall 2014 Graduate School Orientation Volunteers and Tour Guides Needed!


Interested in meeting new students?  Want to help new graduate and professional students learn about Cornell and the Ithaca area? 


The Graduate School is looking for graduate students, who have been at Cornell for at least one year, to volunteer for the Graduate and Professional Student Orientation starting on Monday, August 25th - Friday, August 29th.


Volunteers will be needed for a variety of events, including a resource fair, an ice cream social, and a bowling event. 


Learn more...

Essential Research Tools  

6/11/2014 at 1:00 p.m.  

Join Olin Library staff for a small group, hands-on workshop, and learn to navigate through electronic articles, databases, and citation management tools. 

Learn more...

Summer 2014 CSCU Workshops


CSCU will also be offering the following workshops this summer:





Tue 6/10 & Thu 6/12

9:00-11:00 AM 

Basic Data Analysis Workshop

Two Part Workshop

Stone Computer Room

Mann Library

Wed 6/11 

2:30-4:30 PM


Statistical Analysis Using R

Stone Computer Room Mann Library

Mon 6/16 

1:00-3:00 PM

Refresher on Interpreting

Linear Regression Parameters

200 Savage

Tue 6/17 10:00 AM -Noon

Thu 6/19 10:00 AM -Noon

Thu 6/19 2:00 PM-3:30 PM

Fri 6/20 10:00-11:30 AM

Introduction to Multilevel Modeling

Three Part Workshop

100 Savage Hall

100 Savage Hall

Stone Computer Room

Mann Library

Mon 6/23 

9:00-11:00 AM

Univariate Repeated Measures

versus MANOVA

200 Savage

Wed 6/25 

2:30-4:30 PM


Statistical Analysis Using R

Stone Computer Room Mann Library


For more information and to register for these workshops go to:  



Careers and Internships:

Non-Academic Career Resource: Versatile PhD


Thinking about non-academic careers? Cornell subscribes to a resource that demystifies non-academic careers and reveals many professions that can utilize the skills you are developing in graduate school: Versatile PhD.


Navigate to our VPhD portal - and authenticate yourself as directed. Once you reach the Versatile PhD login page, create a VPhD member account if it's your first time. If you already have an account, sign in as usual. You'll have full access for twelve months, even if you're graduating soon. In that time, just come right to Versatile PhD.


Once you reach Versatile PhD, you'll find:


- HIRED: Real resumes and cover letters that got real PhDs their first jobs away from the faculty track, with detailed analysis that describes how they made the non-academic pivot and shows the application and hiring process step by step


- BIO: Inspiring first-person stories by experienced non-academic PhDs describing how their careers evolved over several years after moving out of the academy, including promotions, advancement, and signature accomplishments


- PANEL: Detailed inside information on a wide range of specific PhD-friendly careers provided by PhDs in those careers, along with their answers to grad student questions


All of this and more is waiting for you in VPhD's "PhD Career Finder." Then explore the Versatile PhD discussion forums, learn more about local meetup groups, and search job listings - all from the main menu.

Office of Inclusion and Professional Development:

Registration Open for the Expanding Your Job Search Skills Workshop

Tuesday, June 10

8:30 am - 4:30 pm


If you are a doctoral student interested in a career outside of academia, attend this intensive workshop to learn about interviewing skills, the art of career networking, resources for your job search, how to develop a resume from your CV, and more. Pre-registration is required and is limited to doctoral students at any stage of their studies that are considering a job search outside the academy.


To sign up for the program, go into your CCNet account ( and click on "Career Center Calendar" at the Calendar tab. Click on 06/10/2014, and look for the Employer Workshop/Special Event called "Expanding Your Job Search Skills Workshop." Click on the event name, and at the next screen simply click on "Sign up."


If you have difficulty with this process, send an e-mail message to Anne Poduska ( to inform her of your interest. 


Weekly Guided Mindfulness Meditations  


Weekly meditations are still available to all members of the Cornell community: students, faculty, and staff. Come as you are, as often as you like, to practice this relaxing and restorative technique. These FREE sessions are 30 minutes long and are available throughout the summer Wednesdays at Gannett, starting May 28th. No sign-ups needed! 


Learn more & review the schedule.

Around Campus:

Dial M for Murder - Outdoor Screening on the Willard Straight Terrace 


This summer Cornell Cinema will present four classic films outdoors on the Willard Straight Terrace, all with a cash bar, complimentary snacks and a great view! Doors will open at 8:15pm and films will start at 9:30pm. In the event of rain, screenings will be held in Willard Straight Theatre.


