March 3, 2014
In This Issue
Academic Support
Careers and Internships
Around Campus
Fellowships and Grants


Let's Meditate



Harry Potter Trivia Night


Career Talk @ noon

German Conversation 



International Coffee Hour 

Klezmer Concert @ noon   



Salsa Dance Party   

Quick Links


Graduate School 

Fellowship Database
Transcript Information 


Save the Date - Angela Davis Lecture 


Angela Davis, legendary human rights activist, will visit Cornell's Graduate School as part of the 2014 Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin lecture series.


The lecture, scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Alice Statler Auditorium, is open to the public. Davis will sign copies of her books following the lecture. Free tickets will be available at the end of March.     

Learn more...

Hsien and Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship


The Graduate School is pleased to announce the Hsien and Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship.  The Hsien Wu and Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship was established by Daisy Yen Wu in memory of  Hsien Wu.  A total of 2-3 awards of $500 to $2,000 will be made from the fund this May.  The amount of each award will be determined by the selection committee.


Learn more...

GPSA Advocacy Dine & Discuss

Clarifying! roles, benefits and compensation of graduate/professional students

This FREE event will provide dinner from Cornell Catering, a brief visit from President Skorton, and the opportunity to discuss the following questions: What are your experiences working at Cornell as a graduate or professional student? How do you understand your relationship to the University? What is your experience and what issues matter to you?

Coffee Talks 


Mondays 2:00 - 3:00 PM at the Big Red Barn 


Come join us at the Big Red Barn for free coffee (or tea) for the GPSA (Graduate and Professional Student Assembly) Coffee Talks.  Stay and chat with some of our special guests, or just talk amongst yourselves.   


Monday, March 10th, special guest is the Office of Graduate Student Life.  


More information: or FB:   Sponsored by GPSA

International Women's Day Leadership Award  


Who can be nominated?

  • Absolutely ANYONE; ALL genders, ages, and backgrounds are welcome
  • A student who has worked on women's issues and/or gender equity within the Cornell and/or Ithaca community
  • A local international woman whose achievements and accomplishments deserve distinction
  • An international student who works on global women's issues
  • An American student who works on behalf of local and/or global women's issues
  • A Cornell professor, staff person, or Ithaca/Tompkins County community member who advocates/works with women locally, nationally, or internationally

Nominees will be honored at the International Women's Day Luncheon on 

Sunday, March 16th at 12 p.m. in the MEMORIAL ROOM, Willard Straight Hall

Please CLICK HERE to NOMINATE someone. 

All nominations are due by Sunday, March 9th at 11:59 p.m.


Presented by: The International Women's Day Committee, Cornell Women's Resource Center, and the Graduate School


Please contact if you have any questions/concerns.

Call for Volunteers for Kids Science Day

  • Sunday, May 4, 2014
  • 1:30 - 4:30PM, at the Big Red Barn

Have an exciting demo or activity for kids ages 3 & up?Want to a chance to do some science outreach? Come volunteer at the Big Red Barn for Kids' Science Day!


If you wish to help out by running an activity station or assist other stations, please sign up on this form by Friday, March 14, 2014. 


Contact Everett Schlawin ( if you have any additional questions.

Commencement Packet Information (with severe weather tickets)    


PhD, MA, or MS students hoping to participate in the May 2014 Commencement Ceremony can pick up commencement packets in 143 Caldwell Hall starting Feb. 20th.  Other professional degree students can obtain their packets from their appropriate College Registrar (AAP, Arts & Sciences, CALS, Engineering, Hotel, Human Ecology, or ILR).


Information about commencement, including a link to the form for requesting names in the program, is available on the Graduate School's website at


Academic Support:
Library Workshops


View the Library's current list of Spring 2014 workshops, including Essential Research Tools, Designing Effective Presentations, Photoshop, and more.

View list...
Careers and Internships:
We're in This Together: Successful Dual Career Couples in Higher Education

Although couples who are each passionate about careers in higher education may face obstacles in the job search, there are real success stories.  You and your partner are invited to lunch and a panel discussion with Cornell professors, administrators, and researchers who have spouses with higher education careers and have made it work.  Learn how both partners found successful careers, get advice, and leave motivated to pursue your career search together.

