February 24, 2014
In This Issue
Academic Support
Careers and Internships
Around Campus
Fellowships and Grants


Let's Meditate



Trivia Night


German Conversation 



International Coffee Hour  





Academy Awards 

Quick Links


Graduate School 

Fellowship Database
Transcript Information 


Tickets Available- EO Wilson Lecture 


Dr. E.O. Wilson, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner who is considered the father of the modern environmental movement, will visit Cornell's Graduate School on March 14th as part of the 2014 Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin lecture series.


The lecture, scheduled for Friday, March 14, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Alice Statler Auditorium, is open to the public. Wilson will sign copies of his books following the lecture. Free tickets are available for pick up at the Graduate School Deans' Office (350 Caldwell Hall), Willard Straight, and Buffalo Street Books.

Learn more...

Conference Grants


The new conference grant award cycle is 7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014. Any student presenting at accredited conferences may submit an application for one funding award per award cycle. Award amounts are based on location.


Please note that the deadlines for these awards are firm. 


Conference grants are due the 1st of the month (or next business day if 1st falls on a weekend day) prior to conference month. Applications received after the deadline will be awarded a maximum of 1/2 the conference amount.  The start date of the conference is used to determine the deadline for submission. Example: for a conference dated August 29 - September 2 with a student's presentation on September 1, the application must be received by the July 1st deadline since the start date of the conference is in August. 


Learn more...

Provost's Diversity Fellowship


The Graduate School will award Provost's diversity fellowships to Ph.D. students in the 2014-15 academic year. These fellowships are intended to support the degree completion of continuing students, and should be focused on advanced students likely to complete their degrees with the added financial assistance of this fellowship.

Learn more...

Save the Date - Angela Davis Lecture 


Angela Davis, legendary human rights activist, will visit Cornell's Graduate School as part of the 2014 Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin lecture series.


The lecture, scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Alice Statler Auditorium, is open to the public. Davis will sign copies of her books following the lecture. Free tickets will be available at the end of March.     

Learn more...

Hsien and Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship


The Graduate School is pleased to announce the Hsien and Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship.  The Hsien Wu and Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship was established by Daisy Yen Wu in memory of  Hsien Wu.  A total of 2-3 awards of $500 to $2,000 will be made from the fund this May.  The amount of each award will be determined by the selection committee.


Learn more...

Perspectives Series - When in doubt, breathe out:  Take time to chill out 


This session will review several breathing techniques to help graduate students learn how to use breathing to activate the relaxation response, boost energy, and improve mood.  Breathing techniques can be used to bring balance back to the central nervous system; or a prelude to progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, self-reflection, and other mindfulness meditation practices.  All participants will actively participate in a meditation session to demonstrate one such technique.  Gannett Health Services Health Educator, Jan Talbot, MS, CHES; Gannett Health Services Counseling and Psychological Services, Andrea Gerding, MPS, LCSW

Coffee Talks 


Mondays 2:00 - 3:00 PM at the Big Red Barn (starting Monday, March 3rd)


Come join us at the Big Red Barn for free coffee (or tea) for the GPSA (Graduate and Professional Student Assembly) Coffee Talks.  Stay and chat with some of our special guests, or just talk amongst yourselves.  Monday, March 3rd special guest is CU-CITRL.  More information: or FB:   Sponsored by GPSA

Commencement Packet Information (with severe weather tickets)    


PhD, MA, or MS students hoping to participate in the May 2014 Commencement Ceremony can pick up commencement packets in 143 Caldwell Hall starting Feb. 20th.  Other professional degree students can obtain their packets from their appropriate College Registrar (AAP, Arts & Sciences, CALS, Engineering, Hotel, Human Ecology, or ILR).


Information about commencement, including a link to the form for requesting names in the program, is available on the Graduate School's website at


Academic Support:
Software Carpentry Bootcamp

The Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit (CSCU) is considering bringing a Software Carpentry Bootcamp to campus this summer. With this message we are hoping to solicit feedback on your interest in attending such a program.  Please help us by reading more about the program and taking a very short online survey at:
Library Workshops


View the Library's current list of Spring 2014 workshops, including Essential Research Tools, Designing Effective Presentations, Photoshop, and more.

