April 14, 2014
In This Issue
Careers and Internships
Around Campus
Fellowships and Grants
Dates and Deadlines




Come to the BRB daily for a quiet writing space. Free coffee and tea provided!





GPSA Coffee Talks - we'll provide the coffee, you get to talk amongst yourselves!





Come practice this relaxing and restorative technique for FREE!





Compete over trivia in teams of up to 6 with the chance to win prizes! Free popcorn and chips + $1 beer served!





Considering a career outside of academia? Speak with a career advisor for 15 minutes about your job-search. Also get feedback on your resume or cover letter. 




HOUR: German Circle & NEW Portuguese 



Come join beginners and native speakers to practice speaking and learning a new language! Cookies and coffee provided!





Meet international and American students for conversation over free

coffee and snacks!





Join grad + professional students for free snacks, soda, and $1 + $2 beer. ID required. 

Quick Links


Graduate School 

Fellowship Database
Transcript Information 


Office Hours with President Skorton  


President Skorton will host an open office hour for students  in 300 Day Hall on Thursday, April 17 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. 


Space is limited to about 10 students.  The meetings begin with introductions followed by a group discussion.  


Please reply to  Attendees will be notified if they are chosen to attend.

Grad Ball


Get out of the winter grunge and come to Grad Ball, the largest Programming Board event of the year!    


This year, the Grad Ball will be held at the Museum of the Earth on April 26th from 7:00-11:00.  


With the backdrop of art and natural history, Grad Ball 2014 promises to be a night of great dancing, food, and celebration with graduate and professional students from across Cornell.   


Free shuttle buses can pick up attendees at locations across Collegetown, Downtown, and Campus starting at 6:40 and running throughout the night. Agava will be catering yummy hor d'oeuvres and desserts from Ithaca Bakery.  A wide selection of local wine and beer will be available for purchase, as well as special "dino" cocktails.  DJ Elephant Sound will be providing music throughout the night and the dance floor is below a huge whale skeleton.   


Tickets are $20 and can be bought at   


Dress is semi-formal.  Dates are welcome but not necessary.

Student Parent Focus Group Discussion

  • Date: Monday, April 21st
  • Time: 12:30-1:30
  • Location: 102 Mann Library
  • Lunch Provided:  Please RSVP 

The Graduate and Professional Student Families Advisory Committee is hosting a focus group for student parents. The goal of the group is to determine and address the specific challenges of student parenting.  The findings of this group will help determine future programming opportunities to address and relieve some of the most pressing concerns of student parents: limited time and flexibility, unique and additional milestones and duties, difficulties in finding resources and making decisions, the reception and acceptance of faculty and mentors. Parenthood shapes and influences academic study. We'd love to hear your expectations and experiences and to learn what information would help you to better navigate your academic options.

Lunch will be provided.   


For more information, please contact Nici Lee at 

Tickets Still Available for Angela Davis Lecture 


Angela Davis, legendary human rights activist, will visit Cornell's Graduate School as part of the 2014 Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin lecture series.


The lecture, scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Alice Statler Auditorium, is open to the public. Davis will sign copies of her books following the lecture. Free tickets available at Willard Straight Hall; and Buffalo Street Books.
Learn more...
Library Workshops


View the Library's current list of Spring 2014 workshops, including Essential Research Tools, Designing Effective Presentations, Photoshop, and more.

View list...
Careers and Internships:

Non-Academic Career Advising Hours

Wednesday, April 16

Noon-2 pm in the Big Red Barn


Are you a graduate student considering a career outside of academia?

Would you like to speak with a career advisor about your job-search questions or get feedback on your resume or cover letter?


If so, stop by the Big Red Barn and speak with Anne Poduska, the Graduate & International Student Career Advisor, whose table will be located next to the piano.


If you are unable to attend these walk-in hours, please call the career office most closely aligned with your graduate field to schedule an appointment: .


Transitioning Into the World of Work

  • Wednesday, Apr 16, 4:45 pm
  • 105 Ives

Attend this workshop to find out what you need to know to transition into the world of work.  What should I do in my first week on the job/internship? What expectations will my boss have? What are common career advancers and career derailers?  This workshop is open to students going into all fields, and for both summer internships as well as full-time positions. Presented by General Electric, Heather Porzuczek, MILR '05.

