Gillian Caplin presenting outgoing president, Alan Silberman with a plaque in honor
of his service
On December 11, Gillian Caplin was voted in as President of Masorti Olami. Not only is Gill the first female president but she is also the first president from outside of North America. Gillian resides in London with her family and has spent many years active in Masorti UK and Masorti Europe.
Click here to read a recent article by Gill published in the Times of Israel.
Evening of Tribute
Gillian Caplin, Rabbi Jacob Herber, Alan Silberman, Cantor Steve Stoehr, Janet Tobin and Rabbi Tzvi Graetz
Snowy (but successful) Evening of Tribute in Chicago
Not snow nor cold could stop Masorti Olami supporters and friends and family of our Honorees from coming out to our Evening of Tribute held on December 8, 2013 at North Shore Suburban Beth El synagogue in Highland Park, IL. It was a wonderful evening of song, tribute, delectables and a great show of support for the important work of Masorti Olami around the world. Click here to see pictures.
WZO Vaad HaPoel Meetings
In November, members of MERCAZ met in Jerusalem to vote on resolutions that effect all of us. Some of the more important resolutions passed support pluralism in Israel, equal funding for all religious streams and the Sharansky proposal for the Western Wall.
Members of MERCAZ voting at the Vaad HaPoel meetings in Jerusalem
3rd Annual MERCAZ Olami Awards
took place on November 4 at the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center for Conservative Judaism. MERCAZ delegates from all over the world attended to honor Moshe Cohen and Gloria Cohen and to attend orientation for the Vaad HaPoel meetings that week.
Moshe Cohen speaks after receiving his award.
Gloria Cohen, holding her award with Rabbi Tzvi Graetz and Dr. Steve Wolnek.
MAROM in Madrid
Participants in the MAROM Europe Seminar in Madrid including Rabbi Joshua Cohen
(far left), Director of Education and Engagement, MAROM Olami.
MERCAZ Olami visits Chile & Argentina
Dr. Steve Wolnek, President of MERCAZ Olami traveled to Chile (pictured above) and was then joined by Alan Silberman, Immediate Past President, Masorti Olami in Argentina. Pictured below are Steve and Alan with FEDECC Argentina.
Hanukkah around the World
Hanukkah in Bet El in Madrid
Lighting the Hanukkiah at Hanukkah Family Camp in Ukraine.
Hanukkah at Palacio de la Moneda in Chile
Dor Jadash in Budapest celebrates Hanukkah in a public square
despite the recent display of anti-semitism in the country