Project Profile
Creating a Nonprofit Video

Our client wanted a professionally created video that would be fun, upbeat and tell their story. We thought it would be interesting (and cost-effective) to film the sizzle video in one location where staff, clients, and supporters would be all gathered together - at their annual walkathon. 

Sizzle Video
Sizzle reels (also commonly referred to as demo reels, promo videos, corporate communications videos, media campaign videos, or media highlight reels) are 1-to-5 minute videos that combine visuals, audio, and messaging to create a fast paced, stylized overview of a product, service, initiative or brand.


Project Independence
Project Independence


The Process
We created storyboards to outline the progression of the video (and what messaging would be used) and worked with staff to determine who would be interviewed and what questions would be asked.  We then spent the event day filming and interviewing and the next couple of weeks creating the final video, screening and editing interviews and piecing together the good parts with the "B roll" footage of the event to create a video that tells the organization's story while showcasing their biggest fundraising event. 

Extra Added Benefits 
Filming at the event provided a beautiful background for interviews, and had the extra added benefit of generating a significant amount of excitement as people attending the event watched and interacted with the camera crew. We also pulled out the individual interviews (including ones that were not used in the final video) to create a series of short testimonials for the organization. 
Branded4Good Video Services
For more information about our video services, contact us at 949-551-6121 or For a quote, fill out our online questionnaire