Foundation for Reformed Theology


Deep in the New Testament, it is written: "Contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3b, emphasis added).

This is what we do. The Foundation for Reformed Theology contends for the historic, Christian faith of the Reformed church today. We do this especially through our ministerial study seminars and also through translations and publications of books of Reformed theology and through our reading programs, lectures, and graduate scholarships.

This is what our ministers do. They contend for the faith by studying, learning, and recovering the historic faith of the church in order to explicate it in the idiom of our own day and then to apply it to better preaching, better teaching, and better pastoral care. All of this is to build up the congregations they serve.

Will you do this with us, also? Will you join us in contending for the historic faith of the church by making a gift to the Foundation for Reformed Theology? Will you give to our annual fund to help us support these ministers and build up the congregations they serve?

It is no secret that the Presbyterian Church is in great distress. And it is not at all obvious how to address that at the denominational level. But the genius of the Foundation is that we are helping to build up individual congregations, one at a time, by helping their pastors recover the historic faith of the church. And we need your help to do that.

Previous gifts have made it possible for us to reimburse room, board, and travel for ministers to participate in our guided study seminars for the past twenty-plus years. Previous and current gifts have made it possible for us to have had eighty-eight ministers participate in our seminars this year. And as we consider the calling God has given us, we realize that we need to reach hundreds more ministers all across the church.

We are grateful to have received gifts of more than $75,000 already this year. In order for us best to serve our current participants and to continue to strive to reach more, we need another $75,000 by the end of the year. Your gifts help us help them contend for the faith.

To those who have already given this year: Thank you again for giving already this year and for contending for the faith with us! I am mailing this annual fund appeal letter to all of our current donors, also, to keep you informed about what we are doing and how we are doing it.

To those who have given in previous years: Thank you for contending for the faith with us by giving previously. Will you give generously to the Foundation this year, also, to help us help ministers build up local congregations of the church of Jesus Christ?

And to those who have not yet given: Will you contend for the faith with us? Will you give generously to the Foundation today to help us help ministers build up local congregations of the church of Jesus Christ?
Contend for the faith! Dr. James C. Goodloe IV

Grace and Peace,

Dr. James C. Goodloe IV,
Executive Director
Foundation for Reformed Theology
4103 Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23230-3818
(804) 678-8352,
Please Donate Now to support the mission and work of the Foundation. 

The Foundation is exempt from Federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3)  

and is not a private foundation as defined by Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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