Welcome to
The Afterlife Advocate
 A Conversation about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving
and the Journey of the Soul

Issue # 2 - December 201

Published by The Afterlife Education Foundation,
producer of the original Afterlife Conference 

A Shaman's View of Life Beyond the Body
Two free
ebook downloads!

Arielle Ford's 
Love on the Other Side
Terri Daniel's
A Swan in Heaven 
How to Write
a Letter From Heaven
Real Mediums vs. Fakes
The Fifth Annual 

Where mystics and medics, shamans and scientists gather together to  share wisdom and create common ground! 
Our 2015 lineup includes psychic medium John Holland, Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Eben Alexander, out-of-body explorer William Buhlman, Suzane Northop,  authors Anita  Moorjani and Annie Kagan (Annie appears via Skype), and a stellar list of  physicians, researchers, grief counselors and spiritual leaders.

Earlybird prices expire Dec. 31, for a $40 discount!
Happy Winter Solstice Season! 

Thank you all so much for your enthusiastic repsonse to the premiere issue of our newsletter last month.  We are honored to have the opportunity to connect with you. 

Because the holiday season can be difficult for those who are missing departed loved ones, this issue is dedicated to after-death communciation and mediumship, and features two  offers for FREE ebooks (until Dec. 31):  

The first is Arielle Ford's Love on the Other Side, full of compelling stories about how the love connection continues in the afterlife after one half of a soulmate couple dies. Get the free dowloand HERE.

The second is Terri Daniel's 2007 classic, A Swan in Heaven, which chronicles the detailed inter-dimensional conversations Terri had with her son Danny on the Other Side. Click HERE to download, and enter coupon code 
What Constitues 
Real Mediumship?
Contributed by Jock Brocas
More and more individuals are recognizing the value of mediumship to help those struggling with grief and loss. But with this interest comes bad standards and people purporting to be mediums who are not in any way communicating with spirit. Now more than ever there is now a real need to understand the process of mediumship and what constitutes good supporting evidence.  Read More...


A Shaman's View of Life Beyond the Body
Contributed by Jan Engels-Smith
In Shamanism, the belief that there is no death is a concept grounded in the belief of the soul existing in a never-ending process of regeneration. Our soul remembers our ancient past, engages with our current environment, and knows our future lives. We live forever and our soul is immortal. Read more...  
How to Write
a Letter From Heaven

Throughout the world and throughout history it has been believed that our loved ones on The Other Side are only a breath away, and that receiving messages from them is natural and expected. It is not a special gift reserved for saints and sages... it is a birthright available to all of us.

Pearls of Wisdom
 Snippets of conversation
from our Facebook group

People think mediumship is a gift, but it isn't a gift...   it is an ability that we ALL HAVE, but only a few chose to work hard to better themselves at it. We could all play the piano, but only a few choose to devote themselves to mastering it. The same is true for trained, skilled mediums. 
People often ask, "Why do people who've never heard these communication before, suddenly hear from loved ones who have died?" And the answer is this... grief opens the heart, especially if the grief is processed with spiritual awareness. 


The problem is that people tend to think grief and suffering is "bad." If we understand that suffering is not only necessary, but a path to grace and enlightenment, we would see our losses  differently. With each expereience we are faced with a choice.....remain trapped in anger, bitterness and other fear-based states, or allow exapnsion. 
Want to be part of the conversation?
Join us on Facebook!
The Fifth Annual Afterlife Conference

Norfolk, VA.
June 4 -7, 2015

Earlybird prices expire Dec. 31! 
REGISTER NOW to save $40! 

Featuring psychic medium John Holland, Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Eben Alexander, out-of-body explorer William Buhlman, authors Anita Moorjani and Annie Kagan (Annie appears via Skype), mediums Suzane Northrop and Hollister Rand, and a stellar lineup of physicians, shamans, scientific researchers, grief counselors and more!  Visit www.AfterlifeConference.com for details.

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The Afterlife Education Foundation (AEF) is an Oregon non-profit corporation founded in 2010 in response to the need for
an expanded worldwide conversation
about the survival of consciousness after death.
 Stay informed!