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BYU-Hawaii Dorm Open House

'Talking Story' about the PCC


August 20, 2013 Edition

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Progress with BYU-Hawaii's campus renovation continues, and you're invited to tour the newest facility.


An open house for a recently completed Single Student dorm will take place this Thursday, August 22nd, from 2-5 pm (see flyer info and map below).



BYU-H Single Student Housing Flyer


The university recently held an open house for new married student housing in June, and is looking forward to the open house and dedication of the Heber J. Grant multi-purpose building in early September. 



'Talking Story' about the Polynesian Cultural Center


As the Polynesian Cultural Center celebrates it's 50th anniversary this year, the center's president and CEO, Alfred Grace, was interviewed by Hawaii Business magazine.


Grace discusses how the PCC helps "to preserve and perpetuate the arts, crafts and culture of Polynesia," recent renovations at the center, and some of the PCC's challenges and opportunities. To view the 'talk story' feature, click on this link:




Alfred Grace, Pres. & CEO, Polynesian Cultural Center  


To find out more about the PCC's golden anniversary events, particularly those coming up in early September, go to: http://pcc50.com/.




The Envision Lā'ie Team

     Envision Lā'ie represents a diverse group of residents and stakeholders of Ko'olau Loa working together to study Lā'ie and plan for its future possibilities, a future that protects quality of life and emphasizes the values of the people who live in the Ko'olau Loa region.
     For more information, visit: