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BearBuy Updates

February 2016

Dear BearBuy Users,
We would like to inform you of a few updates and important events coming soon. 
Please review the topics below and follow the links or scroll down for more information on each topic. 
This month's BearBuy News:
  1. Procurement Card Delivery Process Changing on March 1
  2. New Abcam Catalog now Available
  3. Upcoming In Class Trainings
  4. 'Did you know?' Useful BearBuy Tip Reminder
If you have any questions, please contact the BearBuy Help Desk at  
510-664-9000 (options 1,2) or BearBuyHelp@berkeley.edu for immediate assistance.

Thank you for your continued support, 

BearBuy Team 
Supply Chain Management
UC Berkeley
1. Procurement Card Delivery Process Changing on March 1
The bluCard renewal process for cards expiring in April 2016 is just around the corner. In response to campus feedback, we have improved our card delivery process. All new, renewal, and replacement cards - bluCard, Event Planner Card, and Travel Study Card - will be delivered from U.S. Bank via regular postal service directly to card participants.
Please read these important guidelines to help you transition to the new process that begins on March 1, 2016.
Cardholders will receive a chip and PIN card with a separate mailing of PIN numbers. Please allow 7 to 10 business days for new, replacement, or renewal cards to arrive at the UC Berkeley location provided on the application. As a reminder, the PIN is only to be used with authorized merchants that require a PIN for credit card transactions. It is NOT to be used to withdraw cash from ATMs.
Cards will initially have a $1 limit upon receipt. This is for card-activation purposes only. The authorized dollar limits specified on your application will be activated once the cardholder completes the requirements as follows: 
  1. New Card: Cardholder will be required to submit an electronic copy of a signed Cardholder Agreement Form (CAF) to creditcard@ucsf.edu.
  2. Card Replacement Due to Lost/Stolen/Fraudulent Card: Two (2) forms will be required: Lost/Theft/Fraud (LTF) Form and Cardholder Agreement Form
  3. Cardholder must activate their card immediately. Download the Card Activation Procedure and follow the steps annotated on the procedure. 
What can I do to prepare now?
  1. Ensure that the physical address specified on your application is up to date. If your address has changed, please contact your Authorized Signer and email the CAF to the Card Program by March 1.
  2. bluCard: Ensure that you have completed the annual refresher course at UC Learning Center. There are two courses required: bluCard Program Basics (course code: BEPRO300) AND the bluCard Program Procedures (course code: BEPRO310) training modules.
  3. Event Planner and Travel Study Card: In-person classes are offered once per month.  Contact card program office for the schedule.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at creditcard@ucsf.edu should you have any questions.
2. New Abcam Catalog now Available
We are pleased to announce that Abcam is now a hosted catalog supplier in BearBuy.  Abcam and UC Berkeley are working together to provide a seamless interface to your purchasing experience.  Abcam offers high-quality protein research tools, expert technical support, fast global delivery, and up-to-date and honest data.  Abcam's growing range of products includes primary and secondary antibodies, biochemicals, proteins, peptides, lysates, immunoassays and other kits.
Product Discount:
  • 3% discount on all catalog products (from list price)
Freight Charges:
  • Standard Blue Ice Shipments: $45
  • Dry Ice Shipments: $60
  • Non-Dry Ice Kits: $49
  • Dry Ice Kits: $60
  • One shipping charge per shipment, regardless of number of products or method of shipment. If there are mixed products in shipment, the higher shipping-method cost will apply.
3. Upcoming In Class Trainings
Register to learn more about BearBuy with one of our upcoming in-class trainings based on BearBuy user roles.  Courses are offered through the UC Learning Center. Instructions and more information on how to enroll can be found on the page. 
BearBuy Requisition Creator | March 3, 2016
Course Number: BEESS965-160303
Thorough classroom training for the BearBuy Requisition Creator Role. Participants will learn concepts, workflow, best practices, and can test their knowledge through several hands-on exercises in BearBuy
BearBuy Change Order Preparer | March 10, 2016
Course Number: BEESS973-160310
Hands-on classroom training for Change Order Preparer role.  Participants will learn concepts, workflow, best practices, and can test their knowledge through several scenarios in BearBuy.. We will also demonstrate additional training materials available for the role, including Job Aids, manuals and YouTube videos.
BearBuy Match Exception Preparer | March 15, 2016
Course Number: BEESS968-160315
Interactive classroom training for the BearBuy Match Exception Preparer role. Participants will be shown concepts, workflow, best practices, and test their knowledge through several exercises in BearBuy.
4. "Did you know?" Useful BearBuy Tip Reminder: 
Q: I have a voucher that is currently in match exception because the PO is over-invoiced. If I process a change order to increase the PO amount by the voucher amount, will this automatically resolve the match exception? 

A: Increasing the PO amount will not resolve a voucher currently in match exception. Your Match Exception Preparer will still need to review and approve the voucher. Increasing the PO amount can help prevent future invoices from going into match exception.