Learn more and register...

The Process and Pitfalls of Informational Interviewing

  • Date and time: Tuesday, March 4 from 5-6 pm
  • Location: Lewis Auditorium, Goldwin Smith

What are some common problems that people encounter when conducting an informational interview-and how can you overcome them?  What do people mean when they say you need to "follow up" with someone after you conduct an informational interview?
If you have been asking yourself any of these questions, come to this interactive workshop to learn how you might develop or improve your informational interviewing skills. 

Non-Academic Career Advising Hours

  • Wednesday, March 5
  • Noon-2 pm in the Big Red Barn

 Are you a graduate student considering a career outside of academia? Would you like to speak with a career advisor for 15 minutes about your job-search questions or get feedback on your resume or cover letter?


If so, stop by the Big Red Barn and sign up for a 15-minute advising appointment with Anne Poduska, the Graduate & International Student Career Advisor.


If you are unable to attend these walk-in hours, please call the career office most closely aligned with your graduate field to schedule an appointment:

Interviewing Via Phone or Skype: Nuances You Need to Know

  • Date and time: Wednesday, March 5 at 4:45 pm
  • Location: 105 Ives

Attend this workshop to learn effective interviewing strategies for your phone or Skype interview. 

Careers in Social Media: A VersatilePhD Online Panel Discussion

March 10-14


Join us for VPhD's next free web-based panel discussion: Careers in Social Media, March 10-14. Panelists are all humanities or social science PhDs doing social media work for nonprofits, universities, and other businesses.

Panelists introduce themselves on Monday, March 10 and answer your questions for the rest of the week. It's OK to invite friends; anyone may register on VPhD for free and enjoy this great web-based discussion. In this asynchronous format, you can participate anytime during the week.

More information here:

Revitalize Your Job Search

  • March 11
  • 4:45 pm
  • 132 Goldwin Smith

If you're not getting the responses you had hoped to your job applications, attend this workshop to get tips on how you can revitalize your job search. 

BEST Program Kickoff

  • March 18
  • 8 am - 1 pm
  • G10 Biotech

Come March 18 to the BEST Program kickoff event in G10 Biotech 8am-lunch to:

  • learn how to broaden your experiences in scientific training through BEST to make you more directly employable and have an immediate impact in your career of choice
  • hear directly from practitioners what they wished they had known when they were a grad student or postdoc, and what advice helped the most
  • interact directly with speakers from the National Academy of Sciences, US Senate, an intellectual property firm, a biotech startup, radio production company, Centers for Disease Control, US Patent and Trademark Office, science museum and more
  • ...speakers have PhDs in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Physics, Virology, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering, History of Science, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Education, and Biophysical Inorganic Chemistry


RSVP to Laura Matthews ( )with your name, field and email, indicating whether we should order a lunch.  


Perspectives Series 

What Does Exercise Have to Do With It? 


Research shows that our minds work best when our bodies are moving. Whether you are just getting started, want to include more exercise into your daily routine, or are an experienced athlete, this session is for you.  It will focus on exercise benefits and common principles of exercise to ensure maximum benefits.  All participants will leave with an understanding of their own personal fitness goals, best practices to achieve their goals, and resources to support them.  Cornell Fitness Centers, MJ Bert Adams

       Tuesday, March 11th - 12:30 - 1:30 PM (lunch available at 12:15)

A Workshop on Relationships


Learn ways to deal with, navigate, and enhance the relationships in your life, whether it be relationships with friends, family, a significant other, or a roommate! Come and learn tools and tips to strengthen the bonds in your life!  Presentation by Greg Eells, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services

  • Tuesday March 4,  4:30-5:30 PM   
  • Willard Straight Hall, 5th Floor Lounge

Refreshments and giveaways at every session. Open to all Cornell Students, undergraduate and graduate students.  Sponsored by Cornell Minds Matter


Retirement 101

An introduction to retirement plans and why/how retirement savings should begin now. Learn the real effect of time on money and discover the differences between good and bad debt.