View list...
Careers and Internships:

Interviewing Advice for International Students and Postdocs: A Panel Discussion

  • Date and time: February 25, 2014 from 5:15-6:15 pm
  • Location: 233 Plant Science

Attend this panel discussion with undergraduate and graduate students with an international background who will share advice, tips, and resources that helped them during their US interview experiences.

The Non-Profit and Government Career Fair

  • Date and time: Thursday, February 27 from 1:00 -5:00 p.m.
  • Location: Statler Ballroom

The Nonprofit & Government Career Fair exposes Cornell graduate and undergraduate students to various nonprofit and government organizations and provides the forum to learn about job opportunities.


Over 50 local, state, and national organizations will attend the fair to discuss full-time positions, volunteer roles, internships, and summer jobs.

Panel Discussion: Making an Impact with Nonprofit and Government Work

  • Date and time: Thursday, February 27 at 5:45 pm
  • Location: 165 McGraw

Learn how you can make an impact during this panel discussion with representatives from the Peace Corps, Teach for America, U.S. PIRGS, and Environment America.

All-Ivy Environmental and Sustainable Development Career Fair

  • Date and time: Friday, February 28 from 0 am -3 pm
  • Location: Low Library, Columbia University, New York, NY

Attend this career fair to meet with representatives from organizations in the private, non-profit, and public sectors across a multitude of industries. All undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree students from the Ivy League schools are invited to learn about full-time and internship opportunities with these employers.  Bus service from Cornell to the event is available for just $35: sign up on CCNet until Monday, February 24th by finding the event on the Event Calendar.  After the 24th, stop by 103 Barnes Hall to see if space is still available.

The Process and Pitfalls of Informational Interviewing

  • Date and time: Tuesday, March 4 from 5-6 pm
  • Location: Lewis Auditorium, Goldwin Smith

What are some common problems that people encounter when conducting an informational interview-and how can you overcome them?  What do people mean when they say you need to "follow up" with someone after you conduct an informational interview?
If you have been asking yourself any of these questions, come to this interactive workshop to learn how you might develop or improve your informational interviewing skills. 

Interviewing Via Phone or Skype: Nuances You Need to Know

  • Date and time: Wednesday, March 5 at 4:45 pm
  • Location: 105 Ives

Attend this workshop to learn effective interviewing strategies for your phone or Skype interview. 

Put Your Graduate Degree to Work: Administrative Careers in Higher Education

Date and time: February 26, 2014 from12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: 229 ILR Conference Center in King Shaw Hall

Have you explored all your options that await you after graduating with an advanced degree?   Join us over lunch for a panel discussion showcasing careers in higher education. The panel members from all levels of Cornell's administration will discuss their career path, how a graduate degree enhances their work, and what you can do to find the same success. Learn how creativity and flexibility in the job search can lead to career fulfillment.




Voice and Influence Luncheon Series: Creating a Level Playing Field

In our busy world, it's easy to take shortcuts when assessing others.  In the workplace, judgment clouded by stereotypes can lead to biases in how organizations recruit and promote members.  Join us for the first workshop in the Voice and Influence Series, where we'll discuss bias and effective strategies for keeping it at bay.  Lunch is provided.  Sponsored by the Graduate School and GPWomeN.  For more information, contact or visit


A Workshop on Relationships


Learn ways to deal with, navigate, and enhance the relationships in your life, whether it be relationships with friends, family, a significant other, or a roommate! Come and learn tools and tips to strengthen the bonds in your life!  Presentation by Greg Eells, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services

  • Tuesday March 4,  4:30-5:30 PM   
  • Willard Straight Hall, 5th Floor Lounge

Refreshments and giveaways at every session. Open to all Cornell Students, undergraduate and graduate students.  Sponsored by Cornell Minds Matter

CA$H COUR$E - Retirement 101


An introduction to retirement plans and why/how retirement savings should begin now. Learn the real effect of time on money and discover the differences between good and bad debt.

  • Tuesday, March 4th from 12:30 - 1:30 PM; lunch available at 12:15
  • 226 Weill Hall
  • Presenter:  Steve Smith, TIAA-CREF
  • More information and to RSVP

CA$H COUR$E is a new series about personal finance for graduate, professional and undergraduate students!  

