November 2014
A Heart of Thankfulness 
"Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.
    Let the whole world know what he has done."
Psalm 105:1

Here we are in November.  We have so much to be thankful for, both in our family and in ministry.  We are truly blessed.
VBS at Aviva
You may be thinking, VBS??  In November?? Exactly.  Since the school year here in Guatemala starts in January and ends in October, November is the month for VBS.  We were blessed with a group from Restoration Church in South Carolina that came to help us with this year's VBS.  We hit the streets to invite the kids from our nearby neighborhood the first day.  We were expecting at the most 25 children and we saw over 50 children each of the 3 days of bible school.  As an added blessing the ladies group held simultaneous ladies meetings to reach out to the mothers.  With so much of the Word planted, we know we will see a great harvest in their lives and their families!

Service Projects

While the group was here we were also able to do a few building projects.  One of the projects was helping to expand a social clinic that one of our dear friends and pastors operates in Xela.  This clinic is near one of our bigger markets and gives a health care option to the poor who would not normally have access to adequate care.   With the group's help, we were able to make a great advance on the new addition. We are very thankful for all those that helped.

We were also able to help our local congregation with some improvements to the facilities that were needed.  The church right now is in a store front on a busy road and the road noise was a problem.  Thanks to the team we now have doors and a sound barrier which is a huge help for services.

And the group even went a step further to bless our pastor with needed plumbing and electrical work at his home.  We are so thankful for all that we were able to accomplish in just a few short days.
As we enter this season of thanksgiving we want you to know that we are thankful to each and every one of you that make our ministry here in Guatemala possible.  As you know as independent missionaries we are responsible for raising 100% of our support.  The offerings you send allow us to continue to live and minister here. It gives us the ability to train new leaders and host outreach events.  We are able to touch the lives of pastors and encourage them.  We are able to help those in need.  We are able to make a difference. 
We know that next year there is even more to be done.  For some of our projects we know we will need to build our support base.  Will pray with us? God has always provided and we know He already has a plan to meet this need.

Serving Christ by serving others,

John & Tracy Batchelor

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World Outreach Ministries
PO Box B
Marietta, GA 30061

please note the donation is for John & Tracy Batchelor
Fund code #28
U.S. Visit
In December, we will be making a short family trip to be with our families for Christmas.  We would love a chance to share with everyone what God is doing here in Guatemala.  If you, your church or home group would like us to speak during this time please contact us via email at: or

Special Needs

Many of you have asked for a list of both our family and ministry needs.  We have compiled that list and have it ready so just let me know by sending me an email and I will get it to you.

As i mentioned above we will be visiting our families in December. 
When we make these trips it is always difficult because we have to maintain expenses in Guatemala as well as pay our expenses in the US.  Would you consider a special offering to help with these extra expenses?? 

One of our biggest expenses while we are there will be renewing the girls clothing wardrobes.  Our daughters have grown so tall that we are unable to buy clothes and shoes in our sizes here in Guatemala so the list of things that need replacing is quite large.  Especially since it has been 2 years since our girls have been in the U.S. to do so.  Gift cards to help with these purchases would be a HUGE blessing.



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click for online donations
or mail your donations to
World Outreach Ministries
PO Box B
Marietta, GA 30061

please note the donation is for John & Tracy Batchelor
Fund code #28

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