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City Council Hearing Wednesday

Summer Bash Fun Recap


August 5, 2013 Edition


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Aloha ,  


It's official - the Honolulu City Council will hold its first hearing on the Ko'olau Loa Sustainable Communities Plan (KSCP) this Wednesday, August 7th at Leeward Community College at 10 a.m.


The KSCP helps guide City land use decisions in our region for the next 25 years. After years of public meetings and input the City's Department of Planning & Permitting amended the plan to include some of Envision Laie's growth proposals, including more housing, jobs and growth for the community, BYU-Hawaii, and the Polynesian Cultural Center.


You can help either by attending or sending in written testimony in support via web e-mail at http://www.honolulu.gov/council/emailccl.htm or by fax to (808)768-3826. Reference Bill 47 (Ko'olau Loa SCP).


We encourage everyone to participate and provide input -- every voice counts!



Summer Bash Fun


The "Laie Days" Summer Bash, hosted on July 26th by Hawaii Reserves, Inc., and the Laie Shopping Center, was a lot of fun!

Kids line up for free rides at Summer Bash 2013
Youth line up for free rides at "Summer Bash" 2013


Envision Laie popcorn tent
Free popcorn was provided at the Envision Laie tent


Residents tour the Envision Laie Info Center
Residents visited the Envision Laie Info Center to learn about current projects and future possibilities


The event featured great entertainment, 'ono food from our local vendors, and free rides for the keiki. As always, a good time was had by everyone at this year's "bash" - mahalo to everyone who participated!


The Envision Lā'ie Team

     Envision Lā'ie represents a diverse group of residents and stakeholders of Ko'olau Loa working together to study Lā'ie and plan for its future possibilities, a future that protects quality of life and emphasizes the values of the people who live in the Ko'olau Loa region.
     For more information, visit: