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BearBuy Updates

December 2014

Dear BearBuy Users,


The end of the year is here! With that, we would like to inform you of a few updates and important events coming in the next year.  Please review the topics below and follow the links or scroll down for more information on each topic. 


This month's BearBuy News:

  1. Holiday Greeting Card
  2. When To Select Buyer Intervention
  3. Bears That Buy Town Hall: Tuesday, January 27, 2015
  4. 20/30 Webinar Training Series
  5. "Did you know?" Useful BearBuy Tips


If you have any questions, please contact the BearBuy Help Desk at  

510-664-9000 (options 1,2) or [email protected] for immediate assistance.


Thank you for your continued support, 


BearBuy Team 

Supply Chain Management

UC Berkeley


1.  Holiday Greeting Card

The Supply Chain Management Team at UCB has created a special message for our customers this holiday season.   Thank you for letting us serve you this year.  Please view the video below.   Happy Holidays! 

Thank You for helping us make 2014 great!
Thank You for helping us make 2014 great!
2.  When To Select Buyer Intervention

When should a Shopper / Requisition Creator select Buyer Intervention for orders under $5K? 


Select Buyer Intervention:

  • When any signature is required from the University.
  • When a Supplier won't accept the UC standard Terms and Conditions
  • When a Department wants to have a buyer review an order that is within the Departments delegated authority.
  • When protected information is involved: Health, Personal, or Credit Card Data.
  • When a Supplier needs to sign a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA). 
  • When the order is for non-catalog Hazardous Materials or Controlled substances.  Keep in mind that even fireworks count as explosives. 


The BearBuy team regularly conducts interactive meetings for the Bears that Buy user group. As BearBuy utilization increases, it is important to expand the user group to include those who have used the system for some time and would like wish to provide ideas for continuous improvement.

Bears that Buy User Group Town Hall Feedback Session

Tuesday, January 27th | 9:00am to 10:30am

150 University Hall


Light refreshments will be served.


 CLICK HERE to RSVP for the Bears That Buy Town Hall


Agenda topics for discussion:
  • BearBuy System Enhancement Request 
  • Forms - Consolidation project update
  • Cal Answers Procure-to-Pay reports
  • BearBuy Resources and Support
  • Q&A 
4. 20/30 Webinar Training Series


Operations & Technology launched a 20/30 BearBuy Webinar Training Series. The goal of the 20/30 series is to provide greater insight on BearBuy process and procedures based on system functionality.  Each webinar session is tailored to provide a short in depth review of a specific topic/issue. Each session is scheduled for 30 minutes (15 minutes for concepts and functionality overview and 15 minutes for questions). 


Below are the upcoming sessions and their unique webinar sign up. All sessions are scheduled on Wednesdays, from 1:30 to 2:00 pm. 


Researching Your Previously Placed Orders

Wednesday,  January 7, 1:30-2:00 pm

This webinar is highly recommended for all Shoppers. This webinar will go over the different functions available in BearBuy in order to follow up on a previously submitted order. We will be looking at the life cycle of a transaction, post cart submission. 
Register for: Researching Your Previously Placed Orders

Utilizing Simple and Advance Document Search Features

Wednesday, January 21, 1:30-2:00 pm

This webinar is highly recommended for all users. This webinar will go over the different functions available in BearBuy for simple and advanced document search. We'll go over the different search options available for both search types, the available search filters, saving searches, etc.

Register for: Utilizing Simple and Advanced Document Search Features

Forms 101

Wednesday, February 4, 1:30-2:00 pm

This webinar is highly recommended for all users. This webinar is a general overview of forms. We will go over the purpose of forms in BearBuy, how they are designed to work and which form to use for specific transactions at a high-level. 

Register for: Forms 101



Q: I want to make sure I am using the right form in BearBuy.  I have an invoice from a supplier for services they performed and I need to pay them.  I plan on using the Payment Request Form.  Is this correct?


A: The Payment Request Form should only be used to pay an invoice when a Purchase Order was not required to be set up initially.  If a Purchase Order should have been put in place before services were rendered or goods were provided then you should be using the After the Fact Form to process the invoice payment.  In majority of transactions when a supplier provided services for your department you should have requested a Purchase Order using the Service Order Request Form or possibly the Independent Contractor and Consultant Services Form.  


If you have questions about which form to use please contact the BearBuy Help Desk ([email protected]or your Central Procurement Buyer.          


For a list of the different Payment Request cost types and the required supporting documents please see: http://controller.berkeley.edu/payment-request-cost-types-and-required-supporting-documents