Pre-registration required through CCNet: 


Perspectives Series - Practical Strategies to Manage Your Time 


We all want to learn about tips and tricks that increase our productivity to ensure that our limited time is optimally spent.  This session will focus on 5 strategies to empower you to control your time in an effort to manage your life.  Be prepared to share your experiences and learn about managing yourself. Presenter:  Graduate School Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Life, Janna Lamey

Perspectives Series - Waiting for the "Right" Time - all about PROCRASTINATION


Are you a procrastinator?  Or, do you know well the intense feelings of stress that come with working on a project at the very last minute?  Learn the definition and characteristics of being a procrastinator, how this can impact your performance and what to do if you find yourself trapped in a cycle of procrastination.  Gannett Counseling and Psychological Services, Wai-Kwong Wong, PhD

�       Tuesday, April 29th - 12:30 - 1:30 PM (lunch available 12:15)

�       102 Mann Library

�       Please RSVP today 



The Cash Management Seminar - Learn how to assess your current financial situation, create a budget, set up an emergency fund, manage credit cards, and take steps to increase your savings.

  • Wednesday, April 23rd from 12:30 - 1:30 PM; lunch available at 12:15
  • 700 Clark Hall
  • Presenter: Brian Perdew, VALIC   More information and to RSVP

The Cornell Women's Resource Center (CWRC) is now accepting applications for Executive Board positions for 2014-15


By providing a centralized location for information, resources and referral, support, educational programming and outreach, the CWRC hopes to create discussion and awareness of issues pertinent to the lives of women, including topics such as body image, violence against women, and the right to reproductive choice.    


Check out the CWRC website at for an overview and examples of our programs.  Applications are due by Friday, April 18th and can be found on the website.  Questions, please email Laura Weiss, Director of the CWRC, at

Need Help Finding Your Path? - Consider Turning to the University Ombudsman


Speak to the Ombudsman about a problem, conflict or concern.  This is a safe place to speak confidentially and off the record, you can receive assistance in evaluating available options, and also coaching for a difficult conversation.  Services are free to students, faculty and staff.  More information is found: 




Formative Assessment in Larger Enrollment Classes (Webinar Viewing)

  • Wednesday, April 23, 2:00-3:00 pm (Refreshments available at 1:45 pm)
  • 341 Caldwell Hall
  • Presenter: Dr. Richard Shingles, Lecturer in Biology, Johns Hopkins University

Learn about ways to determine what students know and are learning in large classrooms, and modify your teaching appropriately!  Dr. Shingles will describe a variety of time-sensitive assessment activities, from gauging comprehension to formal evaluation of important class concepts. A discussion of what to do with the feedback will follow, and Cornell participants will have the ability to ask questions via videoconference.

Sponsored by the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CU-CIRTL) in the Graduate School. RSVPs appreciated to



Creating a Culturally Inclusive Lab or Research Group

  • Thursday, April 24, 12:00-2:00 pm (includes lunch)
  • 229 ILR Conference Center (King-Shaw Hall)
  • Panelist: Dr. Derina Samuel, Center for Teaching Excellence

Learn how to create a productive mentoring environment for the diversity of individuals that you will encounter in setting up your research group or lab, which may include undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, technicians and other scholars from many nationalities. We will also discuss how to create a welcoming environment for groups typically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. 




Learn more 

CIRTL Network Webinars


Participate in these one-hour online professional development presentations for graduate students and postdocs at:


Effective Academic Networking (Career Development for Postdocs and Graduate Students series)

  • Monday, April 14, 5:00-6:00 pm
  • Panelists: Dr. Duco Jansen, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Professor, Cindy Funk, Director of Career Center, and Dr. Dave Merryman, Assistant Professor, all of Vanderbilt University

Student-Teacher Interactions: What to Expect (Teaching and Learning in the American System series)

  • Wednesday, April 16, 1:00-2:15 pm
  • Dr. Sabrina Kramer, Center for Teaching Excellence Director, and Lijuan Shi, Master's Student, both of University of Maryland College Park

 Learn more...

Summer 2014 CIRTL Courses


Want to improve your teaching skills or prepare for a future faculty position in a natural or social science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) field? Take an online courses developed especially for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars as part of the NSF-funded Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network. Receive a letter of completion for participating in all synchronous meetings and completing all assignments.