  • Tuesday, March 4th from 12:30 - 1:30 PM; lunch available at 12:15
  • Presenter:  Steve Smith, TIAA-CREF
  • More information and to RSVP


Designing Your Financial Roadmap  

With a solid financial plan in place, you can make your dreams a reality! In this session, you will learn ways to help boost your savings, and steps you can make today as you begin to address multiple savings goals. 

  • Wednesday, March 19th from 12:30 - 1:30 PM; lunch available at 12:15  
  • 700 Clark Hall  
  • Presenter:  Robert Carville, Fidelity
  • More information and to RSVP  

  • CA$H COUR$E is a new series about personal finance for graduate, professional and undergraduate students!

Work-Life Balance that Works

  • Thursday, March 13th
  • Group viewing and discussion from 1:00-2:15 pm. (Lunch available at 12:45 pm.) 
  • Location: 525 ILR Conference Center (King-Shaw Hall)
  • Please RSVP by March 12

Work-Life Balance That Works features a panel of faculty and staff to discuss their challenges, issues, and most of all, their strategies for achieving a work-life balance over time that works for them. Participants will hear how the panelists attempt to develop schedules (daily, annual) to juggle family responsibilities and activities along with teaching, research and service obligations and opportunities and sustain these over time.


Panelists: (Connecting via video conference)

  • Dr. Rique Campa, Associate Dean and Professor, Michigan State University
  • Dr. Wendi Heinzelman, Professor, University of Rochester
  • Dr. Matt Helm, Student Wellness Coordinator, Michigan State University

This session is sponsored jointly by the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CU-CIRTL) and the Office of Graduate Student Life.

Wellbeing Programs

Wellbeing programs are open to Cornell community members (faculty, staff, students, post-docs, retirees, and spouses/partners).

Teach a Course in the Cornell Prison Education Program


The Prison Education Program is hosting an informational meeting to attract instructors and teaching assistants from across campus. This semester's events are coming up soon:

  • March 5, 2014 - 4:30pm - Informational Event - Become an Instructor/TA in Prison - Goldwyn-Smith Room G76 A Presentation/Discussion with CPEP staff
  • March 11, 2014 - 7:00pm - Teach Law in Prison Presentation/Discussion with CPEP staff, in Myron Taylor 146.

More info: 

CIRTL Webinars


Participate in these one-hour online professional development presentations for graduate students and postdocs at:


Mentoring and Being Mentored

  • Monday, March 10, 2014 from 5:00-6:00 pm
  • Panelists: Dr. Keivan Stassun, Dr. Dina Stroud, Dr. Rudy Montez, Dr. Hak-Joon Sung and Dr. Carl Johnson, Vanderbilt University

Qualitative and Quantitative Data Management and Analysis

  • Monday, March 17, 2014 from 3:00-4:00 pm
  • Panelist: Dr. Mark Urban-Lurain, Engineering Education Research, Michigan State University

An Introduction to Inclusive Design for Learning

  • Friday, March 21, 2:00-3:00 pm + associated video podcast posted on March 18
  • Panelists: Gina Ceylan, Dr. Angela Speck, and Dr. Alan Whittington, University of Missouri-Columbia

Learn more

Mentoring Research at a Four-Year College

  • Friday, March 14, 2014 from 12:00-2:00 pm
  • 229 ILR Conference Center (King-Shaw Hall)
  • RSVP to

When applying for a position at a four-year college, how do you craft your research statement and answer interview questions about research plans realistically? What kind of start-up budget and project scope are feasible? In this lunchtime workshop, Dr. Jeffrey Werner, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at SUNY Cortland, will share his experience mentoring undergraduate research at teaching-oriented colleges. You will also have the opportunity to review an example research statement for a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) application to a primarily undergraduate institution, and start thinking about your own institutional fit.


