May 6, 2013
Upcoming Spring 2013 Deadlines
May 25:  
PhD Hooding Ceremony

May 26:  

Big Red Barn 

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Graduate School 

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Transcript Information 

In This Issue
Family and Partner Discussion
Loan Deadlines
Summer Registration
Graduation Eve Dinner
Presentation Workshop
Position Available
NYS ACE Women's Network Conference
Fulbright-Hayes Fellowships

Family and Partner Discussion


Are you a graduate student with a family?  Are you a spouse or partner of a graduate student?


Come join us for a lively discussion at Hasbrouck Apartments about issues and questions that you may have about starting or raising a family, insurance, resources in Ithaca, and more! Bring your questions, and we'll share our experiences with each other. This event is organized by a group of Hasbrouck residents and is open to the wider Cornell community.

  • Place: The Big Room (Community Center), Hasbrouck Apartments, Cornell University
  • Date: Tuesday, May 7th
  • Time: 5:00 - 6:00 PM

Pizza and drinks will be served. Please RSVP Nicole ( or Alice ( by May 6th if you are planning to attend.  

Loan Deadlines for 2013-14


Begin planning for next year.  Applications will be due on May 17th. Students who already have loans will need to reapply for new loans.


To learn more about loans, visit
or call the Financial Aid Office at 255-5145 or email

Summer Registration

Now through July 26th, graduate students should self-enroll through their Student Center for Summer 2013.  We encourage students to enroll now and not delay.


Graduate students must register with the Graduate School for the Summer 2013 term if any of the following conditions apply: 

  • They are receiving financial aid during the summer (fellowships, summer loans, assistantships, travel grants, or tuition awards);
  • They wish to use campus facilities; or
  • They are off campus but need to be registered for summer study. 

Students who do not register for summer will also be subject to FICA tax (OASDI and Medicare) withholding from Assistantship Payroll Appointments.  There is no charge for summer registration with the Graduate School. To register simply enroll in the Graduate School's "Thesis/Dissertation Research" summer course (class numbers 1697, 1698, 1699, and 1700) via Student Center.


Graduation Eve Dinner  


The Office of Human Resources and the Office of Alumni Affairs will once again be cosponsoring a graduation eve dinner for students who do not have family able to join them in Ithaca to celebrate. The dinner will be hosted by Ezra Cornell '70 on May 25 from 6:30-8:00 p.m., and held in the same location as the annual Graduation Eve family dinner at RPCC.  


For details and registration info, please visit . 


How to Create A Dynamic Presentation


Date and time:  May 9th from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Location:  G10 biotech

This three hour workshop will provide tips and tricks for controlling body language, finding a
strong public voice, turning nerves into energy, shaping the dramatic arc of an event,
engaging your audience and learning to improvise a lesson plan. Participants are
welcome to bring in real life challenges to use for discussion and example.


Presented by: Melanie Dreyer- Lude, Assistant Professor in Performing and Media Arts


 Learn more... 

Career Services:

Graduate Fellow for the Greek Community  

Two positions available


The Graduate Fellow(s) for the Greek Community works with the Office of Fraternities, Sororities, & Independent Living staff to create a vibrant, values-based living-learning community centered on chapter excellence and success. The primary responsibilities for the position(s) are listed below. The Graduate Fellow(s) is a member of the OFSIL staff, and will report to an Assistant Dean of Students.


Learn more... 
Featured Events:

Friday Night Observing Open House 


Friday, May 10th from 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. in the Fuentes Observatory 

Join the Cornell Astronomical Society (CAS) for stargazing tours of the night sky at the historic Fuertes Observatory on Cornell's north campus. View planets, galaxies, and other celestial wonders through our telescopes as our informed guides provide insight into what you are seeing.

We open every CLEAR Friday night from 8pm-midnight. Parking is available in the Appel lot across the street (Cradit Farm Rd.) on Cornell's North Campus. To find out if the observatory is currently open, call (607) 255-3557 for the prerecorded message.

Learn more... 

New York State ACE Women's Network Conference 


"Women Leader's in Higher Education: From Rights to Globalization to Shared Responsibilities"

  • Date: Thursday, June 13-14, 2013
  • Location: Statler Hotel, Cornell University
  • Hosts: Cornell University and the Central Region of the ACE New York State Women's Network

Join in conversation about the increased global landscape in higher education and develop the necessary skills to lead with global competence and understanding of diverse environments. 

Network with other women leaders throughout the conference.


The schedule for the upcoming New York State ACE  Women's Network Conference is posted.  Registration is still available at 

Grants and Fellowships:

Funding Now Available for Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowships for 2013 -2014 


The Department of Education has made a last-minute decision to offer the Fulbright-Hays DDRA program for academic year 2012-2013.   The application package is available in the G5 e-Application system at   Access to the package can also be downloaded here: FY13 DDRA Application Package.pdf.


Cornell deadline:   Thursday, May 23rd, 2013


The awards provide generous support to individual doctoral students who conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages, and area studies for periods of six to 12 months.

Prospective candidates for the DDRA program should look carefully at both, the absolute priority listing and the competitive preference priorities. Among the latter is the regular 5 point addition to the score if the research utilizes one of the lesser-taught languages and a 5 point preference if the research is in a subject field that has relatively direct relevance to world (and United States) concerns. The new subject fields are economics, engineering, international development, global education, mathematics, political science, public health, science, or technology. Since the awards often reflected the additional points accorded for the competitive priorities, this change now favors the new fields. Students in those fields who have not considered the Fulbright-Hays fellowship as a possibility are encouraged to look carefully at this opportunity. Last year, four Cornell students received the Fulbright-Hays awards. For more information, see


Applicants are strongly advised to contact the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies (fulbright@einaudi.cornell.eduphone 607-255-8933)  for additional information and to arrange individual counseling sessions with Cornell's Fulbright-Hays advisor, Professor Emeritus Gil Levine.  

The Fulbright-Hays Doctoral
Dissertation Research Abroad program is administered at Cornell University by the Einaudi Center.

Cornell University Graduate School | Caldwell Hall | Ithaca, New York 14853 |