Wellbeing Programs

Wellbeing programs are open to Cornell community members (faculty, staff, students, post-docs, retirees, and spouses/partners).

Need Help? - Consider "Let's Talk"


Do you have a concern, problem, or issue that you would like some insight from a trained professional that is free,  confidential, and you do not need to make an appointment?  Consider the Let's Talk program as counselors can help provide insight, solutions, and information about other resources.  Counselors hold walk-in hours at sites around campus Monday through Friday; times and locations occasionally change throughout the semester.  Learn more...

Weekly Guided Mindfulness Meditations at our Big Red Barn


Now available to all members of the Cornell community: students, faculty, and staff.  Come as you are, as often as you like, to practice this relaxing and restorative technique. These FREE sessions are 30 minutes long and are available at several campus locations. The Graduate School and Big Red Barn are sponsoring the Monday sessions from 3:15 - 3:45 PM at the Big Red Barn.  The meditations are co-sponsored by a number of academic departments and campus support services.  


Learn more & review the schedule.


CU-CIRTL Workshop

Mentoring Undergraduate Researchers: Setting Expectations and Designing Doable Projects

  • Friday, February 28, 2014 from 12:00-2:00 pm
  • 229 ILR Conference Center (King-Shaw Hall)
  • For more information or to RSVP, contact

As a graduate student, postdoc, or new faculty member, effective mentoring of undergraduates is a key skill influencing everything from research productivity to personal satisfaction. How do you design a doable project with a defined timespan for a relative novice in science, technology, engineering and mathematics? How do you set expectations for mentor and mentee to make sure the project and relationship stay on track? A panel of Cornell University faculty, staff, and students with experience in various disciplines will share their perspectives and be available to answer questions. Lunch will be served; RSVP appreciated to


Learn more

CIRTL Webinars


Join in professional development training on teaching and the academic career from your own desk. Faculty presenters are drawn from the 22 institutions in the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network. Participate at: 


 Incorporating Service Learning into the Large Undergraduate Classroom

  • Wednesday, February 26, 2014 from 2:00-3:00 pm
  • Presenter: Dr. David Berle, Associate Professor of Horticulture, University of Georgia

 Creating an InclusiveClassroom: What Our Latino and Latina Students Have to Say 

  • Thursday, February 27, 2014 from 1:00-2:00 pm
  • Panelists: Crist�bal Salinas Jr., Multicultural Liaison Officer & Academic Advisor, Denise Williams, Diversity Coordinator, College of Human Sciences, and LeQuetia N. Ancar, Assistant Director of Student Services, College of Engineering (all Iowa State University)

An Introduction to Universal Design

  • Friday, February 28, 2014, 3:30-4:30 pm (Pre-recorded video podcast on this topic available 2/26)
  • Panelists: Barb Hammer, Director of Disability Services; Benyamin Schwarz, Professor of Architecture; Amy Clark, Equal Opportunity Lawyer; and Gina Ceylan, Graduate Student (all University of Missouri-Columbia)

Learn more



 CTE's GET SET Programs: 

Upcoming Opportunities for:

Graduate Students, Future Educators, and Teaching Assistants


GET SET Workshop: Engaging Students in Quantitative Courses (Certificate: Creating an Engaging Classroom

Wednesday, February 26, 1:00-2:15 p.m. (143 Plant Science)

Register here 

This workshop will explore alternative, interactive approaches to teaching quantitative courses and the benefits and challenges that educators might face when implementing these new techniques.


Spring 2014 GET SET University-wide Teaching Conference

Saturday, March 1, 2014 (9:45a.m. - 3:30 p.m. in Malott Hall)

  • Want to be a more effective teacher?
  • Would you like to have more confidence in the classroom?
  • Interested in discovering new, simple techniques to use immediately in your teaching?  

 If so, join us for the Spring 2014 U-wide Teaching Conference. This one-day event features  interactive workshops, small group discussions, outstanding plenary speakers, complimentary lunch and a networking reception!


Improve your marketability for future jobs and add the conference to your C.V. as training! Your participation in the full day will earn you a certificate and individual workshops can be used toward a variety of themed CTE GET SET certificates.  


