The holidays of freedom from persecution and slavery, Purim and Passover are upon us. While most of us are privileged to live in communities where we have to worry about neither, not all of us are as lucky.
We have all seen the disturbing news coming from Ukraine. Masorti Rabbi Reuven Stamov, his wife Lena and their two daughters live in Kiev where both Reuven and Lena head up Masoret Kiev - a Masorti synagogue that not only holds services but many activities as well for the entire Jewish community. There is also a Masorti presence in Odessa, Donetsk, Kharkov, Chernowitz, Berdichev and many other cities sponsored by Masorti Olami and Midreshet Yerushalalyim at the Schechter Institute. In Kharkov and Chernowitz, there are Tali Jewish day schools. Kharkov alone has 140 students and holds daily and Shabbat services. They are located in southeast Ukraine and close to Crimea. We even have kehillot in Crimea itself.
Masorti Olami and Midreshet Yerushalayim are in touch with all of our communities in Ukraine and getting updates on a constant basis. The situation is tense and unstable. People in Kharkov are starting to stock up on supplies in the event of a war and in Kiev they have been doing that since the start of the demonstrations.
Now is the time to support our fellow Jews in Ukraine. In the spirit of Matanot L'Evyonim, we would like to ask each of you to donate to our special Purim Appeal with all of the proceeds going to our communities in Ukraine.
Together with USCJ and Midreshet Yerushalayim, with support from the Jewish Agency and the Chicago Federation, we have raised over $25,000. This is a significant sum but will only cover part of the need. Jewish institutions need increased security especially since it is unclear who is controlling the law enforcement in Ukraine. We need to ensure that our synagogues and centers are safe places, both physically and spiritually. We need to make sure that there is funding available to help with Purim celebrations and Passover Seders for all Jews in Ukraine. Ukraine residents are afraid to leave their homes so we are planning a secure Shabbaton weekend to bring families and kids together.
Donations can be given to your synagogue directly, online at (make sure to write Purim Appeal for Ukraine in the dedication box) or checks can be made out to and sent directly to "World Council of Synagogues" 3080 Broadway, NY, NY 10027.
May we all have a safe and joyous Purim holiday.
Rabbi Tzvi Graetz,
Executive Director, Masorti Olami & MERCAZ Olami