Tickets are $13/$11 students & seniors and can be purchased in advance online These tickets will be held at the "will call" table for pickup the night of the show. Any tickets unclaimed by 9:15pm may be resold. Terrace shows typically sell-out in advance, so patrons are encouraged to plan accordingly!

Learn more...

Lecture:  GMOs De-mystified


The Liberty Hyde Bailey Garden Club of Ithaca will be sponsoring an open lecture this coming Thursday, June 12th in the Plant Science Building, Room 233.  The Lecture topic is "GMOs De-mystified" conducted by Dr. Maureen Hanson from the department of Plant Molecular Biology.  Light refreshments will be served starting at 6:00 pm with the lecture starting at 6:30.

Row with Cascadilla Boat Club This Summer 


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to scull on the Inlet?  This summer, Cascadilla Boat Club (CBC) is offering special rates for graduate students who are interested in rowing.
  • Learn to row - Adult classes are geared to the newcomer with little or no rowing experience and provide an introduction to the sport. A student discount is available.
  • Coached rowing - Two levels of coached rows for adults who have previously learned to row.  A student discount is available.  
  • Learn more about CBC... 
Science Cabaret Presents: Ask An Astronomer Live!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 7:00pm Lot 10 Lounge 106 S. Cayuga St.

Is life outside our solar system possible? Can asteroids hit the earth? And what is the Big Bang?

If you are curious about these questions or just want to learn more about Astronomy, come to the "Ask An Astronomer - LIVE!" event on June 10th!

Get YOUR questions answered by local astronomers, Amit Vishwas, Sean Marshall, Thea Kozakis and Eva-Maria Mueller. Emcee Jason Hofgartner will grab a microphone and a drink for a fun, interactive, stellar evening!


Co-sponsored by Astronomy Grads Network, and funded in part by the

Richard Bradfield Research Award

Application Deadline: 13 June 2014

Award Announcement: late June 2014


The Richard Bradfield Research Award is made annually to support research intended to enhance the well being of small farmers (i.e., resource poor farmers) and their families in third world countries. All geographic areas of the world and all disciplines in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences are eligible, as long as the proposed research is expected to provide economic or food security benefits for small farmers. Research designed to improve genetic capacity of plants or animals, soil inputs, pest controls, mechanization, social organization, and the like is appropriate, however options developed should be realistically achievable given small farmers' key constraints (e.g., current supplies of land, labor, credit). Research outcomes or impacts should be "scale-specific" to favor small farmers. "Small" is relative, and applicants should explain how their target group of farmers can be considered "small farmers" in relative terms.


Awards are made to Ph.D.. M.S., or M.P.S. candidates for overseas field work expenses associated with thesis research. Proposals should be for the actual research rather than for planning or proposal preparation. Ph.D. applications are given priority. Awards of $1,000 to $5,000 will be considered.


Application Guidelines:


Applications for the Richard Bradfield Research Award should be submitted electronically to Margaret Smith ( no later than Friday 13 June 2014. Applications should consist of the following sections (numbered and in the following order) and should not exceed three pages in length (single spaced, 12-point font, and reasonable margins).

1. Title of proposed research project.

2. Applicant's name, department, campus address, telephone number, and degree sought (Ph.D., M.S., M.P.S.); major advisor's name.

3. Brief project description, including research objectives, methods, expected outcomes, collaborators, and research and publication time frames.

4. Statement explaining how and in what ways the proposed research favors small farmers, including the basis for classifying the target group as small farmers.

5. Budget request, including an explanation of the specific use proposed for the Bradfield award funds. Indicate also the source and amount of other funds that are available to complete the proposed project.


A brief letter of recommendation from the applicant's major advisor also should be submitted electronically to Margaret Smith ( and should arrive by Friday 13 June 2014.


Applicants will be notified of award decisions via e-mail by late June 2014. 


Dates and Deadlines:

Summer Registration


Now through mid-July, graduate students may self-enroll through their Student Center for Summer 2014.  We encourage students to enroll now and not delay.


There is no charge for summer registration with the Graduate School. To register, simply enroll in the Graduate School's Graduate Summer Research course GRAD 9006 (class numbers 1719, 1720, 1721, 1722, or 1723) via Student Center.


Graduate students must register with the Graduate School for the Summer 2014 term if any of the following conditions apply: 

  • They are receiving financial aid during the summer (fellowships, summer loans, assistantships, travel grants, or tuition awards);
  • They wish to use campus facilities; or
  • They are off campus but need to be registered for summer study. 
Students who do not register for summer by May 23, 2014 will also be subject to FICA tax (OASDI and Medicare) withholding from Assistantship Payroll Appointments. 
Cornell University Graduate School | Caldwell Hall | Ithaca, New York 14853 |