Download conference scheduleand register online.

Bring a $5 refundable deposit by 12pm Friday, Feb 28 to 420 CCC to hold your spot.


Around Campus
The Robert L. Harris, Jr. Advancements in Science Lecture
Debora Spar: Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection
  • Date: Thursday, March 6, 2014
  • Time: 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Reception to follow 
  • Location: G01 Biotech 

She will highlight how women's lives have and have not changed over the past forty years. The challenges confronting women are more complex than ever; They are problems that come inherently and inevitably from being female. Yet, they are falling on generations of women who grew up believing that none of these things are supposed to matter now.           


Spring 2014 Chats in the Stacks Book Talks


Book talk by Harry Greene

Tracks and Shadows: Field Biology as Art

Thursday, March 6, 4:00 pm, Stern Seminar Room, 160 Mann Library


Book talk by Sidney Tarrow, Jason Frank and Glenn Altschuler
The Language of Contention: Revolutions in Words, 1688-2012

Wednesday, March 26, 4:30 pm, Amit Bhatia '01 Libe Caf�, Olin Library


Book talk by Gavriel Shapiro
The Tender Friendship and the Charm of Perfect Accord: Nabokov and His Father
Thursday, April 10, 4:30 pm, 106G Olin Library


Book talk by Ravi Kanbur

International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects
Wednesday, April 23, 4:00 pm, Stern Seminar Room, 160 Mann Library


Book talk by Sam Beck

Toward Engaged Anthropology

Wednesday, April 30,4:00 pm, Stern Seminar Room, 160 Mann Library


From Cornell Cinema  


Need a break? Go see a film right on campus in a classic movie theatre, with state-of-the-art projection, in Willard Straight Hall.  Regular ticket price for grad students is just $5 (less with a Six Pass). If you'd like to receive Cornell Cinema's weekly e-blast directly, which includes links to trailers and special event information, sign-up at their website:, where you'll also find showtimes.


Weekly Schedule


  • Date and time: Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 p.m. from 1/29 through 3/26
  • Location: 5th Floor Lounge Willard Straight Hall

Latin-inspired dance-fitness craze that blends red-hot Latin music and contagious steps to create a fitness party! Exercise, relax, energize!

Save the date!

The Atkinson Symposium: beyond earth art

Friday, April 11, 9:30am-4 pm

Johnson Museum of Art 

Funded by Cornell's Atkinson Forum in American Studies 


Artists and experts will explore topics in the exhibition 

beyond earth art: Contemporary Artists and the Environment


Admission to the symposium is free, but seating is limited.  To register, contact Elizabeth Saggese at

by Friday, April 4.  A complete schedule for the symposium and speaker bios will available on the Museum web site in

the coming weeks:


For more information about the beyond earth art exhibition currently on view at the Museum:

Kundalini Yoga

  • Date and times: Mondays and Thursdays, 5:00-6:15 p.m. from 2/3 - 4/28 (Mondays) and 1/30 - 5/1 (Thursdays)
  • Location: 215 Willard Straight Hall (Garden Room)

No experience necessary. Come and try it - you'll be glad you did! Relax to increase your brain power!!!

Competitions, Conferences, Fellowships and Grants:

Information Session on How to Write a Convincing Grant and Fellowship Proposal


This information session for graduate students provides an introduction to proposal preparation and the application process as well as writing tips.


Organizer: Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies


Date and Venue: Wednesday, March 5, 2014, 4:30 pm, G08 Uris Hall


More Information: Heike Michelsen, Director of Programming, Einaudi Center, t. 255-8929,, 


Heidelberg Laureate Forum 


The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) are pleased to announce that they will sponsor a maximum of 20 young researchers to attend the 2nd annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum in Heidelberg, Germany, from September 21 through 26, 2014. NSF and ORAU invite your institution to nominate graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to be members of the U.S. Delegation to this prestigious meeting.


The first Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) was held in 2013 bringing together winners of the Fields Medal, Abel Prize, Turing Award, and Rolf Nevanlinna Prize with young researchers in Heidelberg, Germany on the campus of the University of Heidelberg. It is anticipated that about 200 young researchers from around the world will attend the weeklong meeting in 2014. There are formal lectures in the morning, and the remainder of the day is set aside for the young researchers to meet informally with the Laureate scientists, as well as with their peers from around the world.