Part of the "Building Mentoring Skills for a Career in Academia" lunchtime workshop series. Sponsored by the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CU-CIRTL) in the Graduate School.

Learn more

CTE's GET SET Programs: 

Upcoming Opportunities for:

Graduate Students, Future Educators, and Teaching Assistants   


GET SET Workshop: What Can You Do If Your Students Are Struggling? (Certificate: Understanding Undergraduate Learners)

Thursday, March 6, 4:45-6:00 p.m. (143 Plant Science)

Register here  


Often TAs are the first to recognize students who are struggling in their classes. Participants will discuss specific teaching and learning methods to support their students.

Around Campus

Is Living in New York City Part of your Future?


If so, considering joining Brigitte Platt, '05, from Cooper & Cooper Real Estate, to talk about the difficult task of conquering NYC housing.  You will learn the ins & outs of how to find an apartment, tips & tricks, and how to avoid falling victim to the numerous and pervasive pitfalls & scams that exist.  This presentation is open and free to all graduate and professional students: 

  • 3/5 (Wednesday) - 12:15 p.m. at the Law School, Room 285
  • 3/5 (Wednesday) - 3:30 p.m. at the Johnson Business School, Sage Hall, Room B09

 IP and Pizza:  

Digital Technologies: The Creative Process Produces Intellectual Properties  

  • March 10, 2014
  • 12:00pm - 1:30pm
  • 117 Upson Hall
  • Pizza, salad and drinks will be served.
  • RSVP to:
The creative process can produce not only great technologies and content but also a wide variety of intellectual properties. Join Charles Valauskas, of Valauskas Corder LLC, and CCTEC staff as we discuss how this often overlooked value is produced automatically by anyone simply by being creative. The focus will be on digital technologies, however, the principles that will be discussed can be applied to any technology or content. The step-by-step presentation will provide an overview of not only all five intellectual properties but also how simple contracts can manage data that is produced during the creative process.


The Vagina Monologues


Based on V-Day founder Eve Ensler's Obie award winning play, The Vagina Monologues explores and celebrates women's sexuality.

  • Friday, March 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the Statler Auditorium
  • Saturday, March 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the Statler Auditorium
  • (Doors open at 6:30 p.m.)
  • Tickets are $9 in advance and $10 at the door.

Purchase tickets at the Willard Straight Hall Resource Center or from cast members.


Contact with any questions.


Tracks and Shadows: Field Biology as Art

Book talk by Harry W. Greene

Thursday, March 6, 4:00 pm
Rm 160, Mann Library

Curiosity is alive and well and often leads us to valuable discoveries in science. Please join us for a Chats in the Stacks book talk with Harry W. Greene, one of the world's leading snake experts with more than 40 years of fieldwork on six continents. Greene is professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and a Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow. Books will be available for purchase and signing. For more information visit  or call 255-5406.

Spring 2014 Chats in the Stacks Book Talks


Book talk by Sidney Tarrow, Jason Frank and Glenn Altschuler
The Language of Contention: Revolutions in Words, 1688-2012

Wednesday, March 26, 4:30 pm, Amit Bhatia '01 Libe Caf�, Olin Library


Book talk by Gavriel Shapiro
The Tender Friendship and the Charm of Perfect Accord: Nabokov and His Father
Thursday, April 10, 4:30 pm, 106G Olin Library


Book talk by Ravi Kanbur

International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects
Wednesday, April 23, 4:00 pm, Stern Seminar Room, 160 Mann Library


Book talk by Sam Beck

Toward Engaged Anthropology

Wednesday, April 30,4:00 pm, Stern Seminar Room, 160 Mann Library


Competitions, Conferences, Fellowships and Grants:

National Research Council Awards


The National Research Council of the National Academies sponsors a number of awards for graduate, postdoctoral and senior researchers at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions. These awards include generous stipends ranging from $45,000 - $80,000 per year for recent Ph.D. recipients, and higher for additional experience.  Graduate entry level stipends begin at $30,000.  These awards provide the opportunity for recipients to do independent research in some of the best-equipped and staffed laboratories in the U.S.  Research opportunities are open to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and for some of the laboratories, foreign nationals.