  • Registration Opens: Monday, April 14 at 12:00 pm ET 
  • Registration Closes: Monday, May 5 (or when full)
  • Course topics include constructing a syllabus or teaching portfolio, teaching online, and peer instruction using clickers

Learn more...

CTE's GET SET Programs:  

Upcoming Opportunities for:

Graduate Students, Future Educators, and Teaching Assistants


GET SET Workshop: Facilitating Interactive Classroom Discussions (Certificate: Creating an Engaging Classroom)

Thursday, April 17, 4:45-6:00 p.m. (143 Plant Science)

Register here 

Class discussions are an effective tool for engaging students and promoting learning. Participants will explore strategies to generate and facilitate effective discussions.


GET SET Discussion: Steps to Developing Your Teaching Portfolio

Monday, April 21, 12:00-1:00 p.m. (421 CCC)

Interested in documenting your teaching for the job market? Participants will discuss the fundamental components of a teaching portfolio and approaches to creating a structured, representative, and selective portfolio.

Pizza provided, limited to 20 grads/postdocs.

Please register by Monday morning at:


Special Events at the Big Red Barn

Wednesday, April 16th

Nuts n Bolts Party  

7:00- 10:00pm 

When you arrive you get either a 'nut' or a 'bolt'.  You then try to find the nut or bolt that fits yours!
First nut to meet their bolt wins a prize!

Come and meet your match!

Beer $1.00    Snacks & soda free! 


Around Campus

Preparing for Baby Workshop Series

As you prepare to welcome your baby, you may feel overwhelmed at times (even if it is your second or third child!). The new Preparing for Baby workshop series will help you sort through all of the information available for new parents and guide you in making the best decisions for your family.  All Cornell community members are invited and the workshops are offered free of charge. Partner participation (spouse, Lamaze coach, friend, etc.) is welcome. The workshops are designed to build upon themselves, however attendance at all workshops is not mandatory. 



Learn more

  • April 25: Breastfeeding Basics, 12-1:00 p.m., 163 Day Hall
  • May 2: Pumping with Success,12-1:00 p.m., 163 Day Hall
  • May 9: Returning to Work (or School) as a Breastfeeding Mother, 2-1:00 p.m., 163 Day Hall
The Preparing for Baby workshop series is sponsored by Career/Life Services in the Division of Human Resources and Safety Services. 
IP & Pizza™ Are Genes and Diagnostic Methods Still Patentable?

April 22 from 12:0 - 1:30


Join Dr. Xiaochun Zhu, Partner at Scully Scott Murphy & Presser PC, and CCTEC staff as we discuss the recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions of Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc. (2012) and Assoc. for Molecular Pathol. v. Myriad Genetics (2013), as well as the impact of these decisions on patenting of biological products and processes.

Pizza, salad and drinks will be served.

Learn more...
Lecture: Leo Ching (Duke), EAP Speaker Series - "When Bruce Lee Meets Gojira: Anti-Japanism, Anti-Americanism and the Failure of Decolonization."

Date: 04/24/2014 - 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm


Free and open to the public. Reception to Follow.


Sponsored by EAP-GSSC

Learn more...

Kundalini Yoga

  • Date and times: Mondays and Thursdays, 5:00-6:15 p.m. from 2/3 - 4/28 (Mondays) and 1/30 - 5/1 (Thursdays)
  • Location: 215 Willard Straight Hall (Garden Room)
No experience necessary. Come and try it - you'll be glad you did! Relax to increase your brain power!!!

Weekly Guided Mindfulness Meditations (Big Red Barn)


Now available to all members of the Cornell community: students, faculty, and staff.  Come as you are, as often as you like, to practice this relaxing and restorative technique. These FREE sessions are 30 minutes long and are available at several campus locations. The Graduate School and Big Red Barn are sponsoring the Monday sessions from 3:15 - 3:45 PM at the Big Red Barn.  The meditations are co-sponsored by a number of academic departments and campus support services.  


Learn more & review the schedule.

