The One Hierarchy project is the first large-scale review of the BFS Master Org Tree since the implementation of BFS over a decade ago.
As of July 8, 933 Old Dept IDs will be inactivated. Chartstrings will need to be updated with replacement Dept IDs.
This communication solely addresses how the One Hierarchy Project impacts BearBuy and the actions that will be required by BearBuy departmental users (Requisition Creators, Approvers/Authorizers, and PO Change Order Preparers). Future communication on how the One Hierarchy Project affects all other systems will be sent by those respective system owners.
Actions Needed for Dept IDs
Review the One Hierarchy Dept ID Map (available on the BearBuy homepage under Training Resources) to determine which Dept IDs in your department will be impacted by the changes.
For new requisition requests:
Requisition Creators
ACTION: If an old Dept ID is being used, update the Dept ID at the header level or on the appropriate requisition line.
Enter the following content in the Requisition notes section: "One Hierarchy related change order. Updated Dept ID (show old number to new number) as directed by (insert name of individual who requested change.) Use new Dept ID on all future orders."
For pending requisitions (submitted prior to June 3rd):
Requisition Creators
Update the requisition by replacing the old Dept ID with the new one as appropriate at the header level or requisition line level.
Enter the following content in the Requisition notes section: "One Hierarchy related change order. Updated Dept ID (show old number to new number) as directed by (insert name of individual who requested change.) Use new Dept ID on all future orders."
Requisition Approvers/Authorizers
ACTION: Return the requisition to the submitter stating that the old Dept ID needs to be updated to the new department.
Enter the following content in the Requisition notes section: "One Hierarchy related change order. Updated Dept ID (show old number to new number) as directed by (insert name of individual who requested change.) Use new Dept ID on all future orders."
For affected BearBuy Purchase Orders with a remaining balance as of June 3rd:
Departmental Change Order Preparers
Review the One Hierarchy BearBuy POs Needing Dept ID Changes Excel list (available on the BearBuy homepage under Training Resources) to determine which POs in your department will be impacted by the changes.
ACTION: Update all Department POs containing an old Dept ID with the new Dept ID between June 3rd to June 28th. If the remaining balance is no longer needed for a transaction or is equal to $0, close the PO.
Enter the following content in the Requisition notes section: "One Hierarchy related change order. Updated Dept ID (show old number to new number) as directed by (insert name of individual who requested change.) Use new Dept ID on all future orders."
For Vouchers pending approval:
Voucher Approvers
ACTION: All vouchers pending approval should be approved no later than June 24th (as outlined by General Accounting).
Actions Needed for Speedtypes:
Department user responsible for maintaining Speedtypes
ACTION: Update the Dept IDs before July 8th
- Speedtypes with a Dept ID that has been inactivated will also be inactivated in BearBuy and Profile Management.
- If the user has a Speedtype set as a default, they will no longer have a default.
ORG NODE Changes for All BearBuy Orders
By July 8th, use new Org Node Codes when ordering, as appropriate, through BearBuy (if department codes have been changed). No further departmental action is required.
Training Resources: available on the BearBuy homepage under Training Resources
- Modifying Chartstrings on POs job aid - View on the BearBuy homepage under Training Resources
- One Hierarchy Dept ID Map: View list of affected Dept IDs
- One Hierarchy BearBuy POs Needing Dept ID Changes - View list of affected BearBuy POs
Need further assistance? Contact the BearBuy Help desk.
For more information about the project itself, please visit the One Hierarchy Project website.