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Important BearBuy Updates

February 2013

Dear BearBuy Users,


We would like to inform you of a few important updates. Please review the topics below and follow the links or scroll down for more information on each topic.


BearBuy February Communication Topics:

  1. Payment Request Form Changes
  2. After the Fact Form Changes
  3. Sole Source Form Changes - Scheduled for March 2013
  4. BFS 9.0 Purchase Order (PO) Closure 
  5. BearBuy Training and SciQuest Feature Release  
  6. "Did You Know?" Useful BearBuy Tips 
If you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk at
510-642-8500 (options 1,2,1) or BearBuyHelp@berkeley.edu for immediate assistance.


Thank you for your continued support.


Vanessa Wong

Director of Operations and Technology

UCSF and UC Berkeley Campus Procurement


1.  Payment Request Form Changes


We heard your feedback and have re-designed this form to provide a better, more intuitive user experience.  Some of the highlights of the re-design include:

  • Field locations have been moved, so that the Shopper finds the fields they are required to enter at the top of the form. The invoice number, invoice date, and file attachment fields have been made optional for the Shopper and have been moved down toward the bottom of the form. The assigned Requisition Creator will be responsible for completing the form, including all of the required information not included by the Shopper. 
  • Activity types have been reduced from 22 to 9, with the drop down menu listed in order of frequency of use.

Disbursements documentation requirements have not changed. For more on documentation requirements, see the

Payment Request Cost Types and Required Documents web page on the Controller's website.


Note : Only Requisition Creator, Buyer and Finance roles have access to employee and student ID numbers in the supplier database (in order to protect student and employee information.


The re-designed form will be available on BearBuy on Friday, 02/22/2013 at 5pm.  Any forms submitted prior to that date/time will follow current workflow rules.



2. After-the-Fact Form Changes

We have also greatly appreciated your input on the After-the Fact Form and want to let you know how we have changed the form and the workflow process to meet your needs.


What will change?

  • The BearBuy System will automatically generate a voucher for Disbursements to process.
  • A copy of the invoice must be attached to the After-the-Fact Form or it will not be processed.  Users will no longer need to mail the invoice to Disbursements.


What will be the same?

  • The justification for the after-the-fact payment: The form must include a justification statement for why the after-the-fact request is being made.
  • The workflow: the requisition will still require, regardless of purchase dollar amount, requisition approval and voucher approval.
  • The invoice: it must be received by Disbursements for a payment to be issued.

The new form will be available on BearBuy on Friday, 02/22/2013 at 5pm. 


Any After-the-Fact Form submitted before Friday, 2/22/2013 at 5pm will:

  • Not automatically generate an invoice
  • Require that departments mail invoices to Disbursements
  • Require that a PO number be written on the invoice


Any After-the-Fact Form submitted after 5pm on Friday, 2/22/2013 will:

  • Be processed as per the "What will Change"  section above
  • Require that an invoice be attached to the form.


In order to take advantage of the newly designed forms and avoid processing issues, do not copy older versions of the forms from previous orders into a new Shopping Cart after Friday, 2/22/2013 at 5pm.




Revised After-the-Fact and Payment Request Forms Training


Job aids and UPK sessions will be published on the BearBuy Training website on Friday, February 22, 2013.  We will host a webinar describing the updated forms (Payment Request and After the Fact) on February 22 at 10:00 AM. Click here to sign up for the webinar.


After the webinar has concluded, a recorded version will be available here with the PowerPoint deck.

3.  Sole Source Form Changes - scheduled for March 2013

Beginning in March, the BearBuy Sole Source Form will be required only for sole source purchases equal to or exceeding $100,000.  The form itself will change from a quantity type form to an amount only form.  With this change, when your department purchases goods or services greater than or equal to $5,000 and less than $100,000, the practice is to document your source selection and document price reasonableness using the comment feature of BearBuy.  You should not use the Sole Source Form.

4.  BFS 9.0 Purchase Order (PO) Closure


Special Handing for Subaward POs

To replace a BFS sub-award PO with a BearBuy sub-award PO, Requisition Creators should obtain the following information from their Research Administrators: existing BFS PO number, sub-award number, encumbrance amount.


Requisition Creators should contact their Research Administrators to have them communicate the new BearBuy sub-award PO number to the sub-award recipient for future billing.


Procurement Services will be reaching out to campus individuals about the remainder of the open POs.


By March 1, 2013: Remaining BFS POs will be closed, except for those needing special handling including capital leases and real estate services which will remain in BFS.  


BFS PO Closure Assistance:

If you need special handling on some of your BFS POs, please work closely with your campus buyer or central buyer at Procurement Services. If you need any assistance or guidance on the how-to guide on issuance of the new BearBuy PO, please contact the Help Desk Mon-Fri 8 AM to 5PM, (510) 664-9000, Option 1, Option 2, Option 1 or at the  

BearBuy Help Desk email

5.  BearBuy Training and SciQuest Feature Release


In February and March. Procurement Services will:

  • Review, test and install system enhancements for the SciQuest 13.1 Feature Release.
  • Update and develop BearBuy training (job aids, UPKs, and a webinar) to reflect those changes.

A campus wide webinar will be held at the end of March to preview these system enhancements. Check the BearBuy homepage for up-to-date training information, as well as the BearBuy training information on the Controller's website.


Classroom training sessions will resume in April.






Is there a way to exclude certain criteria in Document Search, so we don't have to manually filter out transactions?  



Yes, you can exclude certain criteria in Document Search. To do this, navigate to the options status group that contains the desired document criteria.  Select all of the statuses in the options status group for the option you would like to exclude. 


For example, if you would like to exclude cancelled Purchase Orders, check all of the options under Supplier Status except for Cancelled: 

SupplierStatus screenshot

The search results will contain all Purchase Orders, except those in Cancelled status.





How many documents can be attached to an order? 



Bear Buy limits attachments and internet (url) links to 10 total attachments per order. 

  • Whenever possible, combine individual attachments in order to reduce the total number of attachments in a Purchase Requisition.  Combining attachments will prevent any PO interface problems between BearBuy and BFS.
  • Attach documents at the line level of a Shopping Cart whenever possible.