Spring 2014 Chats in the Stacks Book Talks


Book talk by Ravi Kanbur

International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects
Wednesday, April 23, 4:00 pm, Stern Seminar Room, 160 Mann Library


Book talk by Sam Beck

Toward Engaged Anthropology

Wednesday, April 30,4:00 pm, Stern Seminar Room, 160 Mann Library


Falconry: An Ancient Art Lives on in America


Timothy Gallagher

Tuesday, April 15, 4:00pm

Mann Library, Room 160


With ancient roots in Mesopotamia and Central Asia, falconry also finds impassioned practitioners in North America. Please join us for a talk with Tim Gallagher to learn more about the sport of falconry.  Currently, editor-in-chief of Living Bird, the flagship publication of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Gallagher has had a lifelong interest in wilderness exploration and falcons. He has taken part in several research expeditions to Greenland, Iceland, northern Canada and Alaska to study falcons, raptors, and other endangered species. Refreshments available throughout the event. For more information visit


Competitions, Conferences, Fellowships and Grants:
CTE Graduate Teaching Fellowship

The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) is excited to offer the CTE Graduate Teaching Fellowship Program to all eligible graduate students at Cornell. This competitive one-year fellowship is an opportunity to:

  • Enhance teaching, leadership and mentoring skills
  • Explore the art of teaching through coursework and mentorship
  • Build your CV and skills for the job market


2014-2015 Graduate Teaching Assistant Fellow (GTAF) Program 

  • Develop and implement programs and resources that foster teaching excellence at Cornell University
  • Click here to access the short application and eligibility requirements
  • Applications due: April 18, 2014   


2014-2015 Graduate Research and Teaching Fellowship (GRTF) Program 

  • Develop and use research strategies to understand, inform and enhance teaching
  • Click here to access the short application and eligibility requirements
  • Applications due: April 18, 2014
Dates and Deadlines:

Conference Grants


The new conference grant award cycle is 7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014. Any student presenting at accredited conferences may submit an application for one funding award per award cycle. Award amounts are based on location.


Please note that the deadlines for these awards are firm. 


Conference grants are due the 1st of the month (or next business day if 1st falls on a weekend day) prior to conference month. Applications received after the deadline will be awarded a maximum of 1/2 the conference amount.  The start date of the conference is used to determine the deadline for submission. Example: for a conference dated August 29 - September 2 with a student's presentation on September 1, the application must be received by the July 1st deadline since the start date of the conference is in August. 


 Learn more...  

Deadline for Thesis and Dissertation Submissions


The thesis and dissertation submission deadline is May 2, 2014 for students planning to graduate in May 2014.  All theses and dissertations must be submitted, reviewed, and approved in Graduation Manager by noon on May 2, 2014.   


Students who are eligible for a Non-Thesis Masters must also submit in Graduation Manager. Eligibility for a non-thesis Masters is determined at the A exam by the special committee and DGS.


Please review the guidelines for theses and dissertations, accessible from the Graduate School's website, for helpful information as you prepare for submission.  For more detail, please access the Thesis and Dissertation Guidebook.  


Summer Registration


Now through mid-July, graduate students may self-enroll through their Student Center for Summer 2014.  We encourage students to enroll now and not delay.


There is no charge for summer registration with the Graduate School. To register, simply enroll in the Graduate School's Graduate Summer Research course GRAD 9006 (class numbers 1719, 1720, 1721, 1722, or 1723) via Student Center.


Graduate students must register with the Graduate School for the Summer 2014 term if any of the following conditions apply: 

  • They are receiving financial aid during the summer (fellowships, summer loans, assistantships, travel grants, or tuition awards);
  • They wish to use campus facilities; or
  • They are off campus but need to be registered for summer study. 
Students who do not register for summer by May 23, 2014 will also be subject to FICA tax (OASDI and Medicare) withholding from Assistantship Payroll Appointments. 

Summer Language Instruction Awards Available


Thanks to the generosity of graduate alumni, the Graduate School has gift income available to assist graduate students with the costs of intensive summer language instruction in a language other than English for Summer 2014.


The Graduate School anticipates making 8 to 10 awards of $500 to $2,000 each to supplement department awards. 


Learn more...

Commencement Packet Information (with severe weather tickets)    


PhD, MA, or MS students hoping to participate in the May 2014 Commencement Ceremony can pick up commencement packets in 143 Caldwell Hall starting Feb. 20th.  Other professional degree students can obtain their packets from their appropriate College Registrar (AAP, Arts & Sciences, CALS, Engineering, Hotel, Human Ecology, or ILR).


Information about commencement, including a link to the form for requesting names in the program, is available on the Graduate School's website at


Cornell University Graduate School | Caldwell Hall | Ithaca, New York 14853 |