September 16, 2016   

First Edition  
Let's Journey Together!  
Trying to stay awake 
Have you ever driven to the grocery store or your place of work, turned off the car, and then wondered how you got there? Sometimes we simply go through the motions and don't see what is right in front of us. Other times we choose to stay asleep. The pain of the world can be overwhelming.

But the risk of becoming numb has a corrosive effect, and prevents us from really living. 

As we continue in our theme "Outside my own little world" we'll hear a story about a young man who fell asleep during a sermon and fell from a second story window (it's in the Bible!) and consider the importance of being awake to the world around us.

Here's a song to get you thinking...  
Pastor Ginny 


will be welcomed during worship on October 16. Contact Pastor Ginny if you want to know more about taking a step toward deeper commitment to walking with your friends at First Church.

AppleFest is one week away! 
September 24th is the date for AppleFest, our biggest fundraiser of the year, and we still need help! The event runs from 10-4, with the Tag Sale starting at 9am. 
Please sign-up to help! Work the day of the event or assist with set-up and break-down. Sign-up outside Cook Hall or call the office at 860-653-4537 to add your name to the volunteer list!
A Women's Boutique and Kitchen Shop have been added. Donate items to the Tag Sale, Boutique or Kitchen Shop Sept 19-22 from 3:00 to 6:00. Call the church office to make special arrangements.

We will not accept books (except cookbooks), VHS videos, clothing, outdated electronics or outdated sports equipment.

Do you have a Canopy that you can lend for AppleFest?
Label and drop off to the Church vestibule this Sunday.

CARNEGIE HALL RECITAL - Tuesday, Sept 27 at 7:30pm
Baritone Robert Barefield and pianist Carolyn Hague will present a recital of American Art Songs at First Church. The program consists of works by Virgil Thomson, Charles Ives, Theodore Chanler, Marion Bauer and Scott Wheeler. This recital will be repeated on October 2nd at Carnegie Hall in New York City to benefit Global ADE, a charity dedicated to strengthening education in developing countries through community-driven programs. Proceeds will support ongoing construction of the Stephen Mazujian Middle School in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Two book discussions are planned for the fall...

Neither Wolf Nor Dog is the title we'll read and explore with friends at South Church, which traces the experience of author Kent Nerburn as he travels with a Native American elder and learns his tribal wisdom. With humor and candor, the story exposes readers to some of the differences between European American culture and that of the First Nation people. Save the date: Sunday, October 23 at 12 pm    **NEW DATE/TIME ** 
Women's Spirituality Groups are reading The Translator by Leila Aboulela.
This is the story about a widowed Muslim woman who falls in love with a Scottish secular academic. "An exquisitely crafted meditation on love, both human and divine, The Translator is ultimately the story of one woman's courage to stay true to her beliefs, herself, and her newfound love."
Next Meeting:
Monday, October 10 - 7pm at Linda Betsch's home
or Monday, October 17 - 10:30am at FCC
Understanding Islam
November 5, 9:30am to 3pm, $50 Registration A day-long workshop with Aida Mansoor is being offered at Wisdom House in Litchfield. For more information, click here.

Speaking of "exploring," Pastor Ginny and husband Doug Williams depart next week for 2-1/2 weeks in Italy. (Check their Facebook pages for photo updates.) They'll spend 3 days in Florence before traveling to the Chianti region of Tuscany and then south to Umbria where Doug will join a plein air painting group. (Don't worry, Ginny won't be bored.) They return October 9th.
CT clergy meet with founder of Moral Mondays
Last week a group of about 100 faith leaders, including 25 UCC clergy, met September 8 at Central Connecticut State University to hear the Rev. Dr. William Barber ll (Pastor of Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina, President of the North Carolina NAACP, and architect of the Moral Monday Movement in NC) speak on the origins and journey of the Moral Monday Movement.. Read more here.

Welcoming Refugees...
We started a conversation two weeks ago, with the story about other CTUCC congregations who are taking part in the effort to resettle Syrian refugees in our state. Read more about it here.

Can you tune a mower, repair a broken stair tread, or program a cable TV remote? Contact Sue or Ginny to add your name to a list we can call on when these needs arise among our frail elders.

Could you spend a couple of hours in someone's home to give the caregiver a bit of respite - or just time to run a few errands? Contact Corinne or  Ginny if you can help.
  • Team leader for 2017 Bike & Build event - a one-time effort that builds on good notes from past 10+ years of experience.
  • Team leaders to work on Mission Grants and Volunteer Projects for the 2016-17 Church Year.
Contact Bill Bentley if you can help. 
Sunday Night Youth
Election of Officers, Sept 18th, 7 - 8:30

This Sunday morning in the SchoolHouse  

We talk about 
 - in particular Firefighters.
When everyone else runs out, they run in. 

"He who would be greatest among you, let him be your servant."  
Children will begin in the worship service 
and when directed, head downstairs for the lesson.

On September 25th
Youth share the Perspectives Experiences we had in Worship with you... 
Black Lives Matter, the spirituality of Hip Hop, the homeless, the elderly,
new Muslim friends, and stories from LGBT-DC.

Check back here for more information about the new YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD
a group that will include parents and non-parents, FCC members and non members.
Working with Rebecca, the YAB will develop guidelines and provide logistical support for Sunday Night Youth.


Sue Miltenberger (Office Manager)
Rev. Ginny McDaniel (Senior Minister)

Rebecca Brown (Leader, Children & Youth Ministry 

Jerron Jorgensen (Music Director)

Church Office Phone: 860-653-4537   

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