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BearBuy Updates

October 2014

Dear BearBuy Users,


October is in full swing, and we would like to inform you of a few important BearBuy updates.  


Enhancements are coming soon to BearBuy, and will require some brief downtime for system maintenance. For more details and information, please review the topics listed below and follow the links, or scroll down for more information. 


This month's BearBuy News:

  1. Notification: List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) Supplier Deactivation
  2. Deactivation of Inactive BearBuy Users Other Than Shoppers
  3. BearBuy Scheduled Maintenance Downtime
  4. 14.3 SciQuest Release Q&A Webinar
  5. 20/30 Webinar Training Series
  6. Upcoming In Class Trainings
  7. "Did you know?" Useful BearBuy Tips


If you have any questions, please contact the BearBuy Help Desk at  

510-664-9000 (options 1,2) or [email protected] for immediate assistance.


Thank you for your continued support, 


BearBuy Team 

Supply Chain Management

UC Berkeley


1.  Notification: List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) Supplier Deactivation

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has the authority to exclude individuals and entities from federally funded health care programs and maintains the List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE).


The LEIE database located at http://www.sam.gov is a Federal government system. The University is charged with ensuring that it does not employ or conduct business with or affiliate with any person or entity that has been sanctioned or debarred, particularly if the individual or entities work is included directly or indirectly in a claim or cost report for payment by federally funded health care programs.


In an effort to comply with the requirement, UCB researched options for reviewing the supplier database and determined that an electronic batch review of the supplier records would be the most timely and cost effective means to accomplish this.


Based on the review the BearBuy Team will deactivate approximately 1,846 suppliers on October 22nd. Suppliers will be excluded from deactivation if they have an active Purchase Order or Voucher. The BearBuy Team will work with departments to close out the Purchase Orders upon completing Voucher payments. The BearBuy Team will monitor Voucher and Purchase Order status and will take action as appropriate.


For further assistance, please contact the BearBuy Help Desk Mon-Fri 8 AM to 5 PM, (510) 664-9000, Option 1, Option 2 or at [email protected].

2. Deactivation of Inactive BearBuy Users Other Than Shopper

This announcement relates to BearBuy users with roles other than Shopper.   BearBuy Shopper access will not be impacted. 


As part of our Campus' efforts to make our systems more secure, BearBuy users with processing access who have not logged in to BearBuy for over 12 months will have their additional access removed.  Campus BearBuy users holding role(s) of Authorizer, Additional Authorizer, Chartfield 1 &2 Authorizer, Match Exception Preparer, PO Change Order Preparer, Receiver, Requisition Approver, Requisition Creator, or Voucher Approver will be impacted by this change.  Please note that current employees will always retain Shopper access, even if other BearBuy roles are removed.  BearBuy users may reapply for access via SARA if needed.



3. BearBuy Scheduled Maintenance Downtime

Users will not be able to access BearBuy from Friday, October 31st at 6PM to Sunday, November 2nd at 9AM due to the 14.3 SciQuest feature release upgrade.  BFS will remain available during its normal daily hours of 7AM until 9PM.


4. 14.3 SciQuest Release Live Q&A Webinar

The SciQuest 14.3 release will be available in BearBuy on Monday, November 3, 2014.


We will host a live 14.3 pre-release Q&A webinar to go over all the new features coming in 14.3.  

14.3 SciQuest Release Webinar

Thursday, October 30 at 10 a.m.

Click here to register for the webinar


5. 20/30 Webinar Training Series

Operations & Technology launched a 20/30 BearBuy Webinar Training Series. The goal of the 20/30 series is to provide greater insight on BearBuy process and procedures based on system functionality.  Each webinar session is tailored to provide a short in depth review of a specific topic/issue. Each session is scheduled for 30 minutes (15 minutes for concepts and functionality overview and 15 minutes for questions). 


Below are the upcoming sessions and their unique webinar sign up. All sessions are scheduled on Wednesdays, from 1:30 to 2:00 pm. 


Utilizing the Different Cart Management Features  

Wednesday, October 29, 1:30-2:00 pm

Get more familiar with the different features that come with Cart Management. Learn how to create multiple carts at a time, how to move items from one cart to another, assigning a cart, un-assigning a cart, and more.

Register for: Utilizing the Different Cart Management Features

Other Common Change Order Errors and How To Avoid Them

Wednesday, November 12, 1:30-2:00 pm

This webinar will look at the next top 3 change order errors seen on campus. We'll review the cause of each error, how to resolve the errors and how to prevent them for occurring again!

Register for: Other Common Change Order Errors and How To Avoid Them



6. Upcoming In-Class BearBuy Trainings

Register of our upcoming in-class trainings based on BearBuy user roles.  Courses are offered through the UC Learning Center.  Instructions and more information on how to enroll can be found on the Learning Center Enrollment Guide page. Visit the BearBuy website for more information on BearBuy trainings


BearBuy Requisition Creator | November 10, 2014

Course Number: BEESS965-141110

Thorough classroom training for the BearBuy Requisition Creator Role. Participants will learn concepts, workflow, best practices, and can test their knowledge through several hands-on scenarios in BearBuy. We will also demonstrate additional training materials available for the role, including Job Aids, manuals and YouTube videos.


BearBuy Authorizer & Requisition Approver | November 13, 2014

Course Number: BEESS966-141113

Detailed classroom training for the BearBuy Requisition Approver, Additional Authorizer, Chartfield 1 & 2 Authorizer Roles. Participants will learn concepts, workflow, best practices, and test their knowledge through several scenarios in BearBuy. We will also review where to find additional training materials available for the role, including Job Aids and YouTube videos.

BearBuy Match Exception Preparer | November 19, 2014

Course Number: BEESS973-141119

Hands-on classroom training for the BearBuy Match Exception Preparer role. Participants will be shown concepts, workflow, best practices, and test their knowledge through several exercises in the system.


BearBuy Change Order Preparer | November 21, 2014

Course Number: BEESS973-141121

Hands-on classroom training for Change Order Preparer role.  Participants will learn concepts, workflow, best practices, and can test their knowledge through several scenarios in BearBuy.



7. "Did you know?" Useful BearBuy Tips 

Q:  What should I do if no items are found for my item search in BearBuy?

A:  If no items are found for your item search in BearBuy, please click the link to submit your search feedback to the BearBuy Administrator.


Example of link in BearBuy:

You can edit the feedback message to include additional details about the item or any information that would be helpful to know about the item that was not found. Submitting your feedback will help us continuously improve our catalogs in BearBuy.


Example of Feedback Message window:


If you want to purchase an item from a catalog supplier and the item is not found you can use the Non-Catalog Form to complete the transaction. Please make sure you attach any price quote or link to the item and a detailed description.