4 Ways to Connect Your Seder to Israel & The Jewish People
This year we encourage you to discuss the controversial issue of army duty for all in Israel, to relate to the current situation of the Jews in the Former Soviet Union countries, to acknowledge changes in religious pluralism in Israel, and to ask the question "To whom does the Jewish State belong ?".
and German (coming soon). You can download and print it in color or black and white.
Feel free to share our ideas and conversation starters with friends and family to enhance their Seder experience.
On behalf of all of us at Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami we wish you, your family, and friends and all of
Am Yisrael a Chag Pesach kasher v'sameach!
Happy Passover! !חג שמח
Dr. Stephen Wolnek, President, MERCAZ Olami Gillian Caplin, President, Masorti Olami
Rabbi Tzvi Graetz, Executive Director, Masorti Olami & MERCAZ Olami
Update on Ukraine
As of now, between fundraising efforts by Masorti Olami, Midreshet Yerushalayim, United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism and American Jewish University, we have raised more than $45,000 for Ukraine. We are thankful to the Chicago Jewish Federation and to the Jewish Agency for emergency funding and to the Rabbis and synagogues who helped raise Purim tzedakah in their congregations.
In a recent meeting with Rabbi Reuven Stamov and Midreshet Yerushalayim, we have so far allocated funds for: Security enhancements including security cameras for 5 communities, enhanced security for camp programs, a student Shabbaton, Purim, Shavuot and Lag B'Omer celebrations and activities and Passover Seder subventions in Kiev, Odessa, Chernovich and Berdichev. As well, scholarships for family camp will be available to make the program accessible to more families who may not be able to afford the cost.
This was truly a movement wide effort and responding to a Jewish community in crisis. Thank you to everyone who generously gave from their heart for this campaign.
Rabbi Reuven Stamov reading from their newly donated Megillah.
Counting up "tzedakah coins" at Israel Center of Conservative Judaism in Flushing, NY that were donated to our communities in Ukraine
Mazal Tov Gloria!
Mazal Tov to our board member and officer, Ms. Gloria Landy who has been elected to the position of Secretary of World Jewish Congress - American Section. For many years, Gloria has been serving as the Main Representative to the Non Governmental Organizations, Department of Public Information at the United Nations for Masorti Olami. Connect to our NGO on Facebook by clicking here.
Congratulations Gloria on an honor well deserved!
The 4 Questions in 300 Languages (even Klingon!)
"300 Ways to Ask the 4 Questions" is the Seder's Four Questions translated by hundreds of people around the world into their native languages - every language you've heard of ... and ones you haven't! A portion of the sales will be contributed to Masorti Olami to support its programs and activities worldwide!
NOAM in Argentina
60 people from the Masorti movement in Argentina gathered together on a Sunday to learn about Masorti ideology and to exchange views with other streams of Judaism. The event was organized by Bet Ha'Am, the training course for NOAM youth workers. The panel generated a rich discussion about vision and ideology which will be used in the years to come as a guide for the future. The group later separated with the NOAM coordinators meeting together with the Head Education Coordinator of NOAM AMLAT, about best practices. Overall, the day was a huge success and more training sessions like this are already being planned.
Purim 2014
Budapest, Hungary
Bet El Santiago, Chile
Montevideo, Uruguay
Kiev, Ukraine