Welcome to
The Afterlife Advocate
 A Conversation about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving
and the Journey of the Soul

Issue # 6 - April 2015 

Published by The Afterlife Education Foundation,
producer of the original Afterlife Conference 

Grief as a
Mystical Journey:

Sacred Practices for
Turning Loss into Love

The Fifth Annual 
Where mystics and medics, shamans and scientists gather together to  share wisdom and create common ground.
Our 2015 lineup includes psychic medium John Holland, Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Eben Alexander, out-of-body explorer William Buhlman, Suzane Northop,  authors Anita  Moorjani and Annie Kagan (Annie via Skype), and more!

Easter and Passover

I originally thought I should begin this column by apologizing to those who might be offended at what I'm about to say. And then I realized that I went back to school at age 56 to get a degree in Religious Studies so that I would no longer feel the need to apologize for my perspective on religion.

I frequently speak publicly about what I call "disempowering theologies," and you can see an example HERE. It's a seven minute video, and I hope you'll watch it, and then take a moment to reflect on how you developed your image of God.

If you celebrate Passover and/or Easter in the traditional way, I strongly urge you to read some scholarly books about the history of Judaism and Christianity. Many of you are old enough to remember the 1970s bumper sticker that said "Question Authority." Why are so many people afraid to question religious authority?

In honor of Easter and Passover, and the deeply mystical practices and traditions that are the true source of these celebrations, I invite you to investigate what scholars call a "historical-critical" view of Western religion. 

Here are some books I highly recommend. Read at least one of them, and decide for yourself:

Jesus Interrupted by Bart Ehrman
God is a Verb  by David Cooper
The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra
The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels
Who Wrote the Bible by Richard Elliott Friedman

Love and Blessings...

Rev. Terri Daniel
Author, Educator
Founder, The Afterlife Conference
Induced After-Death Communication:  
A Metaphysical Therapy
for Grief and Trauma
Contributed by Gary Beaver, IADC Therapist


Most of the people who come to me for Induced After-Death Communication therapy (IADC) have suffered a loss and are stuck in it, still experiencing crushing grief after years, sometimes even decades. Time has not healed them, so they're looking for something else. IADC therapy is the most revolutionary approach I've found for working with grief and trauma, and the results continually amaze me.  The program consists of two 90-minute sessions held on consecutive days. The first session is intended to address and clear the client's grief, and the second session is focused on facilitated communication between the client and the deceased loved one.  READ MORE...

Gary is one of the presenters at the upcoming Afterlife Conference
A hospice doctor, a minister, a psychic medium
and an astral traveler walk into a bar
and order some spirits... 

No, it's not a joke, it's an online teleclass with psychic medium John Holland, physician Karen Wyatt MD, out-of-body explorer William Buhlman and Rev. Terri Daniel talking about life in the afterlife! 

It aired earlier this week, but if you missed it, you can listen to the archive HERE

The Fifth Annual Afterlife Conference

Norfolk, VA.
June 4 -7, 2015

Special conference discount!
Only five available! 

Thanks to recent contributions to our scholarship fund,
we have a limited number of discounted tickets available.  
The first five people to register via THIS LINK
will receive $75 off a general admission ticket!
(Regular price $425... you pay $350) 

The Original Afterlife Awareness Conference -  www.AfterlifeConference.com

Can't make it to the conference? 

Watch it online via livestream! 

Our 2015 livestream broadcast is now available for purchase. You can watch it live, in real time, or view it later at your convenience.
Contact us:

 [email protected]  



Our main website:



The Afterlife Education Foundation (AEF) is an Oregon non-profit corporation founded in 2010 in response to the need for
an expanded worldwide conversation
about the survival of consciousness after death.
 Stay informed!

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