U.S. delegation members will receive all business-related expenses to attend the HLF along with some additional benefits. We are seeking applicants from U.S. institutions and meet the criteria set forth by ORAU and HLF. We are especially interested in receiving nominations from a diverse group of students, including women, minorities and people with disabilities. Specific eligibility criteria and a nomination form may be found on our web site: All applicants to the U.S. delegation must also apply to attend to the HLF Foundation at


All nominations must be submitted before Monday, March 3, 2014 at 12:00 pm, Eastern Time.  We know this is a short time period but the HLF has a hard deadline for the completion of all nominations. Further information about the program, including the Web site for submission of nominations, can be found online at

NIH T32 Postdoctoral Training Fellowship 

Advanced Cardiovascular Research at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, Los Angeles, CA


We invite qualified individuals to apply for advanced cardiovascular research training funded by an NIH Training Grant at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.


Cedars-Sinai is an academic medical center and the largest teaching hospital of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.  We strive to develop well qualified researchers with MD or PhD degrees who seek postdoctoral training from a strong team of faculty research scientists.


This two-year postdoctoral training program, under the leadership of Drs. Eduardo Marb�n and Joshua I. Goldhaber, is seeking both new graduates and those with some postdoctoral experience who are highly motivated and have a strong background in cardiovascular research.   Trainees must be U.S. citizens or possess permanent resident status to apply.


Cedars-Sinai is committed to training a diverse group of women and men including underrepresented minorities, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.


To learn more visit 


Or email: 

Funding for 2014-2015 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowships


It is expected that the application for the Fulbright-Hays DDRA fellowships will be available on Friday, April 18.     


Applicants are strongly advised to contact the Einaudi Center  (fulbright@einaudi.cornell.eduphone 607-255-8933) as soon as possible to indicate intention to apply and to  arrange individual counseling sessions with Cornell's Fulbright-Hays advisor, Gil Levine.  


Cornell deadline:   Wednesday, May 14th, 2014


Last year, seven  Cornell students received Fulbright-Hays DDRA awards, making the university third in the country in the dollar  value of the Fulbright-Hays Research awards.  For more information, see

The awards provide generous support to individual doctoral students who conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages, and area studies for periods of six to 12 months.  Prospective candidates for the DDRA program should look carefully at both, the absolute priority listing and the competitive preference priorities. Among the latter is the regular 5 point addition to the score if the research utilizes one of the lesser-taught languages and a 5 point preference if the research is in a subject field that has relatively direct relevance to world (and United States) concerns. The subject fields of economics, engineering, international development, global education, mathematics, political science, public health, science, or technology have all been added in the last two years.   Since the awards often reflect the additional points accorded for the competitive priorities, this change now favors the new fields. Students in those fields who have not considered the Fulbright-Hays fellowship as a possibility are encouraged to look carefully at this opportunity.

Information Session on Fulbright Fellowships for 2015-2016


A presentation by Fulbright Advisor Gil Levine,  will be held on Tuesday, March 25 at 4:30pm in G08, Uris Hall to discuss Fulbright funding opportunities, including the new Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellowship


The Fulbright program at Cornell is administered by the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, 158 Uris Hall and offers preparation, support and counseling on essays to applicants for all Fulbright awards. Email or visit the Einaudi Center website for details.

Dwight D. Eisenhower/Clifford Roberts Graduate Fellowship Program


For students who are preparing an application for the Dwight D. Eisenhower/Clifford Roberts Graduate Fellowship Program, the Graduate School will forward nominations for selection. Please provide name, degree program, "curriculum vitae, a statement describing the nature and scope of the dissertation (including a timetable for its completion), a writing sample of 10-15 pages related to the dissertation topic, a statement, not exceeding 1,000 words, of the applicants career aspirations, two letters of recommendation (one must be from their advisor)."


Please have your students submit applications to Associate Dean Jan Allen by Monday, March 3rd.


For further information regarding this fellowship program, please review the attached guidelines.


Cornell University Graduate School | Caldwell Hall | Ithaca, New York 14853 |