Masorti Europe meets in Valencia, Spain
 Walking through the history of Jewish Valencia and Sagunto intrigued me but what really struck me was exactly who I was with as we toured. Everyone who was with me is part of the effort in reviving, enhancing, strengthening and building Jewish life in Europe. In cities that once expelled their Jews, or in countries that tried to eliminate Jews or in countries who provided safe haven, these dedicated men and women understand the importance of offering the Masorti Jewish experience to the Jews of Europe. We all may have been walking through history but at the same time, by gathering together, we are making history. We are working to insure that the next generation and the one after that knows where they come from but also where they are going and to understand why its important. read more
Masorti Olami Leadership Shabbaton
|  On February 20 - 22, the first ever Masorti Olami Leadership Shabbaton will take place at Kibbutz Tzuba in Israel. The weekend will include a tour of the Tzuba winery, strategic planning sessions, Shabbat services and learning and after havdalah, a Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami board meeting. |
4 MAROM AMLAT groups and 1 NOAM AMLAT Hadracha group consisting of over 120 youth and young adults have arrived in Israel for 2-6 week program. They have already studied at the Conservative Yeshiva, met with Masorti leadership and discussed the burning issues about Israel while touring the country. B'ruchim Haba'im, We're glad you're here!
Arkava Chile visits Los Angeles and Israel!
As part of the Arkava Jewish learning program in Chile for young adults, organized by MAROM Olami, 40 participants spent 5 days visiting the Jewish community in Los Angeles, including sessions with Rabbi Elliot Dorff, Rabbi David Wolpe and Rabbi Sharon Brous. The group then traveled to Israel for a 2 week seminar on Jewish and Zionist identity with a focus on returning to Chile with renewed enthusiasm in staying involved in their communitites.