Detailed program information, including online applications, instructions on how to apply, and a list of participating laboratories, are available on the NRC Research Associateship Programs Web site (see link above).


Questions should be directed to the NRC at 202-334-2760 (phone) or


There are four annual review cycles.


Review Cycle:  May; Opens March 1; Closes May 1

Review Cycle:  August; Opens June 1; Closes August 1

Review Cycle:  November; Opens September 1; Closes November 1

Review Cycle:  February; Opens December 1; Closes February 1


Applicants should contact prospective Adviser(s) at the lab(s) prior to the application deadline to discuss their research interests and funding opportunities.More detailed information and an online application can be found at

International HPC Summer School 2014 on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from institutions in Europe, Canada, Japan and the United States are invited to apply for the fifth International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences, to be held June 1 - 6, 2014, in Budapest, Hungary.

Learn more...

Information Session on How to Write a Convincing Grant and Fellowship Proposal


This information session for graduate students provides an introduction to proposal preparation and the application process as well as writing tips.


Organizer: Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies


Date and Venue: Wednesday, March 5, 2014, 4:30 pm, G08 Uris Hall


More Information: Heike Michelsen, Director of Programming, Einaudi Center, t. 255-8929,, 


NIH T32 Postdoctoral Training Fellowship 

Advanced Cardiovascular Research at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, Los Angeles, CA


We invite qualified individuals to apply for advanced cardiovascular research training funded by an NIH Training Grant at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.


Cedars-Sinai is an academic medical center and the largest teaching hospital of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.  We strive to develop well qualified researchers with MD or PhD degrees who seek postdoctoral training from a strong team of faculty research scientists.


This two-year postdoctoral training program, under the leadership of Drs. Eduardo Marb�n and Joshua I. Goldhaber, is seeking both new graduates and those with some postdoctoral experience who are highly motivated and have a strong background in cardiovascular research.   Trainees must be U.S. citizens or possess permanent resident status to apply.


Cedars-Sinai is committed to training a diverse group of women and men including underrepresented minorities, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.


To learn more visit 


Or email: 

Funding for 2014-2015 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowships


It is expected that the application for the Fulbright-Hays DDRA fellowships will be available on Friday, April 18.     


Applicants are strongly advised to contact the Einaudi Center  (fulbright@einaudi.cornell.eduphone 607-255-8933) as soon as possible to indicate intention to apply and to  arrange individual counseling sessions with Cornell's Fulbright-Hays advisor, Gil Levine.  


Cornell deadline:   Wednesday, May 14th, 2014


Last year, seven  Cornell students received Fulbright-Hays DDRA awards, making the university third in the country in the dollar  value of the Fulbright-Hays Research awards.  For more information, see

The awards provide generous support to individual doctoral students who conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages, and area studies for periods of six to 12 months.  Prospective candidates for the DDRA program should look carefully at both, the absolute priority listing and the competitive preference priorities. Among the latter is the regular 5 point addition to the score if the research utilizes one of the lesser-taught languages and a 5 point preference if the research is in a subject field that has relatively direct relevance to world (and United States) concerns. The subject fields of economics, engineering, international development, global education, mathematics, political science, public health, science, or technology have all been added in the last two years.   Since the awards often reflect the additional points accorded for the competitive priorities, this change now favors the new fields. Students in those fields who have not considered the Fulbright-Hays fellowship as a possibility are encouraged to look carefully at this opportunity.

Information Session on Fulbright Fellowships for 2015-2016


A presentation by Fulbright Advisor Gil Levine,  will be held on Tuesday, March 25 at 4:30pm in G08, Uris Hall to discuss Fulbright funding opportunities, including the new Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellowship


The Fulbright program at Cornell is administered by the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, 158 Uris Hall and offers preparation, support and counseling on essays to applicants for all Fulbright awards. Email or visit the Einaudi Center website for details.

Cornell University Graduate School | Caldwell Hall | Ithaca, New York 14853 |